What is Love?

Eternal Love

Suho is known to be one of the smartest angel in heaven. He knows everything and anything about the human world but no one tried to approach him because he is very quiet and always alone reading his parchments. As always Kris and Chanyeol saw him being busied with another one. "Excuse me?" said Kris as he noticed them walking towards him. "Yes?" answed Suho nervously. "I just wanted to ask something... about the mortals." 
" What about them?"  said Suho. "It's just, when I saw this girl, I learned that she is a very kind girl, she is selfless and thinks what is good for the other mortals like her, she likes to take care of them especially the children to which she was also adored for. She'd rather scrifice things and protects them that's why she always suffer and no one is there to do the same. I just wanted to do it for her, I wanted to protect her. But there's something else."  explained Kris. "Something else?" asked Chanyeol."Yes, I just do not know what it is. But it feels like I wanted to be with her, it makes me wanted to be always be beside her." , "You're confusing me, Kris" said Chanyeol. "It's Love." answed Suho. "What?" choired Kris and Chanyeol. "Love." he said again. "What is Love?" asked Chanyeol. "It's said that it a well known feeling or emotion among the mortals. It is one of the very reason why mortals keep on mutiplying. As many mortals died every second as it is they're born and it's all because of Love. No one can really define the true meaning of it and they can't  even tell the orgin of it. All they know is that it suddenly come, for uknown reason." Suho continued. "But how did I?...I'm not even a mortal" said Kris with confusion. "Like I told you, Love is a mystery, we are no exception."  said Suho "Then what should I do?". "Nothing." . "What nothing?!?" Chanyeol ask. "Nothing, you cannot do anything about it, maybe just let it pass or something. It's not like you could go down there and let her know. Besides it's forbidden. God might be angry and you all aware of the punishment  for disobeying, don't you?"  But before Suho finishes his sentence Kris has already walked away grabbing Chanyeol's arm.

When they knew that they're finally alone. Kris began to talk about his plan. he always been desiring to be a human even for a day and he thought that this is his chance. "You must be out of your mind, man. You know that it's a bad thing to do. Haven't you heard what Suho said? You will be punished." said the scared Chanyeol for he know that his dare devil best friend that will throw himself into an abyss of trouble. "I know! But-" "No, no more buts, I wouldn't let you. Never!"' shouted Chanyeol and left Kris alone not even bothering to look back. "'Chan- !"


               "And that's the end of our Bible story for today." after I read the story about Lot and his family. "Is it true that there are angels?" asked Eun hye "Yes!, you yourself could be an angel"  I said "But do angels exist?" asked Min. "Of course! Like I said you are all an angels, as long as you do good deeds " I proudly answed "No, I mean the ones that are wearing white gowns, has a halo and wings." she said. "Probably, but the they're in a form of spirits, they don't have flesh and bones that's why we couldn't see them. So we have no idea of what they really look like, they're just there. Guarding us. Protecting us."  I explained her.
 "And Love us!" shouted Kyu hae. "Yes, they also love us but like in the story we should listen to them because God sent them to us. Unlike what Lot's wife did, sometime small rules can be a big thing. So we all have to be obidient all the time and it is part of having a good deed." I told them as the bell rang. "So that's it for today. And don't forget you're homework, okay?" "Okay!" shouted the class "Now you all be careful, wait for you're parents and go straight home! Bye,bye~! "

"Anne! Don't you have a night class to attend?" as she enters while I was cleaning up the mess. "Oh, this will be quick!" "No, you go I'll do this." she insisted grabbing the trash bin from my hand. "Uhm, okay...Thanks" I surrendered "Go, you'll be late!"  It's 4 in the afternoon and the class will start at 6 up to 10 in the evening and I'm an hour away from the learning center. I earn around 3,000 won per hour as part time tutor ,still not bad. Somehow it can help my daily expences. I tried to avoid spending too for my clothing and most of the time I cooked my lunch, nowaday the resturant food is way  too expensive for me. I have to be a money wise to survive and so that I can be able to send money for my family and so that they won't be worried about me. I did not bother to desire material things for myself as long as I can support them, I'm satified.


                    "Do you want to be mortal?" Baekhyun said. Who has been evesdropping behind as Chanyeol walks away. "Don't you dare tell anyone!" glowered Kris "No, I won't but I know someone who can help you." "Who?" Kris said and all ears to Baekhyun. "God!" Baekhyun answed. "What?, You know I cannot do that! I will be punished! " said Kris. "Yes, you will be but if did not tell him. Besides He is the only one who can help you. He's the only one who could turn you into human. All you have to do is to explain your reason but you better give Him a good one, though." explained Baekhyun "And how can I do that, if I may ask?" "Just knock." "What?" "It isn't hard to do, if you really wanted to do it." as Baekhyun walks out.

"Chanyeol!" called Kris. He was busy chatting with Luhan and Chen when Kris pulled him away from the other angels."Please don't  tell me about your foolish plan again." complained Chanyeol "I know how I can be a human.", "And of course it is! How?" he asked cause Kris will tell him anyway. "God!", "On no you don't", "Yes, Beakhyun told me that God can turn me into human.", "I know that, but~ you see that guy that I'm talking with Chen earlier?" pointing to one of the angels. "Yeah, Luhan?" Kris asked his best friend "Have you heard his story?", "No, not really" "He almost stayed to become a human. Because like you he aslo fell in love with a mortal girl.", "So?" "Oh goodness! He tried to talk to God and ask the same but they said that God will give you challege and if you didn't accomplish it, You cannot return here in heaven and you have to give up you're wings. You'll gonna remain to be human. You know that mortal world is not only a great place but also a place that is full bad things, you can be hurt and sadness is always there along with happiness. It is much worst than being punished. Human die!" "I know that, and if I die I can back again." Kris said innocently "No, it depends in how you live, and this earth isn't as good as before which it can influenced you. Please I'm begging you, stop thinking about that silly thing. I might lose my best friend. and stop listnening to that Baekhyun boy." finally said Chanyeol


                       "Hi!" greeted a boy who stood beside me. "Oh, hi there Lay!" he's wearing his usual hippie outfit with his purple headphones hanging around his neck. He's been a good neighbor but all I know is that he's a dance teacher and a foreigner like me. He told me that came from China and he only moved to Seoul because it can give his a dancing career a great opportunity. "You're late?" asked Lay as we both wait for the elevator to come down. "Yeah, I have to do some extra income. How about you?", "I have to pratice more, I was asked to do some choreography for a boy band. And it'll earn me more money" answered Lay. "Wow, really? That's great!, Congrats in advance! Oh, the lift is here." as the doors opened he gestures me to get in first. While on the elevator I somehow see right in the corner of my eye that he has been staring down at me. I have no idea why and it's really awkward to ask him if there's something wrong or I must be the only one who giving meaning to it. It'll be much embarrasing to know. BesidesI'm  way too tired to even turn my head to him. As the elevator goes up the situation is getting more awkward. I have to admit that he is a good looking boy but I have to stop myself thinking these kind of stuff, I shouldn't have time for this love stuff and other that relates with that. "Hey, uhm~ Good Night! " trying to sound normal. "Yeah, you too!" as I turned my back I heard him called again "Oh~ and Sweet Dreams!" ,"Ah, Yeah, sure! Thanks!" I said while he flashes a smile and as his dimples appear on one side his cheek.

I was about to hold the knob when suddenly it opens and a hand came out pulling me inside. It was my cousin Ysabel, "Oh my Gosh! What did you two talk about? I heard he told you "Sweet Dreams" Why, did he confess? You two look are so in love!" she teased "What?" asked her very puzzled "Didn't you see how he looked at you? He totally likes you!" she continued teasing. "Oh, no...no...no! when will you stop teasing me with him, he doesn't like me besides he must have a girlfriend, with a face like that it's impossible for him of not having at least one. How did you see us anyway?" she told me that she was about to get out and wait for me when she saw me talking to Lay. We've been supporting each others back ever since we came. She worked at our contry's embassy as an assitant. She's two years older than me so she treats me like her own little sister. "Will you stop changing the topic! If Lay has a girlfriend he won't gonna tell you to have a Sweet Dreams. Boys only do that with their girlfriend! "said Ysa "Yeah like your boyfriend Charles always do to you? " I fired back. "Yeah" as she blushed but doesn't seem to give up. "Aren't you in love with him? Aren't you even like him?" I just rolled my eyes "What is Love, please define."

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I've actually seen this before and I intended to comment something but I totally forgot lol
This is so interesting