When The Fever Starts

                We sat there for a moment, waiting to hear the snarling and growling of a zombie, the bangs of a gun, or at least the screams from the other guys. All we got was dead silence and that scared me more than anything else.

                “We should keep moving.” Chanyeol said after a while. I nodded and got up with them and continued to walk. We stayed near each other, deciding that splitting up wasn’t doing us any favors. Sehun lead us over to where he had last seen Suho, but nothing was there except some zombies’ head. We stood there, staring at it for a while.

                “If they got him,” Sehun said in awe. “He didn’t go down without a fight.”

                “You think Suho would go down any other way?” I asked. I kicked at the head and it snarled back, but it was less intimidating without a body. We continued down, listening carefully for any signs of the guys’ leader. We made it halfway down the road when we heard someone scream out, “Duck!”

                On reflex, the three of us dove onto the ground, covering our heads. We heard something whistle passed us, and when I looked up, I saw a zombie fall to the ground with an arrow sticking out of its forehead. I looked over to the direction the voice had come from and noticed a girl standing there with a crossbow. She glared at us as she slowly stepped closer.

                “Who are you?” she asked in a heavy Busan accent. I sat up, keeping my eyes on her, slightly afraid that she’d shoot us too.

                “I’m Nasda.” I said gesturing to myself then at the guys. “This is Chanyeol and Sehun.”

                Her eyes grew wide. “Like Chanyeol and Sehun from EXO?” she asked in a whisper.

                “You know us?” Chanyeol asked, a smile appearing on his face.

                She nodded, walking over to the motionless zombie. “Of course I do. I’m an EXOtic.”

                The guys shared a look and turned to her, turning on their charm.

                “You wouldn’t have just so happened to see Suho-hyung, did you?” Sehun asked, hopefully.

                The girl yanked the arrow out of the zombie and wiped the blood off on her pants. She looked at Sehun with a frown. “If you mean the guy that was being dragged away by a whole bunch of zombies then yes, I saw him.”

                My heart sank. That could only mean one thing: they were going to either kill him or change him. There was no way I was going to let them do either one.

                “Where?” I demanded, getting to my feet. Chanyeol and Sehun scrambled up, looking at her eagerly. She studied us for a second before pointing to where she had come from.

                “I saw them go into one of the old stores.” She said, and then paused. “I’ll go with you.” She started walking towards where she had pointed and we followed.

                Without even hesitating, I walked into the building she pointed to and shot the first zombie I saw. The others whipped around and growled at me. Sehun shot the two nearest and Chanyeol beat another until its head was completely deformed. The girl shot the ones a distance away from us, and we took off down the hall. We found Suho lying on the ground in one of the rooms with dead bodies surrounding him.

                “Suho!” I yelled, dropping to my knees and shaking his shoulder. “Get up, we have to get out of here before more come.” He let out a groan and started moving around. I noticed that he seemed unharmed, but just to make sure, I scanned his body for any bite marks or anything else suspicious. Nothing, which was strange. I pulled him up into a sitting position.

                “What happened?” He grumbled, rubbing the back of his head. “Why does my head hurt?”

                “Can we answer those questions later? We need to move.” I said in a gentle tone, not wanting to stress him out more but also trying to emphasize the importance in the matter at the moment. He nodded slightly and Chanyeol and I helped him to his feet. He leaned on us, since his leg seemed to be broken and we started walking as fast as we could back outside. Sehun and the girl took care of the few zombies that were coming towards us once we got outside and we continued down the road and turned right into the next one. That’s when I saw D.O.

                He ran over and took my place, letting Suho lean on him instead. The girl seemed taken aback at seeing EXO like this but she had no time to comment as we just continued on.

                “Sehun-ah, go check down there to see if you can see any of the other guys.” I said, pointing towards the small detour the road made to the left. He ran ahead and glanced around before back and shaking his head.

                “No sight of anyone.” He grumbled. We continued walking for what felt like a really long time but were probably just a few minutes when we heard someone calling out to us. We all turned around and saw Baekhyun coming towards us, looking shaken up. He was also limping.

                I ran over to him and hugged him before pulling back and also inspecting him for any bite marks.

                “They didn’t bite me, Nas, I got away before they could.” He said, struggling to catch his breath.

                “What happened to your ankle?” I asked, ducking under his arm and letting him lean on me for support.

                “I ran up an apartment complex to get away from some zombies and they trapped me. Apparently they can climb stairs.” I noticed him wince with each step. “I had to use a fire escape but then I realized that it ended on the third floor, so I had to jump down. I guess I landed wrong.”

                I let out a heavy sigh as we met up with the rest of the group. “We have to keep moving. I’ll patch you all up once we get back to safety.”

                “I can help.” The girl said quietly, looking at me and avoiding at looking at the boys. I had a feeling she might start fangirling or something if she did. It’s not like every day you meet EXO during a zombie attack. I nodded, grateful for her offer. I just made a mental note to keep an eye on her if she ever got around Luhan. Didn’t want her to do anything she’d regret later, now would we?

                Somehow, we made it back to the hotel without anymore problems. We locked the door, and Chanyeol, D.O, and Sehun kept watch for the rest of the guys while I went to get the first aid kit we had picked up from the grocery store earlier. I set to work wrapping up Baekhyun’s ankle while the girl went to retrieve some pain medicine from the kitchen.

                I moved on to Suho once she got back and had given him some. I started inspecting his leg while she passed the meds to Baekhyun.

                “Not broken.” I said with a relieved sigh. “It’d be at a weird angle if it was.”

                Suho frowned. “Then why does it hurt so—“ He in a sudden and painful breath as I moved his pants leg up to show him the huge gash that was going across his calf.

                “How did you not feel yourself bleeding?” I grumbled, reaching out to grab a towel.

                “I’m sorry it hurt so much I didn’t realize there was blood! It was dark!” He said defensively.

                I inspected the cut with a frown. “If we don’t close this up, you’ll bleed out.” I grumbled, glancing up at him with an apologetic look. “I’m going to have to stitch it.”

                “I’m going to throw up.” Baekhyun grumbled, looking away from the bloody cut.

                “What happened?” the girl asked, not being able to tear her eyes away from the wound.

                “You probably got dragged across broken glass.” I said with a shrug. “I’ve seen it happen before.” I looked into Suho’s eyes and sighed. “I wish I could give you something to numb the pain, but we can’t go back out there and risk another attack.”

                Suho nodded. “Yeah, I know. It’s okay.”

                I got up and went over to the first aid kid and pulled out everything I would need. I went back over to Suho and handed him another towel. “Bite down on this so you don’t scream as loud.”

                He gave me a panicked look before taking the towel.

                Worst. Thirty. Minutes. Ever.

                Baekhyun and the girl had to pin him down so he wouldn’t pull away and the towel barely made the screams of pain much quieter. I had to bite down on my lower lip to keep from crying because although I didn’t feel the pain, it sure did seem like it. Once we were down, we were all exhausted.

                All signs of exhaustion, however, disappeard when Sehun yelled, “They’re back!”



cut this short because family emergency...

i'll try to update soon but it's really serious :(

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hove most of chapter 15 written, but not sure when i can post it. sudden family problems. will try later


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Lol I knew it. Premonition dream. Oh boy, and now she has to go through it alllll over again xD oh, I'm a new reader by the way and just finished this story xD enjoyed it a lot ^^
Chapter 26: Slow clap for you author-nim. Thats was amazing! For some reason I didn't mind getting trolled :)
Chapter 27: I got trolled! HAHAHHA but thats okaay! This is my first time reading a zombie fic lmao because i just watched 'warm bodies' and im like "why not look for a zombie fic" and i found this. Ahh great story tho! I really love it! ^^
Chapter 27: OMO thank goodness it was just a dream! That freaked me out, it was so intense! At least nobody died!
Chapter 27: WOW THAT WAS AN AWESOME TWIST!!!! So does that mean that it will happen!!! Was like a vision of the future!!! GREAT ENDING!!!!
Chapter 26: OMG the ending was DAEBAK!!
tiffydn #8
Chapter 26: Ooohhh so it was a dream... But i feel that it was like a premonition dream... 7-7 with she completingbthe sentences the hodie thing and "something told me that today was going to be a busy day at work" i really feel that the zombie apocalyse will actually happen..... Is that what you wanted us to think??? Anyway!! I loved your story so sad it ended :'( but well nothing last for ever(sadly) it was a really good story while it lasted! :D btw I LOVE YOUR ENGLISH TEACHER!(not the way your female classmates do tough) I WANT ONE LIKE THAT TOO!!!!!!