Chapter 3: Park Sora got everyone’s attention before class

Teaching the Cold Hearted Yongguk a Lesson

She scratched her head as she walked into the school, everyone seemed to be staring at her for some reason. She looked around and evaluated the area. * 100% of the female humans seems to be staring at me with jealousy, and 100% of the male humans seem to have this weird liquid coming out of their mouths. Is this how earthlings really are?* Well, who can blame them. The angels put everything a guy would like and a girl would hate in Sora, a perfect body, and a nice face. She glanced around uncomfortably, and felt something near her. A blonde boy with bunny teeth was a few inches away from her face, with a smirk. Behind him were a few boys that were also blonde, and behind them was a boy with an unamused look on his face. She scanned them all, and a smile pressed on her lips. *Bang Yongguk... There he is.*

Hey, you seemed to be new, I’m Himchan. Why don’t we go around the school together, and stop by the bathrooms?” The boy Sora assumed was Himchan gestured out his hand, and gave his killer smile.

Erhmm... No thanks.” Sora walked away, pushing Himchan a bit. *Oh she’s playing hard to get? Thats fine with me...* Himchan walked to her and gave her another killer smile, and said, “No, I insist. Let’s go!” He grabbed Sora’s hand and felt an exploding pain on his private. He crumpled on the ground, groaning as the others ran to him.

Himchannie, are you okay?

What a woman, kicking Himchan in the private.

And Himchan hyung gave her two of those smiles too!

Sora looked back at her target, and found him with another boy wearing a mask, not caring about what happened to his friend. *So he doesn’t care about what I did... Interesting.* She walked away from the scene, for she wanted to explore this new place.

Daehyun watched the scene with interest, and noticed that she walked away after she kicked Himchan. *Interesting girl... I wonder what her name is?* He looked at Yongguk, who had a blank expression on. “So hyung, what do you think about her?

Yongguk smirked, and replied calmly, “What an interesting girl. I want to know more about her.

You think we should follow her and leave the others behind?”

Why not, we have nothing else to do besides being embarrassed by Himchan groaning.

Then let’s go.

The two boys walked to the same direction they last saw the girl, leaving the others behind.
At Heaven:
HYUNG HYUNG! GUESS WHAT OUR SUPER HUMAN DID!” Sehun choked out, roaring with laughter, and falling out of his throne.

WHAT???” Kai rushed to Sehun and helped him up, Sehun could barely stand since his body was shaking too much.

She kicked that Himchan boy... IN THE PRIVATE HAHAHA” Sehun roared with laughter again, and fell down. There was no Kai to support him though, because Kai was also on the ground, laughing.

Aish those two...” Suho looked at them in amusement, and replayed the scene.

Ah, that guy deserved it, trying to get our superhuman.” Baekhyun commented, looking at the scene again.

Can we watch the scene again?” Kai and Sehun chirped, stifling laughs.

“We already watched it like 10 times...” Suho muttered, looking at them.

Please?” They did aegyo, and Suho twitched.

Arraso...” Suho replayed the scene again, but before he did, he noticed Yongguk and Daehyun walking to where his superhuman went. *Where are those two going?*

Back On Earth

Daehyun-ah, are you sure we’re going the right way?” Yongguk complained, and Daehyun chuckled.

Yeah, see? She’s right there!” Daehyun pointed at the field, and saw Sora feeding the birds. *I never knew someone can be that pretty...* He thought dreamily, looking at her intently.

Hey Jung Daehyun, are you listening?” Yongguk shaked Daehyun and Daehyun blinked.

What...” Daehyun grumbled, looking at Sora again.

The bell’s going to ring, let’s get to class.


They left the field, and as soon as they did, Sora turned around. *Weird, I thought someone was watching me...* Sora looked at her watch and saw it was almost time for class, and she walked away.

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Baekna #1
Chapter 3: update soon author-nim
-notyourself #2
Chapter 3: ooooh ohmhohjfduifsdkuvgdv dshgv kudkcv krbfk lefgprtkn moremoremoremore pls??? difjghdrifuhgodskgwourhgfnhitdhn
Yonggukswipeu #4
Chapter 3: Update soon author-nim!!!!!!:))))
Yonggukswipeu #5
Omo author nim!! This is sooooo good!!!!! Please update soon! And youngjae's part is too bright! Kekeke and out of curiosity, is the photo of the girl sora actually the Korean model park sora???? Gomawo and update!!!!!:)
Chapter 1: Author-nim, I find it hard to read what youngjae said. The yellow font is too bright. Btw, this story is interesting! :)