

Smoke, fire, sulfur, gas, pops, screams, sobs, shouts, crunching, cracking, smashing, blackness.

Nothing was as it was, nothing was as it should be, nothing was what made sense.
Baekhyun woke up from his stupor to see the smashed form of the bus he had been on, raising his hand to his aching head, he blinked a few times to clear his vision- only to realize that the smoke wasn't helping him any. Glancing at his surroundings, he could make out a few huddled forms on the floor of the bus, and as his eyes looked out the windows he could see others having been flung from the interior crouched in haphazard positions, crying in pain. Looking at himself, he determined he didn't look too terrible- other than a gash on his head which was evident by the blood he saw trickling down his wrist- he felt okay. Then a thought hit him. "Wh-where is he?" His weak voice seemed to have been stopped by the smoke that was billowing through out the wreckage.
When no one responded to him, Baekhyun forced himself to stand up, biting onto his lip when he felt pain shoot up his right leg- there might be a slight injury there, he realized. Focusing on the task at hand, Baekhyun held himself up by clutching onto the bus seats and slowly maneuvering through the length of the bus. His thoughts locked on finding him to the point that he hadn't even realized that someone was yelling at him until he was picked up and forced from the bus. As the stranger set him down on the ground, Baekhyun saw why. Moments later, the fire that was taking place on the hood of the bus, engorged the entire front end, lapping against the gas tank, and then he heard it, that explosive sound that had him covering his head and closing his eyes. There was no one alive remaining on the bus, the stranger revealed to him, Baekhyun had been the last living person still inside the metal death trap. After the explanation was finished, Baekhyun's vision began to swim before he passed out, once again succumbing to the blackness.
"There you are! What took you so long?" A tall figure playfully chastised Baekhyun, poking his cheeks then nose, "I'm going to starve if we don't eat soon, Baekhyunnie!" The male exclaimed, showing him a broad smile as Baekhyun felt the other's arms wrapping around him. "Will you make something for me?" 
Smiling softly as though it were the most natural thing, Baekhyun nodded, "Sure thing, what does my silly boyfriend want?" It was natural, he realized as he playfully poked the other's cheeks.
"I want something noodle-related, that has a sauce, that can be eaten however I please..."
Baekhyun let out a happy giggle, "If you want spaghetti, why don't you just say so?" The male laughed heartily at Baekhyun's quip.
"Alright then, I want spaghetti!" The other male childishly exclaimed before wrapping his arms tighter around Baekhyun.
"You'll have to release me so that I can make your food." He patiently explained as he tapped at the other's arms.
"I changed my mind." His boyfriend suddenly stated, "Can we order out please? I don't want to let go of you just yet." 
Smiling at his boyfriend's cheesiness, Baekhyun quickly agreed, "Why don't you place the order and I'll set up a movie for us?" After his boyfriend agreed, Baekhyun pecked the other on the lips quickly before disentangling himself from the other and running into the living room. As they cuddled on the couch with the movie playing, the doorbell rang. "Dinner's here, Baekkie." His boyfriend murmured, pressing a quick kiss to Baekhyun's cheek, the other got up to answer the door.
Baekhyun screamed out in pain as someone wrapped his ankle with some gauze, "What on Earth do you think you're doing?" He yelled as he tried to pull his leg out of the person's grasp.
"I'm an EMT, trust me on this, if I don't do this now, you might lose your leg." The male replied, his motions momentarily stilling, Baekhyun stared at the person for a moment.
"You promise you won't hurt me?" Baekhyun's weak voice replied as he wiped at the tears rolling down his cheeks.
The stranger released a soft sigh and shook his head slightly, "I can't promise you that."
"No one can ever make that promise, but I still want to hear the right words." Baekhyun replied before giving a slight nod, "I trust you though, I'm sorry if I'm not the most cooperative." He huffed out as the man once again wrapped his hands around Baekhyun's leg, lifting it to continue wrapping up the area of the leg in need of support.
Even as Baekhyun screamed out in pain, his mind had already wandered. Which is why when the pain became so overwhelming that he passed out again, Baekhyun was none the wiser to it as another scream was ripped from his lips.
"You promise you won't hurt me?" Baekhyun questioned, his voice shaking a bit as he tried to determine whether or not to accept the male standing before him.
"No one can ever make that promise, Baekhyun. The only thing I can promise is that I will try my best to keep you happy. I may not always succeed- after all, I'm human too- but I will never let you feel like you're the only one committed to our relationship.I can promise that I will never let you feel like you're alone- even if I'm not around."
Baekhyun frowned slightly, "But what if I do get lonely when you're not around?" The response was instantaneous.
"You can whack me over the head with a baguette."
"Okay." Baekhyun replied, smiling happily.
"You want to hit me with a baguette? Ouch! My feelings!" The other male teased Baekhyun, hoping he would react the way he expected him too- and he did.
Releasing a peel of giggles, Baekhyun wrapped his arms around his stomach until his laughter had calmed down enough that he could squeeze a few words, "No-" More laughter escaped the doubled-over form of Baekhyun as he tried to catch his breath, "I want to be your boyfriend."
"Is that a confession?" Baekhyun's new boyfriend quipped.
"No, it's an acceptance." Baekhyun clarified as he continued to huff and puff for air.
A blinding light shone in Baekhyun's eyes causing him to groan, "Sir? Do you know where you are sir?" It was the voice of another stranger, just how many strangers would he have to face today?
"On the ground." Baekhyun groaned out his response as he lethargically lifted an arm to swat at the flashlight, "Stop shining that thing in my eyes." He grunted, letting out a relieved sigh when he heard a click followed quickly by the loss of the bright beam in his eyes.
"What's your name?"
"Byun Baekhyun."
"Do you know what happened?"
"There was an accident but he protected me so that I wouldn't get too hurt..." Baekhyun paused, his eyes suddenly widening as he sat up quickly and looked around, "Where is he? Where did he go?"
"Sir, I need you to relax, he may have left in one the ambulances that have already left." The man tried to calm Baekhyun down, his hands gently pressing on Baekhyun's shoulders to urge him to lay back down.
"No! He's missing! Where is he?" Baekhyun panicked, pushing the man away as he tried to stand up, only to end up collapsing as he cried out in pain.
The stranger was gently chastising Baekhyun as he re-positioned Baekhyun with as little pain as possible. "There, now, will you listen to me and answer my questions?" Even though Baekhyun didn't reply the man continued on, "Who is missing?"
Baekhyun's eyes welled up with tears at the question and he closed them as he tried to keep himself calm, the answer just on the tip of his tongue.
"Chanyeol, you've got to be kidding me." Baekhyun stated firmly as he crossed his arms over his chest.
The taller male looked back at Baekhyun as he looked at the ride in front of them, "No... I'm not..." Chanyeol mumbled back, his eyes showing how confused he was.
"You're not planning on taking me on that thing just so you can have it stop at the top and we can watch the sunset, are you?" The elder demanded, knowing that Chanyeol had been trying his hardest to be overly romantic all day.
"I- you- how?" Chanyeol pouted as he stared at Baekhyun, "That's not fair! I wanted to surprise you!" Chanyeol responded before sulkily stomping over to a nearby bench and plopping his tall frame down on the far end of it.
Releasing a sigh, Baekhyun followed Chanyeol to the bench, "Just because we're dating now doesn't mean you have to be so overly romantic. I like the silly and clumsy Chanyeol you normally are. I didn't become your boyfriend simply so I could have you dote on me."
"You don't like when I'm romantic?" Chanyeol immediately questioned, his lower lip still poking out in a pout.
Baekhyun's breath caught. What was it about that look? Wide eyed and staring up at him as if he'd wronged- it took all of Baekhyun's self-restraint not to give a reassuring smile and gently spoken words of comfort. He could never find it unpleasant, the tendency that Chanyeol had to think too much and worry about what would offend his sensibilities and what would please them. At some point, it had been appreciated that he took the time to do so; although as time passed, something changed. And though it may have seemed different to Chanyeol (or so he thought) Baekhyun was convinced it meant something a little deeper. He didn't want Chanyeol to try. The mushiness of candle light dinners and romantic dates seemed to bring less genuine smiles than the nights in their kitchen as Baekhyun insisted on having the younger chop vegetables and stir occasionally, not quite trusting enough to hand over the kitchen. Words, so poetic that sometimes flowed from Chanyeol's lips in that voice- those words that had him swaying with euphoria and kept him up on nights had stepped aside. Now, unbeknownst to him, Baekhyun's lips formed smiles at recollections of sweet nothings muttered into his ear on a night they curled up on the couch for a movie; or sometimes, the simple 'good night' slurred by sleep that Chanyeol would whisper into his ear. Somewhere, the idea of 'Chanyeol, my boyfriend' morphed into simply, Chanyeol. Chanyeol who looked handsome when he would smile. Chanyeol who looked cute when he pouted. Chanyeol who filled that void he wasn't aware had existed in his life until it was filled.
"Hey now, I didn't say that! I just don't want you to push yourself in to being romantic every second of the day." Baekhyun clarified with a small smile, "Every once in a while is fine, just don't change who you are." He explained as he took Chanyeol's hand in his, the younger one immediately intertwining their fingers.
"Alright, I understand, but I still want to watch the sunset with you tonight. Let's go to the beach." Chanyeol stated, jumping up from the bench the instant Baekhyun nodded his head in agreement.
"His name is Byun Baekhyun he's looking for someone he claims was on the bus, so you may have to restrain him." Baekhyun recognized the voice as that of the second stranger, had he lost consciousness again?
"Alright, thank you, we'll see you at the hospital." Another voice hit Baekhyun's ears as he realized what was happening, he was being strapped into a gurney.
"This is the last trip we'll be making for this scene, but the other five engines will be back." A third voice sounded and Baekhyun felt the straps just below his shoulders tightening.
"Do you really think he'll make a run for it Mr. Lee?" Baekhyun heard the one ask, no longer caring which voice was which.
"I'm not positive, but if he does try to- he'll only hurt himself more. His left leg is in terrible condition." There was a pause before Mr. Lee spoke again, "His ankle, and I think there's at least two breaks in the lower leg, the knee seems alright though, and that is a miracle in itself."
"Chanyeol, you've been acting romantic again lately." Baekhyun voiced his thoughts as he cuddled against his boyfriend.
Chanyeol fell silent as he stared at the screen where the movie was beginning before tightening his grip around Baekhyun's smaller form, "I can't help it." Another pause, and Baekhyun waits, giving Chanyeol a chance to process his thoughts, "I'm afraid that if I don't do a few amazing things, something might happen and you won't remember me."
There was a slight pang in Baekhyun's chest as Chanyeol's words registered deep inside him. Chanyeol had never wanted much from life, he had always admitted that outright, the only thing that mattered to him was that the person he hold dearest to him actually remembered him. Baekhyun knew the younger had issues regarding that after his parents had heartlessly abandoned him. Sure, it had been years since Chanyeol's parents had cursed him out and left him homeless, not even flinching as he tried to earn a way back into their lives- but the damage was done. A small, comforting, smile on his lips, Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol with admiration and love shining in his eyes before he could bring himself to speak.
"Yeollie, I won't ever forget you. I love you too much to ever let anything separate us- even if it's a few seconds, I will always look for you." Baekhyun leaned up and gently pressed his lips to Chanyeol's, "Always remember that, alright?"
Smiling once again, Chanyeol gave a fervent nod before placing a gentle peck on Baekhyun's forehead, "I love you too."
"Where dreams are sweet, and memories precious, there's always something lurking in the shadows. When two hearts meet, and hands are found intertwine, I come out to test them all." A low voice reverberated in Baekhyun's mind, causing the confused boy to open his eyes. As he did, all he could see was darkness with only a hint of illumination.
"H-Hello? Is someone there?" Baekhyun weakly called out, his eyes frantically scanning the area.
"I'm here, you're here, but is he here?" The same voice replied, causing Baekhyun to frown.
Feeling a slightly panicked feeling bubbling in his stomach, Baekhyun called out into the darkness, "What are you talking about?"
"Our little Baekhyun is lost and confused, where is his loving and overly-romantic boyfriend? Will Baekhyun hold up to his promises if I erase his memories?" The voice continued to taunt, and Baekhyun knew that his panic was justifiable in that moment, there was no way this could end well.
"S-stop it! I'm not listening to you anymore! G-go taunt someone else!" Baekhyun yelled, his hands curling into tightly clenched fists at his sides.
"That's no fun, Baekhyun. I'll leave you alone after I clarify the rules." The voice stated, not backing down as its tone became slightly darker, "Nothing shall be what you thought it was, and what you think will only be half-lucid. What you see, what you hear, what you think- I'll have erased everything that transpired before now. Only when you realize the truth will you remember it once again. Can you save your relationship, Byun Baekhyun?"
"That's not funny! Leave us alone! Leave- leave... Leave him out of this!" Baekhyun defended, his foot soundless stamping against the ground.
A dark laugh sounded, "Leave who alone, Baekhyun?" When Baekhyun refused to respond, his teeth digging into his bottom lip, the voice spoke once again, "I'll give you a hint." Seeing hope in this statement, Baekhyun gave a slight nod, "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream."
"That doesn't-"
"Help!" Baekhyun yelled out, sitting up slightly, his breathing rapid. Blinking rapidly, he took in the completely white room laden with machinery that was hooked up to his arms. After staring at the lines on a machine with a blue-gray screen, he forced himself to look away, his eyes landing on a figure in a wheel chair on the right side of his bed. "Wh-who are you?"
Giving an awkward laugh and shaking his head, Chanyeol weakly forced out his reply, "That's not funny, Baek." His fingers unconsciously finding their way through his blonde locks.
Chanyeol could only watch helplessly as Baekhyun repetitively blinked, his eyes showing the confusion the elder was trying so hard not to voice. "I'm... being serious." Chanyeol's world seemed to collapse at those words, un-shed tears shining in his eyes as Baekhyun continued, "Who are you?" Swallowing thickly, Chanyeol tried not to think of the words his parents had thrown at him before he had wound up as roommates with Baekhyun's friends- before he met Baekhyun even. The words that his parents had deemed 'fit for a selfish son like him.'  Chanyeol recalled how he had continued to beg them to rethink their decision, he didn't mean to be different. He never meant to disappoint them. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't live up to their expectations- but did that really mean forgetting him? Ignoring that he ever existed?
"I'm your boyfriend..." When Baekhyun still showed no signs of recognition, the blonde continued, "My name's Chanyeol." The tears that had been clinging to the corners of his eyes found their own paths down his cheeks as he wished to curl into himself. Not only had he been forgotten, but there was sheer horror in Baekhyun's eyes as his words had registered in the elder's mind. "Baekhyun, please..." He murmured as he saw his boyfriend try to scoot as far away as he could, Remember me. The request went unfinished as Chanyeol choked back a sob, his hands barely supporting his head as the nurse came in for her rounds. For once, Chanyeol thought his parents might be right.
You will never be worth remembering.


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Telissa #1
Chapter 1: Eyes are watery ;;

This is sweet and gahh and skdmsdsdnskm. IT'S OFFICIAL, YOU ARE MY NEW FAVORITE AUTHOR ;;

My emotions are in a complete mess right now ;;
Chapter 1: Chanyeol you are worth remembering, you really are. Baek waeeeee ;______;
Chapter 1: akljsfklajg -shakes computer in an attempt to somehow get baekhyun to remember- ;_; poor chanyeol~~
Chapter 1: omg i'm crying right now..
fliff mixed against..
enjoy reading..
Be responsible you, I was supposed to do my assignment but now I'm crying at my college's library.
The story is just omg I simply can't. It left a scar in my heart and my poor feels just can't take this anymore sobs.
You made my emotion went on a rollercoaster from the fluff mixed in with the angst.
Look what have you doneeee. ;-;

Thanks for writing & sharing. Good luck with the contest! and s e q u e l pls? <3
sequel pls omg i am crying at 3AM