Chapter 1: Meeting 1



“Whoa. This is huuuuuuge!” Hara said as she purposely drop down her luggage. Coming from the countryside, she has never been into places like this.


A lady who seemed like a staff approached her. She was unmindful of the stares that the other trainees are giving her, mocking the way she dressed and the way she was acting.


“Ma’am, you are Miss Cho Hara, right?”


She simply nodded, astounded at how pretty the lady was.


“This way to Mr. Lee Soo Man’s office.” The lady kindly smiled, she bent down to pick up her luggage when a boy tripped on the dangling strap of her bag.


“Puwahahahahahaha!” Hara cried as she watched the boy fall flat on his face, earning a few glances, the other group members of the boy tried hard to suppress their laughter.


“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry but hahaha—that was just so funny!” she said wiping a tear from her eye before reaching a hand out to the boy.


The boy glared at her before slapping her hand away and dusting himself up.


“You are seriously retarded. And you miss shortie is going to pay for that.” The boy said hovering at her and looking down on her with the huge gap of height.


“Yah! It was not my fault that YOU tripped on my bag, and who are you calling shortie?! For your information there was no problem in my height and it’s CUTE!” the girl snorted back at him.


“Sehun! Were late, come on!” one who seemed like his friend called.


“I look forward to our next meeting shortie.” The guy who was called Sehun said to her as he sprinted to the other direction.


“Hm, Sehun huh? Something tells me that this ain’t be our last meeting.” She smirked as she followed the waiting lady to the elevator.


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