Because of You

Because of You

Traffic jams.. How Yuri hated them. She sat in the back of the car listening to music whilst the others around her messed around. The only other quiet person in the car was Seohyun, she was studying. There was something on Yuri's mind though..


They had been performing somewhere when Yuri saw him in the crowd. Tall, handsome, he hadn't changed at all... They had been childhood friends, they used to do everything together. Inseparable. Yuri hadn't seen him since high school, he just left without a trace. Everyone thought he was dead, police were searching for him... Yuri tried to move on from him but she was heartbroken. How could she go on without him? It was more than a simple friendship. A day without seeing the other one was hell. Yuri hadn't seen him for almost 8 and a half years. As soon as the performance had ended, Yuri ran off into the bathroom and cried.


"Yuri-ah, come out!" He yelled from outside.

Yuri came sprinting down the stairs and outside. "Why didn't you shout earlier?"

"Your curtains were still shut, I thought you were sleeping." He said.

"How long were you outside?" She asked.

"Only an hour, it's okay, the weather is nice." He said, smiling. "Lets go to the beach Yuri."


The memories taunted Yuri.. She wanted to talk to him, she wanted to run into his open arms and hug him and stay there for eternity. She still remembered how gentle he was with her and how he would always defend her. Everyone thought they were dating but they weren't. They thought it was stupid to date at the time. When the day came and he disappeared Yuri cried for months. She refused to eat, she refused to go outside, she refused to do anything. Her parents couldn't cope. Yuri went downhill, she was sent to therapists and slowly she got better.


Yuri had always had a passion for dancing. She would always practice and won many contests. He would always be there to congratulate her and support her. One day she auditioned for a company and got into one of the groups. After many hard years of training, she managed to push everything else out of her mind to focus on her career. She never thought about him again.. Until today.


When they got home, Yuri waited until everyone was sleeping then she went out onto the streets to look for him. She knew it would be hard.. People had been looking for years. A few hours later, the sun started to rise. She gave up and sat on a roof of a building.

The world without you has
Chewed out my heart
Stomped on my dignity
Torn apart my heart
So why did you leave me behind?

I miss you… I need you…
Even in my dreams I’m with you..
I miss you… I need you…
My heart aches
It’s too much to bear
And where are you?
Can’t live without you
Please come back to me
And stay with me...

Yuri was about to turn around and leave when she heard the voice.


"Why did you leave me.." She mumbled.

"I didn't.. It's hard to explain.."

She turned around and saw him stood there. She couldn't control the tears so she left them flow freely. He opened his arms out to her and she ran into him and sobbed, hugging him tightly.

"I.. Missed you so much.." She sobbed.

He smiled and her hair. "I promise I won't leave.. Ever."

He rolled up his sleeves and Yuri saw the two bracelets.

"Y.. You still have them.." She whispered.

He nodded. "So I never forgot you.."

He took one off and put it on her. She smiled.

Reunited at last.

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