The romantic day of Key's life.

The Cheezy Stranger

It was a gloomy day; Key was bored to death but couldn’t talk since his mom took his pocket money, cell phone but fortunately not his keys.

- DAMN IT! I will go out anyway.

Key yelled at himself, taking only his fresh new coat - or precisely a never used one- a pair of tight black pants, ankle boots, a long sweater with a big picture of a y girl framed on it. He made sure to put his favorite moisturizer that prevent his face from damages due to the wintery weather and put a strawberry balm on his lips that he kept in his pocket.

He walked fast for a moment before relaxing in the silent road and walking slower. He wasn’t looking to where he was heading but as well he didn’t care, as he was pissed off.

Lifting up his head, he noticed a park that he never saw before, right in front of him, surrounded by unknown mansions. He searched for his phone to see from his GPS his current location but he didn’t take it with him.


He was about to yell but suddenly, some windows start closing and he felt scared. Suddenly, it start raining.

- Good, now I can say that nothing can be worse than this. He said running to a hidden spot inside the park.

- You can’t judge. A voice said behind him as he stood.

A short man, not too short through, was walking closer to him. He’s jaw was fierce, lips curled in a smirk, his nose sharply standing between two deep looking eyes.  From Key’s experience, everything this boy was wearing showed a good fashion taste; moreover the stranger must like more chic and snob style.

- What brought you to this dirty side of the city? The boy said standing next Key and holding up an umbrella that covered Key as well. You may get killed here.

- What? Why? Key said surprised.

- You are too much pretty for people here liking. The boy said giggling. Let me lead to somewhere more safe.

- Why will I be safe with you here or anywhere already, Do I know you?

- Baby, the people you should never trust are the closer to you. The boy said. And my name is Jonghyun.

- Not that glad to meet you. Key snapped folding his arm together. What do you want from me? Did I ask you something?

The boy just giggled and softly wrapped Key’s body and pushed him to walk. Key wished to stop but he felt unable, as his body stop replying to his silent screams since the Jonghyun’s hand landed on him and if only it was fully on him, just finger tips… damn electrifying finger tips.

They walked until they reach a more safe looking boulevard and Jonghyun left Key under a dry spot. He walked pass the road and got in a bakery shop. By the time Key could even complain, Jonghyun came back with a small cake for him.

- How did you know I’ll like Chocolate? Key asked.

- Because you are a piece of Chocolate, yourself. Jonghyun said playfully before laughing. I guessed it.

- What did you take?

- Your lips flavor. Jonghyun said showing him a strawberry smoothie.

Key went red and ate, thanking him for it afterward, silently. They stood still in their spot until the rain would stop falling. While that, Key was glancing on Jonghyun from time to time.

- It stopped! Jonghyun said brightly throwing his umbrella in a trash can and taking Key’s hand.

- Are you an IDIOT? What if it will rain again?

- It won’t. Jonghyun said looking back to the boy he’s pulling. Don’t worry, we won’t use it again.

In Key’s mind an internal fight was rising.

Why don’t you shove your hand idiot!

I’m not an idiot, stop it. I can shove it any time I want. And in addition I’m bored what could he do?

IDIOT! He can be a killer or an abuser, what will you do then?

Ha-ha-ha, funny, please keep it for yourself.


Come on! What would happen? I’m able to defend myself.

Stop it, DAMN IT! He’s dangerous.

Just admit it already, you love the way he’s pulling me, and stop it;

No, it’s you who got attracted by a stranger.

Impossible! It’s ridiculous! It’s not true.

 The most you say, the less I believe you.

We are one stupid;

Hello? It’s you who must understand it.


Key is in love with a stranger. It’s the hit of the year, no, no, of the century! Admit it Kibum, he’s attracting you.

Key frustrated shoved Jonghyun’s hand and almost tore his hair out of frustration.

- Are you ok? Jonghyun asked him worry.

- I remember that I’m lost already and I have no money. Key said what landed on his tongue before regretting it completely as he felt like a beggar.

- don’t worry, I'll drive you home.

- You will … drive me home?

Jonghyun smiled and pulled Key more to him so he can hold on his back instead of his hand. Key’s heart just… stop beating.

They reached a huge parking lot and Jonghyun pulled him inside until they stopped in front of a black Lamborghini.

- Are you rich?

- No, it’s my boss car. Jonghyun said but Key froze. I was kidding. It’s a gift from a rich friend but I’m not that rich.

- Wow, lucky. Key said getting and amazed he caressed the interior.

- I’m. Jonghyun said turning on the car. I’m meeting him, want to come?

- Why would I come? I mean I’m a stranger.

- You spent with me a whole hour, and yet I managed to know who you are already.

- Very funny. Key said pouting.

- You put a soft sweet perfume that I guess from Christian Dior, a strawberry lipstick or you were chewing something that smells like as you speak, you wear a pink sweater, and I bet you have a lot of pink accessories and clothes.

- I do. What is the problem on wearing pink when it fit me?

- I don’t see a problem on it. Actually, I love it and I find you cute.

- I’m not cute.

- Yes, excuse me. Jonghyun said stopping at a red light. You are amazingly beautiful.

Key went red and wished he could speak and say something but couldn’t. The man just blew his mind and he couldn’t think straight.

- Oh I forgot to buy a gift. Damn! Jonghyun outburst stormed in the car.

- Huh? Key snapped back to reality.

- This is my friend birthday and I didn’t buy the gift yet. Jonghyun said.

- How is he? I mean what he’s interested on normally?

- He’s a rabbit, literally! And he love Chicken, like a MAD MAN! Oh he love his brother, but that I don’t think it useful. Jonghyun mumbled. Oh he love Trot… no, he love singing them but I don’t think that make a difference. It does?

His last question was directed to a dazed Key.

- are you ok dude? You look… strange.

- Oh no, no, no, I’m fine. Key said looking away. Just thinking.

- So you have a gift idea?

- Why not making one?

- Huh?

- I mean, he can buy everything he needs if he’s rich but he can’t get what only his friend and relative can show him. Key said. That is called love.

- And how can we make a gift that fast?

- Something you are good at, maybe, like a poem, something?

- Hmmm, I can improvise with guitar but I don’t have one. Jonghyun said thinking. I think I have an Idea.

Jonghyun parked in front of a music store. He took a playlist and start singing on a recorder as he told the owner that he’s doing it for his friend birthday.

Key was about to put his hands on his ears to prevent from hearing a catastrophe when Jonghyun start singing. The hand in mid air, people surrounding him, dazed soul, bewitched brain, lips on the “o” shape, Key stood there shocked by the magnificent voice he was hearing. Some people around were filming Jonghyun so Key managed to stop them.

Jonghyun sang for fifteen minutes, all his friend favorite songs, and the owner gave him his masterpiece on a red and black well designed CD, packed as a gift.

- I hope he will like it.

- If he don’t I’ll take it.

- Really? Jonghyun said surprised. You liked my voice?

- are you serious? Thousands of people were surrounding you while you were singing, didn’t you notice?

- I was just seeing you. Jonghyun said with a wide grin.

- Why are you like this with me?

- Why are you asking? Don’t you like it?

- I do but from people I know… and you just knew me an hour ago.

- I think I knew you enough.

Key was about to pull his hair out of frustration, Jonghyun was making him more confuse. They reached a huge villa, sooner than he thought and Jonghyun rushed to open the door for him. Key was just more surprise.

- Hyung! A voice called from far and a topless younger male came in Key and Jonghyun direction. You are late! Hyung is about to come, come and hide now.

Jonghyun pulled Key softly and they hid themselves scotched together in a small spot. While that, Key was trying to focus on the Jonghyun car that was driven out of the way and to ignore the manly perfume this man was putting. Key couldn’t hold the voices in his head.

GOD, He’s so hot, I can’t hold on!

What are you doing? Key, don’t dare to jump on him like a wild fan girl. BEHAVE!

But… but… he’s y and hot and he’s provoking me.

Don’t dare, Key.

God what are you asking me to do? I’m about to die here!

Die then but don’t let him get in your pant whatever it takes you.

God, like he cares.

We will see. Key.

Pfft, shut up already.

Key was busy fighting with himself mentally to notice the eyes on him. Suddenly two lips on his head shove all his thought and he looked to the man who was almost resting on his back. Their eyes were suddenly at the same level and their lips as well. But before something could happen, a car came in and a boy got in the huge swimming pool area.

- Taemin! Onew said with a wide grin.

- Hi hyung. What brought you so early?

- Like you don’t know.

- No, I don’t.

- Come on…

- What is it hyung, I was sleeping.

- Pfft, never mind. The boy said giving up and walking back to inside the house when people jumped all of sudden and he jumped.


The yell of the public snapped Jonghyun and Key from their trances. They left their hidden spot and got close to the boy.

- Onew hyung, this is my new friend…

- Kibum. Key said as he knew the man don’t know his name. But you can call me Key.

- Well, Key, you are beautiful. Onew said with a cute smile. It’s a pleasure to meet people prettier than my brother.

- What? Hyung~ I’m not pretty. The boy named Taemin said pouting.

- Yes, you are cute! Onew said teasing his brother. Come here Cutie. Key, this is my brother Taemin.

- Nice to meet you hyung. He said.

- let's celebrate! Jonghyun said pushing everybody to the party as it did start.

Few hours after, Onew and Key sat next to each other.

- Since when you know Jong?

- Just an hour before meeting you. Key said giggling.

- I see. So, he likes you then.

- What? No, I don’t think so. Why are you saying so?

- He won’t do it if you didn’t attract him since the beginning. He’s not a bad boy but he’s a cheesy lover.

- I agree.

- But be careful.

- Huh?

- If you hurt his lovely heart, I’ll kill you. Onew said before walking away since Jonghyun was heading back.

- Here! A jus for you. He said before sitting next to Key.

- What are you for this Onew?

- Childhood friend, why?

- Nothing I was just asking.

- Let's take you back home, it’s getting late. Jonghyun said before heading with Key to the standing Onew. Hyung, I made this for you.

- Oh what is it? Onew said before opening the package and notice the CD. Don’t say you did sing for me?

- Yes, all your favorite songs.

- Thank you dude. Onew said hugging Jong and patting gratefully on his back.

Key notice that really Jonghyun was kind-hearted. Maybe he wasn’t in danger with him at all.

They walked back to the car and Key gave Jonghyun the address. The road back home was the shortest in Key’s life. He wished he can make it longer.

- So… Jonghyun said stopping in front of Key’s house. This is our good bye?

- Not if you don’t want so. Key replied before doing what he died to do and kissed Jonghyun in the lips. Good night.

- Good night. A dazed Jonghyun replied while observing Key walking out.

As soon as Key opened the door, Jonghyun drove away. Key just wondered if he didn’t left his heart in that car as well.


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Chapter 2: Of course I love this!! Nice Work!! Jjong is soo cheesy and at the same time . hahaha I like it! Kibum is really cute...!!!
Chapter 1: Hi! ^^ i see that this is your second entry, right? keke

I love jonghyun's lines! makes me wanted to jump in the fic and yelled "cheesy" in front of his face XD

But why don't you use quotation marks instead for dialogues? keke just an advise ^^

anyway, good luck!! <3