

            Onew had this undying love for coffee.

            There was once a time during his college days where he had to write three research papers and study for an exam in one night. His best friend, Jonghyun, immediately offered him a cup of the addictive caffeinated drink as a solution, and he had been hooked ever since. There was just something about it that brought him a sense of comfort, warmth and assurance; it soothed his soul in a way that was completely beyond words.

            And yet, that wasn’t the main reason as to why Onew found himself waking up extra early every morning to go snag a cup at the small café near his apartment.

            As Onew entered the coffee shop, he made a note to nervously pick at the hem of his grey and navy blue sweater; a habit he had picked up whenever he was uneasy. He took a shaky breath in before walking over to the counter, smiling lightly as he indulged in the scent of his favorite beverage. There was nobody behind the service table, so Onew anxiously tapped his nails against the tabletop and rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. His anxiety began to wane as every second passed, and Onew found himself not minding being unattended.

            “Oh hey, sorry. I’ll be right there!” a husky voice suddenly called from the backroom, and Onew jumped slightly. He immediately recognized the luscious voice, and his cheeks reddened at the thought of the person. Within a matter of seconds, a rather handsome, tall man emerged from the backroom, a charismatic smile plastered on his face. When the two made eye contact, the smile softened into something more sincere at the recognition.

            “Hey, it’s you,” Minho cheered, pointing a knowing finger at Onew. The latter merely nodded timidly, a weak smile following. “You are always here, hyung.”

            “I… I like coffee,” Onew said dumbly, not having the courage or confidence to tell Minho that he was the real reason he came to this café. Minho, however, took the answer happily, nodding in understanding.

            “I’m a pretty big fan myself.” Onew smiled at the friendly response, glad that Minho was so considerate. Minho was always easy to talk to, even if the two weren’t the best of friends. They were hardly associates really since they only had small talk when Onew ordered coffee. That fact usually saddened Onew to no end, but seeing the younger’s handsome face with that sweet smile every morning made it almost worth it. Onew truly cherished every minute – every second – spent with Minho.

            He doesn’t know when it happened; his crush for Minho suddenly blossomed when he least expected it. Onew distinctly remembers when he first came to this café, right after moving into his current apartment. He and Jonghyun had spent the entire day moving, unloading and unpacking all of his stuff, and so the older decided to treat the younger to a warm cup of java since it was such a cold day. When they approached the counter, Minho turned from facing the coffee machine to flash them a bright smile. Jonghyun went on to request his order while Onew stood there, dumbfounded. Even after being called a few times, he was stuck in a trance, staring in astonishment at the youngest.

           At first, he was utterly envious of the taller, of his confident aura and strong built. Onew had always dreamed of being a man like Minho. However, after going back to the café a few times and finding himself sitting in the dark corner in the back of the shop, staring dreamily at the younger, he quickly realized that his envy evolved into desire. Of course, Onew denied it constantly. But he had far too many reveries of him snuggling in the younger’s arms to talk himself out of it.

           Onew had fallen hard for the younger.

           “So what would you like today, hyung?” Minho asked as his instinctively grabbed a cup – a tall, Onew might add since that was the size he always chose – with a Sharpie in hand. Onew looked down at first – a pure reflex he acquired when he realized his love for the boy before him – before realizing he had to order. He shyly glanced at the menu board, scanning over each item the café provided.

           “I’ve been meaning to try an Americano,” Onew noted when he saw the name, remembering how Key always tried to convince him that it was the best drink ever made.

            Minho’s smile widened. “An Americano it is then.”  He scribbled on the paper cup for a few seconds, writing down the notes he was required to jot down. Onew noticed that he took longer than usual, and it seemed that he had written much more than needed. However, he didn’t question it and proceeded to watch Minho make his desired beverage.

            “So uh…” Onew started awkwardly, mustering all his courage to start a conversation, “how have you been, Minho-ssi?”

            “Onew hyung, you don’t need to be formal,” Minho laughed, shaking his head mockingly at his elder. Onew’s cheeks reddened at the mention of his name; he always loved the way it rolled off of Minho’s tongue so easily.

            “Right… Minho then?”

            “That’s perfect,” Minho nodded, a smile evident by his tone. “Anyways, I have been well. How about yourself?”

            “Yeah… things are… fine.” Onew had to take multiple pauses in order to will himself not to stutter.

           “You sure about that?” Minho asked, turning around to give him an inquiring look. “You sounded uncertain.”

            “Oh no!” Onew spluttered, raising his hands in defense. “I’m fine; promise.”

            Minho heaved a sigh of relief. “Good. You better be alright.”

            “Sorry for concerning you,” Onew chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. Minho finally turned around fully, walking over to the older with his drink in hand.

            “It’s fine if it’s you, hyung,” Minho assured him with a smile. Onew immediately flushed in embarrassment, hastily grabbing his drink.

            “Thanks for the drink,” he grumbled before turning to leave.

            “Wait, hyung!” Minho called. When Onew glanced over his shoulder, he saw Minho smiling the most serene smile he’d ever seen. “You look cute today.”

            Literally a second after those words left Minho’s lips, Onew took a step back, tripping over the chair leg behind him. He fell roughly to the floor, instantly being drenched in the hot drink when the cup followed after him. Onew shrieked in pain at the burning sensation before clutching himself for safety. Although he was in so much physical pain, his heart hurt the most. Never in his life had he been so embarrassed of his clumsiness; and now, it decides to humiliate him in front of the guy he really liked.

            Minho probably thinks I’m a klutz, Onew thought solemnly, hating himself with every passing second.

Minho dropped to his knees to sit beside him before cradling him in his arms, snapping Onew out of his reverie.

            “Hyung, oh God,” Minho cried, pulling Onew tight against his chest. “Are you okay?” Onew didn’t respond immediately, still shocked that Minho – the Minho – was holding him.

            “Y-yeah,” he finally stuttered as his hands grabbed a handful of Minho’s shirt. “I t-think so.” Minho pulled away slightly to take a good look at him; his eyes roamed over Onew’s soaking wet body.

            “Does it hurt?” he questioned worriedly, looking to him with glazed eyes. Onew nodded his head softly, still a little numb from the pain. “Where?”

            Everywhere really, Onew thought, unable to pick a specific place where it hurt the most. He decided to show Minho his hand as an answer, and the younger instantly took the hand and placed a gentle peck on it.

            “Is that better?” Minho whispered against the back of his hand, hot breath sending shivers down his spine. Onew merely nodded with wide eyes, completely incapable of fathoming a coherent sentence. Minho chuckled softly in response before pulling the boy up to stand.

            “Geez, what a mess,” Minho commented with a laugh, shaking his head at the drenched floor. Luckily, the store was empty, and so no other customers were disturbed by the commotion.

            Onew hung his head in shame as he held himself. “I’m sorry.”

            “No!” Minho exclaimed, grabbing the elder’s biceps. “It’s not your fault, hyung. I’m sorry; that was insensitive of me to say.” When Onew didn’t look up from the ground, Minho let out a small huff. “I’m sorry, hyung.”

            The two stood there in silence for a little bit, taking in the sight of the messy floor. Onew noticed the discarded paper cup on the side, completely soaked in the coffee. He decided to pick it up in an attempt to help clean up the mess, but Minho stopped him, grabbing his wrist lightly.

            “Uh… just… j-just leave it, hyung,” Minho grumbled, cheeks tinted slightly pink. Onew was shocked to see Minho flushed in embarrassment, and curiosity began to kick in. He began to wonder what exactly Minho had written on the cup that he didn’t want Onew to see anymore. Onew wrenched his hand out of Minho’s grip and ran to snatch the cup before Minho could stop him.

            “Wait. Hyung!” Minho desperately tried to call, but Onew had already turned the cup over.

            And Onew’s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

            Because he was beyond shocked to see what Minho had written.

            “What is this?” Onew asked shakily, tears began to form in his eyes.  

           Minho immediately broke down and mumbled, “I’m sorry.”

           “Minho,” Onew squeaked, turning to face the younger. He held out the cup for Minho to see, showing him a set of digits – seven number, to be exact. “Is this… is this your phone number?”

           Minho let out a small sigh before nodding. “Yeah.”

           “Why didn’t… why didn’t you want me to see it?”

           “Because… because I felt bad,” Minho huffed, hunching his back forward in defeat. “I really like you, hyung. Like I mean, I really like you. But I just made you feel bad about making this mess which wasn’t even your fault, and I felt like an for treating you that way. I thought a guy like you could never like a guy like me.”

           “You are an idiot,” Onew deadpanned as he threw the cup aside. Minho’s head ducked forward.

           “You hate me.”

           “My God, you really are an idiot,” Onew laughed as he walked over to the boy. Minho raised his head in confusion, and Onew immediately took the chance to press his lips against Minho’s, kissing the boy fully. Minho was startled by the action, but he quickly softened and wrapped his arms around Onew’s waist. When they finally pulled away, Onew gave him a soft smile before shaking his head.

           “I really like you too.”


A/N: ! Four days in, and I already am slipping from my resolution. I was seriously one minute away from midnight, but AFF was too slow! I swear, I finished it before the fourth day ended. This resolution was a really difficult idea. 

Anyways, I love coffee shop AUs, so I decided to do one as well. I gave it a little twist and made it more original. :) OnHo is one of my favorite SHINee pairings. I feel like I say that about every pairing... Oh well...

The story was kind of fluffy... Actually, it was extremely fluffy. But I am a fluffy bastard, so... I hope you guys don't mind haha. I really enjoy fluffy stories. :)

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it! <3

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flrite #1
Chapter 1: Such a cute adorable sweet story. Thank you!
Chapter 1: Ahw so cute! Thank you author-nim!
Kyattchan #3
Chapter 1: This was really cuteeeeeeee! Coffee and Onho! Two of my favorite things in the world! <33
Chapter 1: NAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wohrggrihgrieohrhriohghriogiohghighioegheirhioreohigreioh YOU FLUFFY BASTARD xDD I LOVE YOU~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3333333333333333333333333
Chapter 1: Fluffy..god so fluffy. Like a billion bunnies soaked in coffee wouldn't be. But still, I enjoyed it...I love Onho too :) good luck staying with the resolution.
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa so cute!! I swear i had the biggest smile on my face the whole time lol
Chapter 1: SUPER CUTE bwah~~
SnHiromi #8
Chapter 1: awww this is super cutee~~~
marlen12315 #9
Chapter 1: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! this is so beautiful ... you are fantastic!!!
Chapter 1: This is soooooooo adorable >.<