On a Rainy Day

B.A.P Hello Baby




chapter 3 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ 
"Welcome." A female voice called out and you looked ahead to a table that seated 3 people. There were many cameras in the room and you felt like dying. Don't mess this up. Don't trip. Don't walk funny, don't burp, don't mess up. You bowed to them with a smile, trying to ignore the 4 cameras on you and gulped as discreetly as possible. "Please have a seat." A man from the table gestured to a chair in front of them and the many cameras. Cameras weren't your thing. There were lots of others in the room too, just behind the cameras. They actually took up most of the space in the room. You took a seat delicately and just smiled, not knowing what to do. "Jun Seohyun?"
"Yes." You replied kindly. Good, at least you didn't mess that up. Keep it up buddy. 
"We went over your form and had a good laugh. You seem like a very cheerful person."
"Ah, yes I think I'm a cheerful person." You replied and smacked yourself in your thoughts. Wtf does that mean? Good one. No more B.A.P for you. The judges chuckled and flipped through a few pages.
"Why would you like to be the mother of Jimin and Minhyun?" The man asked seriously.
"Well, I think it would be a fun experience..." You started, mumbling a bit. You saw a writer sign something to you and it seemed like she wanted you to speak louder. You cleared your voice a bit and sat straighter. "I've been watching the dad's since the first episode and also in a way, watching over the kids. It wouldn't be a big jump to actually care for them, right?" The judges laughed some more but you shook your head at yourself. Interviewing wasn't your forte.
"Yes, so you're a fan of B.A.P?" The woman on the right asked you and you nodded your head maybe too frantically.
"Of course! I'm a big fan." You tried to sound not like a complete obsessed fangirl but still seem excited. But... You probably still seemed like a crazy obsessed fangirl.
"Who's your favorite?"
"Uh.." You considered if saying your bias would be a good idea in case you did become the mother. They would all be disappointed. The judges looked at you expectantly and the weight of the cameras seemed heavier on your shoulders than before. You removed the flustered look off your face and simply smiled. "I like all of them a lot of course." You replied confidently and the tension was released as the judges chuckled. 
"So you don't have a favorite member? Ah... That's too bad." The male judge started, fixing his papers. You looked at him curiously. "You could've sent a video message to him."
"Oh!" You almost jumped out of your seat in excitement. A video message to a member of B.A.P! If you couldn't be the mother, a big accomplishment still, would be to have a video message sent. You regained your composition quickly, remembering the numerous cameras on you. "Oh.. Well... Then could I send one to all of them?" You added a hint of aegyo to your voice and the male laughed whole heartedly. 
"Sure, why not?" He gestured kindly to the cameras and a women behind one of the cameras waved her hand. Total success! Okay... What to say.. You don't have much time so say important things and end.." You turned around to face that camera and laughed a bit, thinking how crazy all of this was. You took a deep breath and put your hands together, looking straight into the camera.
"Uh.. B.A.P! My name is Jun Seohyun and I applied to be the mother in Hello Baby.." Wow this is hard... You thought, as looking at the camera the whole time was awkward. "Hmm... Well, I'm a big fan and admire every single one of the members which was why I asked to make a a video message for all of you. After watching Hello Baby, I've come to see the sweeter images you guys hold in your heart and it really shows everyone's sincerity." You could practically hear the sweet background music that would be placed on this part. If it got aired anyways.. Wait... You'll be on TV! "I'm a big supporter of the group and show and hope to be the mother... Hwaiting!" You ended with 'Fighting' and finally looked away from the camera, covering your reddening face.
"Good! That was good!" A man called out from behind the cameras and waved his hands in the air. The 3 judges relaxed some more and leaned back in their chairs, drinking some water. The writers and producers began chatting and the whole quiet atmosphere from when you were being interviewed shattered. You looked around in your chair from confusion. Am I done? Do I leave? The judges ushered you over and you hurriedly waddled over them to them. 
"Hello." You bowed 90 degrees to them.
"You did good." The woman on the right praised and you bowed again with a thank you. 
"Don't worry, all of the girls were super nervous too. I guess the cameras caught them off guard... But their reactions to them will give the viewers a good laugh."
"Oh, so this is being aired as part of Hello Baby?" You asked, your heart dropping a bit. Embarrassing.
"Don't worry, we can cut out awkward parts." The woman said nicely and started to fill out a paper. "Truthfully, I think we already have decided that you'll be the mother in Hello Baby but it's not 100% sure." You almost choked on your saliva. Wait.. I actually did it! How!?!
"R-really? Me? The mother?" You pointed at yourself, just to make sure. The woman nodded. Breathe. Just breathe... ASEDRTFCYVGUHBASHBK "Thank you." You whispered, not knowing if you could speak normally without freaking out. "But... I was very boring.."
"Ah, don't worry too much about it. Your form shows that deep inside that shy self of yours, there's a fun, cute little lady." The woman said happily and you burst out in a smile. "And really, all of the other so far were either too nervous too talk or too confident and annoying. You're perfectly in the middle."
"Film's ready! Back to place!" A booming voice filled the room once filled with hushed conversation. The male judge cleared his throat and kindly shooed you away.
"We'll contact you soon if you're chosen or not. Thank you for coming today." You bowed to the judges and quickly left the room through a different door you came in.
Breathe. You shut the door quietly then flopped immediately to the floor. "I did so bad!" You whined quietly to yourself, kicking the carpeted floor. You took out your phone and called Minji.


"Hey! Seohyun! How did it go? Huh? Did you do good? Were there lots of people? WAS B.A.P THERE?!?!"
"Hehe... Calm down, no B.A.P wasn't there. It went bad because I at interviews.. Aish seriously..."
"So what was there?"
"Lots of pretty girls.... And a room full of so many cameras...
"Cameras? Omg is your footage going to be in Hello Baby?!"
"I... don't know... I'll come home and you can come over to talk about it.."

"Okay, see you soon!"
You heaved a large sigh and hung up. You looked around the building and went down the stairs where many girls you saw in the waiting room were. You bowed to them with a smile then left.
-- -- few days later -- --
"Him... Chan?" Seungho was over your shoulder, looking at the writing on your hand. 
"AISH! Seriously this kid wants to die." You turned around and lightly kicked Seungho on his shins.
"Ow! What was that for!" He grabbed his shin and stuck his tongue out at you.
"You scared me! And seriously, I felt your breath on my neck ew..." You wiped your neck as if his breath was toxic and grumbled as you continued drawing Himchan's matoki on your hand. Seungho grumbled too and sat down beside you for English.
"I was just curious!" 
"Then... Be curious in a less weird way..." You finished Tatsmato's feet then sat back in your seat, admiring your work. "Ya, look at this! I could become a tattoo artist.." You nudged Seungho's shoulder happily. Seungho glanced at your arm and scoffed.
"Wow you're a crazy fangirl... You know you'll never meet him anyways?"
"YA!" You threw an arm in the air, threatening to punch him. "I met Himchan before at a fansigning you know!" You reminisced at the memory of talking to Himchan and the rest of B.A.P as Seungho rolled his eyes.
"Yongguk oppa!" You ran up to Yongguk with their newest Crash album happily. Yongguk smiled back at you, his pink gums slightly peeking from his thin top lip. 
"Hi." The leader shyly replied, cutely waving at you. Could you die now? Oh wait, need to get their signatures first. You placed the album down carefully beside Yongguk and got down on your knees, staring up at him. "Name?"
"Jun Seohyun." You replied. "Oh! Can you write 'Study hard' too?" You asked and Yongguk nodded with a smile. "I've been trying to get good grades and be the top student like you but sometimes it's hard.." You mumbled. Yongguk just chuckled and continued to write "Study Hard! Hwaiting!" With a cute smiley face. 
"Here you go." Yongguk picked up the album and handed it back to you. You noted how beautiful his hands were.
"Thank you!" You held out your right hand to him and he high fived you. You scooted farther down the line as another fangirl kneeled in front of Yongguk.
"Hi!" Himchan waved at you and you laughed, saying hi back. Himchan was wearing pink bunny ears that a previous fangirl gave him.
"Woah, oppa looks cute." You said and Himchan high fived you.
"Oppa always looks cute." Himchan declared as he took your album. "What a pretty name." He said, noting the name Yongguk had written down. 
"Thank you!"
"I'll expect to see you debut soon as a cute maknae of a girl group." He cooned as he quickly drew the crown on his signature. You watched with a huge smile until Himchan mischievously smirked. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Can you show me your aegyo?" He asked innocently.
"Ayyy, what is this." You dismissed the idea immediately. Himchan pouted and looked at you with puppy dog eyes.
"Please?" He did a bit of aegyo too and you burst out laughing. Hesitantly, you put a fist beside your cheek and took a deep breathe.
"Bbuing Bbuing~" You already felt like puking all over the place.
"Wah! Our Seohyunnie is so cute!" Himchan clapped cutely and you laughed along  forcefully. 
"Oppa you owe me one day.." You declared and scooted over another person where Daehyun sat. You waved to Daehyun and he waved back. It was mostly silent as he signed the album and gave it back. You worriedly scooted over to Youngjae who looked at you with a huge fluffy pen in his hand.
"Hi!" He said and you smiled. 
"Youngjae, I got you a present!" You got out a bag and placed it on the table, grabbing the attention of the other members. Youngjae looked at it and took it.
"Thank you so much!" He quickly glanced inside the bag before continuing to write on the album. "What's your name again? Daehyun's writing is so illegible..."
"Jun Seohyun. Also, share the stuff with the other members!" You reminded Youngjae as you got a few Obey shirts that the others would also like. "Ah.. You should give the chocolate in there to Daehyun. He doesn't seem so happy today.." Youngjae nodded and finished signing the album. You held Youngjae's hand for a brief second before you moved on.
"H-Hello." Jongup looked at you with an eyesmile and you immediately felt brighter.
"Hi Jongup!" You gave him your Crash album and he quickly signed it. "Jongup-ah, can you put 'Work hard noona?' on it?" You asked curiously. The young boy nodded and added that in.
"Heh, noona you have a pretty eyesmile." Jongup said quietly. You almost didn't catch that but you did and your cheeks started to burn.
"Th.. Thank you~" You cooed and gave him a high five. The last in the line was Zelo who was wearing Hello Kitty glasses that seemed to be trending. "Junhongie!" You practically squealed since he was so adorable and Zelo looked at you, a bit surprised before smiling.
"Zelo, I gave Youngjae a present and inside, there's a blue bunny plushie in there. Treat it well, yes?" Zelo bowed and nodded cutely as he continued to sign.
"Thank you!"
"Ya, Jun Seohyun." You snapped out of your trance and stared at Seungho like a brainless zombie.
"Wh-what? Huh?" You looked around a bit, blinking a couple of times. 
"You were staring off into space.." He said with a chuckle as the English teacher came in.
-- -- -- --
"Coming through! Hello Baby mother coming through!" 
It was finally the end of the day and Minji was clinging on to your arm as you made your way through the foyer. "You know, you weren't sure if I was going to be..." You said matter-of-factly and finally exited the school. Minji scoffed and held on to you tighter. 
"No way~ Seohyunnie is definitely going to be the mother! And the wife of B.A.P.... Wah so lucky." Minji dramatically pretended to faint. "Don't think of anything with Jongup! ... Or Zelo! ... Or Daehyun! ... Or Himchan! ... O-"
"I get it I get it!" You shushed your childish friend and walked past the gate of the school. "No interactions with B.A.P outside of shooting... If I even get in... There were still like 10 girls after me!"
"Ah Seohyun-ah, you shouldn't think about it like that." Minji wagged her finger at you.
"Besides, they liked the form I sent a lot but it was you who wrote it..." The judges seemed to be clinging to the fact that your form showed humor and cuteness since you were nervous at the interview.
"Ya! Seohyun!" A male's voice called out for you as you passed the school's gate.
Minji slowly turned around with you until you faced Seungho who held out a piece of paper to you. His hair was all over the place by the wind and his cheeks held a slight pink hue from running all the way from English class. "You forgot your homework, stupid." You in a breath and cursed quietly, kicking Seungho on his shin.
"I didn't forget it stupid! Aigo, this kid seriously." You stomped your foot annoyingly.
"But you didn't take you sheet." He said, now a bit confused. His eyes got a bit wide and his lips pursed in thought.
"That's the point~" You patted Seungho on the head, fixing his hair while you were at it then turned back around again. "See you later Seugho!" You waved your hand in the air as you walked away from him.
"B-bye Seungho..." Minji called out and you left Seungho standing their with your 'forgotten' homework.
"Why are you so mean to Seungho..." Minji muttered after walking together for a few minutes. You breathed heavily.
"It's all in good fun. Why?"
"Oh.. I don't know.." Minji muttered then returned to the silence. You were about to say something when your phone rang, B.A.P's Sound of Rain playing as your downloaded ringtone.

"Yes, is this Seohyun?"
".. Yes it is."
"Hello, I'm one of the managers for Hello Baby and I wanted to congratulate you."
You in a quick breathe and jumped into the air while trying to be quiet on the phone. Minji, startled looked at you with questioning eyes.
"O-oh... Why?"
"Well, you've been chosen to be the mother for B.A.P's Hello Baby."
You punched your fist into the air and twirled around a bit while Minji begged you for speaker phone.
"Really!?! Thank you so much!"
"No problem. We will send an email to you for more details on shooting days, rules, expectations, addresses, stuff like that.
"Okay... Thank you!"
You hung up and finally mustered a scream, jumping around the sidewalk while a confused Minji tugged on your uniform. "What's going on?!?!"
"I'm... the... the mother.." You answered breathlessly. Minji screamed after you and also jumped around happily. 
"NO WAY!!!!" Minji grabbed your hand and you danced around with her for a bit before you stopped to catch your breath.
"I... need to.. get home... email... rules.." You tried to explain to Minji and she seemed to understand so you began to jog to your house, feeling as if on cloud nine. You were going to meet B.A.P.
-- -- -- --
"Every Sunday.... Don't be late... Need enough time for hair and makeup..." You mumbled as you read the words on your laptop screen. Immediately when you had gotten home, you checked your email and was welcomed to the Hello Baby schedule and rules. They were very basic like don't be late, try not to be annoying to the stylists, treat everyone with respect, etc etc. There was also little bits of information about how things would be on set. The house they were filming at was 30 minutes away on bus/subway so you would have to wake up early on Sundays and you would have lunch breaks with the staff. Did that mean with B.A.P too... You were just glad you could actually go and shoot since you never did things on Sunday. "Ah... Wait.." You realized something really important. You didn't get your parent's permission yet.... You silently cursed under your breath as you got up. "Mooommm~" You groaned s you rushed down your stairs, bringing your laptop with Hello Baby information.
Your mom was making busily making dinner when you leaned against the marble counter, looking at your mom cutely. "What is it." She asked, not looking away from chopping some carrots.
"Well.... Uhm... I'm going to part of a TV show..." You said slowly, looking at her face for reactions as you dragged out each syllable. Your mom looked up at you this time, stopping her cutting. You continued before she could reply. "It's for Hello Baby! You know, the one you said with the cute guys? Yeah... Uhm.. I applied and interviewed on Saturday when you were gone to work." You paused for a second, heart beating fast. You wouldn't be allowed to. You could tell already... Might as well go all out, right? "I will work hard! I really will... I won't embarrass our family on TV! I swear! And you know how much I like B.A.P! This is a one in a lifetime opportunity! Please?!?" You put your hands together, begging. You mom closed and stared at you with a face. "Please? I promi-"
"Seohyun.." You mother interrupted you and you swallowed thickly. "Seohyun, I give you permission to go." Your mom simply stated with a faint smile. You stared at her, dumbfounded as she went back to chopping carrots.
"I- W- You-..." You were lost for words as your mom nonchalantly went to the pot. "I- Okay.. Well. Oh... Th-thank you...?" You backed away slowly and bowed before running up to your room again.
"I'M THE MOTHER IN HELLO BABY!" You screamed once in your room, tears even forming in your eyes.
-- -- -- --
Sunday morning and the lights streaming through your window awoke you suddenly as it was accompanied by the sweet rapping of Zelo in 빗소리.
A bright red umbrella
Wet and drenched clothes and sneakers
I turn off and on the boiler
Whatever I do, it doesn't dry.
It just seemed so perfect that small droplets of rain were hitting against the window. As you got yourself up. "Zelo-ah..." You mumbled, combing fingers through your hair. The clock flashed 6:00am in black and you finally got off your bed.
On a rainy day, I fell for you.
You shut off your phone alarm and ruffled your hair a bit, a bit dazed and confused as you weren't used to waking up so early on Sundays. You took a shower until 6:15am then got out to eat a breakfast of bacon and eggs with toast. You didn't eat bacon regularly but it seemed like it would be the only thing that would calm your raging stomach. Bacon seemed to make you calm as you dried your hair and surfed the internet.
It was still a bit dark at 7:30am when you were getting dressed, ready for the day of your life. For today, you chose a a thick blue knit pullover with dark jeans since it was a bit cold and rainy today. You got your favorite pale beige bag and got an umbrella from under lots of winter clothes in your closet. "Let's go.." You whispered to yourself, staring at your white door. With a deep breath, you opened the door and left your house.
The rain was light but it still made a distinct pit pat sound on your umbrella. You hurriedly scurried to the nearby subway and decided to listen to music. Your heart was beating 1,000 bpm as the train went further from your house and closer to your destination.
-- -- -- --
Roughly 30 minutes later, you arrived at your stop. The voice coming from the walls stirred you from your sleep and you quickly wiped your mouth of any drool before getting up and leaving the train. You walked up the flight of stairs and looked around. It was still raining but the sun was starting to peak out now and the fresh air kept you refreshed. You had to take a taxi for about 5 minutes to get to the house B.A.P were filming Hello Baby. You walked up to the sidewalk and grabbed a taxi, taking out your phone and dialing a number you had scrawled on a piece of paper.
"Oh, hello! This is Seohyun. I'm 5 minutes away from the shooting location."
"Ah, yes good. Right on time. Maybe a bit early actually. We expect good things from you."

"Thank you. I will be there soon."
"Good bye."
You sat silently in the taxi, fidgeting like a 5 year old at the doctors. You took a sip of water and breathed deeply. What have you gotten yourself into.. You wondered and watched the landscape roll by as the taxi took you closer and closer to the best dream ever.
"We're here." The taxi driver called out and you thanked him and gave him the money before getting out of the taxi.
What stood in front of you was a quaint house. There were a few people hurriedly scurrying around outside the house. There were lots of props, cameras, and other things outside and everything was so overwhelming. It took awhile for you to get yourself to walk up the driveway. Immediate attention was on you as you bowed while walking past all of the staff outside.
"Seohyun?" A girl with papers in her hand walked up to you. You nodded, a bit lost for words and she laughed a bit. "You can just go in through the front door. Follow me, I'll show you around." She began walking to the door and you followed her inside.
If you thought outside was busy, then inside was a catastrophe. There were staff left, right, and center. The girl bowed to a few people so you did the same as a lot of eyes fell upon you. You tried to look happy but truthfully, the once soothing bacon seemed to want to come back to the world. "So this is the main shooting area." The girl gestured to the living room full of people, cameras, and props. You nodded, feeling quite queasy. The girl lead you upstairs where it was more quiet. You took a breath and sat down on a small circle chair. The girl looked at you and smiled. "Overwhelming, huh?"
"Yup." You got water from your bag and took a gulp. It was more silent upstairs but the sound of the staff downstairs still trailed up here. 
"Well, this is the dressing rooms where you get your makeup and hair done." You nodded blankly to the girl's words. You sighed and looked around. There were 4 doors and there were name tags on each one. The one to the very left read "Staff only!" and the one on the very right read "Jun Seohyun." But the one that almost made you faint was the one beside yours. On the eggshell white door, it read "B.A.P" Right smack dab in the center. Right there. B.A.P's name. You in a breath and pointed to B.A.P's door.
"I- Is.. Is B.A.P in there?" You asked, almost choking from surprise. The girl laughed loudly and patted your shoulder.
"Nah, they aren't here yet. They are late since it's rainy. It caught their manager off guard."
"Oh.." You drooped your shoulders a bit and the girl smiled, finding this funny.
"Okay, you better go into your room. There are stylists there waiting to do your hair and makeup." You got up from the chair and nodded, thanking the girl. "We had clothes set for you but what you're wearing now is perfect. I'm Yeji by the way." With that, the girl disappeared down the stairs. You opened the door to your room and bowed the people inside. The room was very big with a huge mirror and elegant table that held so much makeup.
"Welcome!" The stylist greeted to warmly and you bowed with a smile. "Let's get you dolled up. We have exactly 1 hour to do everything before we start shooting." Just by the word 'shooting' your stomach did a back flip. You sat in the chair and the stylist rubbed her hands together. "Here's your script." She handed you a piece of paper and you held it blankly. 
"For the beginning of this episode. We got it all planned out." She began to hover her hand around the makeup. "So it's more dramatic. You know?"
"Oh.. Okay." You stayed silent as she began applying makeup. You read the script over and over again, laughing a bit at B.A.P's lines. "Do you know B.A.P?" You asked curiously, after reading the script over enough times. The stylist stopped putting eyeliner on you to chuckle a bit.
"Of course. How would I not? I do their makeup too occasionally." You nodded and stayed silent for awhile.
It seemed like hours that your stylist has been putting makeup on and doing your hair. She put slight curls to the ends and gave you a very natural look. The stylist fixed your hair a bit with spray then checked her clock. "9:30. Good." The stylist helped you up from the chair and smiled, looking over you. "Perfect!" She said happily and fixed your pullover. You looked at yourself in the mirror and was shocked how well everything was done.
"Thank you so much!" You said and bowed to her. 
"Recording starts soon so read over your script again and go downstairs. People will help you out there, okay?" You nodded and thanked your stylist again.
You concentrated on your script again, trying to memorize the lines. You wouldn't want to bring down the whole crew because of your silly mistakes. You opened the door and closed it quietly, still looking down at the paper. "And then I say- oof!" You bumped into someone on your way down the hall, gaining an 'ow' from the other. "Sorry!" You bowed 90 degrees to the stranger and cringed. It was probably staff. Already, you were going to be on bad terms with someone.
"It's okay... Oh hey, are you the mother?" A distinctive voice asked and you looked slowly glanced up. ... and up... and up. Until your eyes locked on the fresh face of a young boy, his eyes wide with curiosity.
Author's Note:

I was going to cut this chapter too but then I remembered I promised B.A.P

Okay.. So it's not really B.A.P but.. asdfghjkl; I'm sorry ;n;

But thanks so much to all commenters and subscribers!

Remember to vote for the B.A.P member you become friends with c:

Once again, didn't go over it for mistakes. I'm a lazy person >.>



 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ On a Rainy Day


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Chapter 1: "Because I like Mac&Cheese" oh Jongup XD
-SNSD- #3
Kyaheartsyou #4
Chapter 5: Zelo! Lol I hope she doesn't screw up her lines because I'll be the one feeling bad and embarrassed XD
Chapter 5: plzz update~^^
Chapter 5: I must know what happens next!!!!!!! And I vote for Yongguk ^-^
Chapter 4: update it soon!! i need to know what happen..!!
Chapter 3: YONGGUK ^_^
Kyaheartsyou #9
Chapter 3: This was good of course I'll vote for my fav HIMCHANIE!
the first chapter is written nicely ^_^
it has a lot more detail than some other BAP fics that I've read
Good luck on future updates!