
Should've Kissed You


Yoona gripped the soft leather exterior of the steering wheel, in an attempt to calm herself down. Her mind was in shambles as she tried to focus on driving. But the girl sitting beside her proved to make focusing more difficult with each passing minute. Her body shook slightly in a mix of both nervousness and excitement. Her breath was ragged and uneven. Her heart beat rapidly and she couldn’t control it. Amidst this war of emotions, she felt a warm hand grasp her wrist, pulling her out of the confusion. The hand tugged her wrist down to intertwine their hands together. Yoona’s mouth formed a small smile and her face turned a light shade of pink. She tightened her grip on the small hand in hers as her mind began to clear and her breathing settled. The owner of the hand was none other than her girlfriend, Seohyun.

They’ve been dating for a little over 6 months. They met at their university, at the library to be precise. Seohyun, a librarian, saw how a beautiful, doe-eyed girl came everyday to the library, reading books on advanced psychology. But this girl was struggling and it seemed as if she was making no progress at all despite her valiant efforts. Coincidentally, Seohyun was also taking psychology. She wondered why she had never noticed this girl in her class before and as the days passed; her curiosity pushed her to approaching the girl. They quickly became friends and Seohyun offered to tutor Yoona to which the doe-eyed girl agreed.

During their tutoring sessions, Seohyun felt herself slowly fall the girl but she was scared that the girl didn’t feel the same way for her. Days turned into months and soon they were given the final tests for their psychology class. Seohyun was in the library, as usual, when Yoona came in shrieking that she passed the test and the class. This was a bittersweet moment for Seohyun knew that the chances of seeing Yoona again have drastically decreased. Her heart was broken with this thought yet she tried to keep a smile on her face. She briefly congratulated Yoona and excused herself as she felt the tears threatening to spill out. She turned her back to Yoona in an attempt to leave when she felt a strong hand pull her back. Yoona stared deeply in to Seohyun’s eyes and spilled her true feelings toward Seohyun out. It turns out that Yoona loved Seohyun as much as Seohyun loved her, if not more. Seohyun eagerly agreed as she took the other girl in a loving embrace marking the beginning of their relationship.

But even after dozens of dates, Yoona couldn’t muster up the courage to even kiss Seohyun. Every chance that is presented to her, she reluctantly pulls back due to embarrassment. The closest they’ve come to a kiss, was when Seohyun kissed Yoona on the cheek. Of course, Yoona’s face flushed red and a slur of gibberish was all she could do in return. In reality, Yoona desperately wanted to kiss Seohyun but she was just very, very nervous. Tonight was no different.

They’ve just finished another date and once again, they found themselves in front of Seohyun’s small house. The silence in the car was so great that the seemingly unnoticeable hum of Yoona’s car became evidently noticeable. Seohyun was the one who broke the silence.

“Thanks for tonight, Yoong. I enjoyed it very much,” Seohyun said smiling.

Yoona turned her head to face Seohyun, returning the smile. Seohyun quickly leaned in to kiss Yoona on her cheek. Yoona’s gaze strayed from Seohyun’s and her face became hot. Seohyun giggled and proceeded to exit the car. Yoona felt her hand shoot up to grab Seohyun’s wrist. The reason was unknown to Yoona, yet she couldn’t stop herself. Seohyun turned around, meeting Yoona’s confused brown orbs. Seohyun raised one of her eyebrows and Yoona released her grip from the other girl. Yoona looked away from Seohyun’s gaze once more, apologizing,


Seohyun smiled warmly and shook her head, “It’s fine. Did you want something?”

“Uh..” Yoona began, “You know that I love you, right?”

Seohyun’s glittered as she nodded her head slowly, “Yes. I love you too, Yoong.”

A smile appeared on Yoona’s face once more. Seohyun stepped back from the car, “I’ll see you at class tomorrow?”

Yoona nodded her head and watched as Seohyun walked happily to her door and stepped inside her house. Yoona released the breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding. She soon found herself back on the highway, the events of the night replaying again and again in her mind. It was still unknown to her as to why she pulled Seohyun back. But it felt right; it felt like her heart was trying to tell her something. In a flash, she found herself in front of her apartment. She parked her car and walked to the door. She entered her dark apartment room and found her roommate, Kwon Yuri finishing a glass of water. The apartment was dimly lit at the moment yet an evident hint of lust was shining in Yuri’s eyes. A chuckle came from Yoona as she examined the girl, taking in the look in her eyes.

“Had fun with Jessica-unnie?”

Yuri nodded her head, “You already know. How was your night?”

Yoona sighed heavily and slammed her body on the couch. Yuri set her glass down and walked to where Yoona was sitting. The older girl sat on the ground, “Same thing happened tonight, eh?”

Yoona sadly nodded, “Yeah.”

Yoona sat up and placed her head in her hands, “I don’t understand why. I love her Yuri-unnie. I know it.”

A somber silence filled the room. Neither of the girls knew what to say. After some time, Yuri stood up.

“Look Yoona,” she said, “I don’t know what to say to you, but I can give you my experience with that kind of dilemma.”

Yoona lifted her head up to face her Yuri unnie.

Yuri continued, “I’ve know how you feel.”

Yoona couldn’t help but laugh at the comment, “You? Kwon Yuri, the player? I doubt it! You basically pounce on every hot girl that falls for you.”

Yuri hit Yoona’s arm playfully, “Yah! I’m serious!”

Yoona laughed at her unnie’s reaction.

“But really,” Yuri was indeed serious, “Do you even remember how I was like when Jessica came around?”

Yoona nodded, “Yep. You were like me.”

“Exactly!” Yuri’s eyes seemed to shine in the dark.

“So what, unnie? I really don’t get it.”

“Wait, do you know what I did though?”

“No. Is that important?”


“What’s your point?” Yoona asked impatiently.

“My point is, you have to learn to listen to your heart,” Yuri said, a clear tone of sincerity in her voice. She placed her hand firmly on Yoona’s shoulder and continued, “You’ve listened to your heart before, when you offered it to Seohyun. Now you have to listen to it again.”

Yoona pursed her lips and absorbed the words. Yuri saw how Yoona was finally beginning to get it. She removed her grip on Yoona’s shoulder and stepped back. The older girl rubbed the back of her neck, a playful smirk on her face, “Hell, if I was you, I’d have gone crazy not getting any from my girlfriend after 6 months.”

Yoona threw a nearby pillow at Yuri, “That’s ‘cause you can’t control your ing hormones!”

Yuri caught the pillow and ran towards her room, “Whatever! Just don’t forget what I told you!”

Yoona shook her head disapprovingly but she knew that Yuri was right.

Yuri entered her room and slipped into the bed, joining the sleeping beauty. She heard the blonde head grumble as she fitted her head in the crook of Yuri’s neck. Yuri caressed Jessica’s hair and kissed her forehead. She was about to slip into a deep sleep when she heard the jingle of car keys and the front door open then close. A smile spread across her face. Mission accomplished.

Hello! CaptainCasey here! 

So, this was based on the song mentioned in the foreword but with an open ending.

Hope you enjoyed it! :D

BTW! Did anyone catch that little word play I did there?

The part where Yoona's like Yuri can't control her 'ing hormones'..

Get it? Cuz Yuri's a little hmm.. *COUGHhornyCOUGH*.. I mean excited!.. for her Sica ^///^

HAHHAHA. I'm such a clever author, aren't I?



not. (:

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Chapter 1: I enjoyed reading this story even without them kissing on the lips, YoonHyun always make me smile and feel happy because of their cuteness.. But you Should've let them kissed. Haha.
SeohyunorSica #2
Chapter 1: Haha, yulsic never cease to make me smile. Lol
Ohohoh yoonhyun have never had their first kiss. Its cute in a way.

Haha more yoonhyun pretty please, with cherry on top?? Haha
Chapter 1: you're just going to leave it like that???

i need YoonHyun to kiss!!!!!
Chapter 1: make a sequel? :D
yoona and seohyun didn't get to kiss! XD
this is so sweet though ^_^
Chapter 1: you should have written when she got there. Love the story so cute!