❛ -00 l onceuponatime ⌒.

❛ wounded angel⌒.





`once upon a time .  




If happy ever after did exist,I would still be holding you like this.

Park Geonil.

His name is Park Geonil, 87-liner, a friend of her brother, the youngest son of PRK Entertainment - the biggest music company at the moment. 184 cm tall,good looking,wealthy and talented - so perfect just like a prince that popped out from fairy tales. All girls like him but he never plays with girls' heart. He isn't a flirty one- nice and gentle making him more perfect than he is. Graduated from the most famous music university in Tokyo making him one of the most famous guitarist who is specialize in both singing and composing. He is rumored to get married with the daughter of T-ARA model agency, Ham Eunjung next Winter. The girl was born in the same year with him,their family stautus are the same, graduated from Seoul University major in fashion designing - and has perfect face. They are perfect together,no one could deny.

Kang Jiyoung, her name is Kang Jiyoung. A 94-liner,just graduated from high school a few years ago and currently attending an average university with average score in Sooneung test. She isn't be called 'the best face' but isn't ugly,either. She eats a lot that someone could call her shubby,unlike Ham Eunjung that has the perfect shape of model. She is clumsy and childish - doesn't mature and lady-like like Eunjung. Her parents died when she was 12 and currently using the money that her parent left in the bank and living with her 7 years older brother whom working hard as an employee of PRK Entertainment. To be corrected,Kang Jiyoung is like nothing comparing to Ham Eunjung and Park Geonil 


"Jiyoung. Jiyoung-ah." a familair voice called her. The girl was back to present looking at her brother. She felt tears fell down from her eyes. The girl remains silent and stood up from the sofa where she was lying. The older silently looks at his sister without saying anything, watching the girl walks back to her room. Jiyoung has been acting like this since the prince had left her. That guy was his bestfriend,the closest friend he ever had, the only one he ever trust until he left his sister just like that. He even fought with the CEO's son for leaving his sister behind and meet someone better like Ham Eunjung. Geonil doesn't look like those kind of men but he was wrong. That perfect prince isn't as perfect as he looks, he is just a man - just someone that has feelings and wants, nothing better than a bastard he said.

"Jiyoung! Jiyoung,ah! eat first! You haven't eaten anything !" The man shouts as he follows her to the bedroom,trying to give the younger food. Hoping that the girl won't do something crazy again....




Kang Jiyong was overprotective of his sister. He was sure that he was too protective back then. If he could turn back time,he would hadn't been so protective over her. She was so vulrenable and fragile for him,so innocent that he scared to let anyone see her. But now he regrets it. He should had let her meet someone, so that she would learn how to hurt and how to get back. Not going deep down to the bottom of the dark valley of depressing. Sinking herself down as she became more lifeless as the days gone by.

Geonil was his bestfriend,the one who trust the most— the first and only one in his 26 years of life that he brought back home and introduced to Jiyoung. It was Winter of Jiyoung's last year of Junior High School,a few years after their parents died in car accident. Jiyoung was silent,depressed and scared at that time and Jiyong believed that his bestfriend,Geonil could make her happier. She was always in girls' school,from elementary school to junior high and would attend girls' highschool as well. The girl was really close to their mother and she felt lost after their parent died. The brother had tried many ways to cheer up the girl but he was clueless. The girl seems more and more quiet as the time passed. Finally, he decided to leave her just like that and made her focus on study instead.

The girl wanted to study Japanese in high school but she didn't has any basic so his best friend popped up in his head. Park Geonil was very good at Japanese. He spent a year on his childhood at the country and speaks it as well as their first language,even better than English. The idea of tutoring started from that, he asked his friend to tutor Jiyoung and he agreed. That was the first time they met.


"Japanese writing are divided into 3 styles,Hiragana,Katagana and Kanji. I will start with Hiragana first. There are 5 main vowels in Japanese which is A,I,U,E,O." Geonil said , Jiyoung looked at her brother's friend questioning. That was fast, this tutor seems to be scarier than she thought. She read the book along with his word,trying to catch up where he was. She didn't want a tutoring class and didn't think she would need one,anyway - Japanese was a new thing to her and she must make sure that she could learn it well since she would taking SOONEUNG test in a few years which mean she must use her Japanese to get into university. She sighed and looked at the older with her puppy eyes. Well,she didn't talk much doesn't mean that she would have less face expression,Kang Jiyoung the little puppy is famous with her aegyo and childish personality. Everyone still knows how she felt without telling - her face tell them everything,just like a baby, and that's something Geonil like about her.

"Hmm.. am I going to fast? Well,never mind.... okay,I'll teach you a word that starts with A sound." He sighed and ruffled the girl's hair making Jiyoung blinked in surprise.





Years passed and a little girl had grown up into a beautiful girl. Jiyoung and her tutor,Geonil became close as the time passed. It was strange that he could make her smile and started to get healed from the wound of losing her parents. Jiyong was looking from afar, he was happy that the girl got better as the time passed. She smiled,laughed and played just like the days before. Geonil visited them more often but Jiyong didn't care about that,as long as his sister smiles. He knew that the feelings of them started to develop. He sometimes took her out,just a short walk to the groceries or eating out together with Jiyong.

They three were very close and happy together. Not a luxury life,not so special,just those memories were so important to them. The days that were filled with happiness. Ttobokki,Chajjangmyun,Patbingsu, Han river, the playground near the underground station, many places in their memories. Jiyong was there too,watching every moment and kept it under the limit. He saw their closeness,even thought that they were perfect together despite of the ,everything was so perfect but there was only one mistake,one BIG mistake.

He had forgotten that Geonil was a prince.

A prince that lives in wealth,Geonil was someone who didn't belong to the normal life as they did. He was born and raised to be on the top not just as an ordinary. Kang Jiyoung, no matter how she is pretty in the brother's sight was obviously an angel. A beautiful fallen angel that fell down from the sky and lives like a normal. Even she was really an angel from the heaven,she wasn't one of the highest,unlike Geonil. There weren't perfect together, to be corrected- there were no way for them to be together.


On a sunny day of Summer, they dated. Jiyong remembered the scene,they were in the playground together,was supposed to be together just two of them but Jiyong followed them to the park. He hid behind bushes and looked at them like a Byuntae. He used to be very protective of his sister but he trust Geonil, he trusted Geonil so much that he even let them dated.

It was mid-Summer and was hot as hell. Geonil bought her Patbingsu so that the girl would feel better. She was sitting on the swing like a little kid, eating Patbingsu. Geonil looked at her with happiness in his eyes,preparing for the special plan he would do today. He re-read the script he had written, looked at the chocolate he made and even brought his Guitar there to make a perfect confession,something that Jiyoung couldn't refuse. Jiyong accepted that Geonil was well-prepared.


"I'll love you until the end of time"


That was what him said, even Jiyong believe in his word and let his friend dated his only sister. Never knew that their love won't last forever like those sweet words Geonil said to Jiyoung. Though the time they were together was short but it was the best time in Jiyoung's life. Geonil surprised her on their anniversary, took her on a perfect date. He bought her many things,phones,flowers,books and teddy bears. He taught her many things, including guitar,the instrument that she always wanted to learn.

Kang Jiyong studied guitar ; he was actually majored in guitar when he was studying but he never let Jiyoung touch his guitar. He thought the girl fits piano more than guitar. That's why the girl played piano since young. It was their parent's order, he knew that Jiyoung always wanted to play guitar all the way long. He didn't see it as a problem since the girl looked perfectly with piano but Geonil proved that he was wrong. He taught her to play guitar. The boy was good since he is a musician. Jiyoung was a fast learner, she enjoyed the sounds of the instrument and improved day by day. Jiyong saw her smiled like she never did before. She looked bright and shine,more than she had ever been.

The house was fulled of love,even a single man like Jiyong could felt it.... He still couldn't believe that it would ever comes to an end.




Alone in her room, Jiyoung looked out of the window. It had been weeks since Geonil left. He never came back, didn't even looked back at her. Just like the wind, he have gone and won't come back again.  She was tired,scared,lost and hopeless with the love that was faithful. He broke it apart,into a little pieces that scattered away and couldn't be healed.

The wind that blows from the opened window made she realized that she was still there,in the same place they used to love. In the place that they were happy together, the memories are everywhere. It was so wide that could filled her empty room. The laugher, the songs , the smiles - she remembers every single thing of them. The girl sighs, she doesn't cry, she sees no reason to cry and seems like she hasn't got any tear left to cry out. 


Geonil was changed, changed into a man she doesn't know.


No better than a stranger,they are now. She thought back the last time they met. He was slowly changed into someone she doesn't know. The distance between them started to increase and it was  too late when she realized that they couldn't get back together again. He walked away from her life and left her alone, suffering. Those promises he broke were so important and so those memories were too precious to be thrown away. She could do nothing but felt herself getting hurt day by day. She became like before she met him. The girl knew that her brother must be worried but she couldn't strong enough to force a smile on her face and says she is okay for him.

Jiyoung looked at herself in the mirror and slowly sits down in the corner. She sighs and hugs herself. It has been long time since the last time she feels like this. Love is addiction, something that would kept her smile all days like a mad and could easily turn her into the darkest girl she could ever think of. Love is dangerous, more dangerous than she ever thought and for now, she has got nothing left - only the memories remain and comes back to hurt her over and over again.


The sounds of birds take her back to reality. She looks at the creator of the sound, a sparrow. The bird is in a cage in the corner of the room,chattering as if it was talking to her. Its left wing is covered with linin. It was wounded, she found it on the balcony a few weeks ago , on the day that Geonil left her. She was crying so hard that she heard a sound came out from the window and there it was, a small sparrow with wounded wing. It was bleeding and she believes that it was in pain just like her, they are the same.

Seems like it was the sparrow that make she grows more quiet. She spent a lot of time taking care of the bird. She heals it wound,taking care of it. She doesn't know why did she do all those thing but she feels like to do it. She named it 'Cheonsa',an angel that falls from the sky just like the nickname her brother like to call her. They are the same, the angel that used to fly high but falls down from the height and got wounded that they aren't be able to get back on the heaven.

Day by day, she talks to Angel,it's become her new memory,something that Geonil isn't involve. It was the reason why she avoid to talk to her brother who is close to the guy. She becomes cold just to give her smile only to the small living. She sings for the bird without the guitar she used to play. She sings with her voice and the piano that still in her room even she used to hate it. Something she never likes become her new favorite. She tries new things she never try,she slowly filled her emptiness with something she always hate just for the wounded bird. 

As if it could understood...

There aren't any reason Jiyoung should take care of the bird, she could let it die in peace since the first day she saw it lying on the ground. It just some small boundaries between them. She saw herself in the weak sparrow,the sorrow and pain of loneliness. It might sound crazy but she did everything for the bird. As it slowly recovers,her heart starts to get heal. The bird and the girl shared their feelings,their pain and their everything.

She told the bird about Geonil, how perfect he was to her, from their first met until their farewell. How he changed and Ham Eunjung, the girl who stepped in their life and created wound in her heart. Better than no one, the bird can only looks at the girl.  Time passed as she spend her time in the room and gets worried every time she leaves the sparrow alone. The girl didn't even notice that Geonil was slowly gone from her thought and worries, she started to forget him from time to times. Even though there are still scars in her heart but it was no longer bleeding, the pain was slowly gone.

Jiyoung could never forget Geonil, all the feelings are still the same but it just changed into fading memories, light and soft like feathers that scatter in her heart, no longer harm her but still makes her eyes become teary every time she thinks of. 

"You have to leave one day,right?" She ask the bird as she plays with it. The girl opens the cage and looks at its wing.

"You're fully recover now..." Jiyoung says and sighes. Angel flies to the table to prove the girl's word. Its wings work properly now and it could fly anyway it wants. The bird flies happily and accidently drops the photograph on Jiyoung's desk. The girl widen her eyes as she sees the picture falls down with the gravity. She looks at the broken frame. She slowly goes down and picks the picture up. The picture of they two smiling together, taken on one of their hundreds days out together. She blinks as she looks at it closely,feelings that it doesn't hurt as much as the last time she looks at it.

She is about to say a word to her sparrow pet when she sees it flies away out of the opened window. Angel spreads its wings out wide as it flies beautifully. She smiles as she realizes that she is no longer deep in pain. She has to get up someday, continues to walk on her own way without Geonil. She has to grow up that no one could be crying baby forever. Jiyoung stands up and bid a goodbye to her little friend who must be shocked dropping her photograph. It's good for both of them for the farewell.


Sadness flies away on the wings of time.

Thinking of the time she and Angel spends together to get recover, she thought she would never get better and would be stuck with her sadness forever but at last its get better as the time goes. May be it was just like that, god gives her a hand to get back on,sending an 'angel' to her. Jiyoung smiles and faces back to the door, may be it's the time for her to fix everything back. Jiyong must be worried about her and she doesn't like to see her lovely brother to be sad or seeing him got kicked out from his company by kicking the CEO's son. Jiyoung couldn't help but let out a little laugh as she walks out the door on the opposite direction where the bird goes.



Thank you, Park Geonil. For once giving me those precious days I would barely forget.

Thank you,Kang Jiyong. For always loving me and giving your best on everything.

Thank you,memories. For making me learn how to hurt,how to fall.


Thank you,Angel. For teaching me to grow up, to get back on.

Now,I'm no longer childish Jiyoung who need perfect prince Geonil right by my side.

I'm Kang Jiyoung, strong Jiyoung who won't ever let those sadness beat me down again.




- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -        the end✱ 

finally finished this ;A;
lol. thousand of grammar mistakes,misspelling and etc.
my reaction after finishing this is : WTF I have done!?
well I mixed up all plot at the end with some confusion.
well it suppose to be like 3 chapters long at first,
then I just realized that the challenge need to be oneshot Y_Y
pabo me. lol. overall the only thing I like here is the lay out!
It's beautiful,isn't it?
omg. Who's on Earth is Kang Jiyoung!?
why on Eart did I even include this random OC in the story.
[ well. his image is kinda like GD? I thought ]
omg. even though it's a really epic fan fic, I hope you enjoy it Y.Y
Don't forget to leave 
— eun


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koreadaebak #1
Chapter 1: haii.. this story so beautiful. seriously for storyline,for every words,for every characters so beautiful n amazing. i'm so speechless. one of the best one shot i've ever read. what a good job my friend. n thanks to share this wonderful fanfic of yours :-)
Catalina390 #2
Chapter 1: ok its better!! wow jiyong is her brother!!
I like it!!
Catalina390 #3
Chapter 1: IT'S Hard to me to read!!!!
the word not clear!! please change the font colour to colour that more clear like black or blue!!