Oh hell no.

When I'm on Facebook


@>----- Chapter 5

Gracefully, she walks in, long hair flowing as she comes closer. Her face, it’s radiant and glowing and her eyes, I can’t stop looking at them.

“Gil Hae! Come sit here!”

When the rest are all praising her about how pretty she became after so many years, I continue in my trance as I, transfixed by her long lashes, begin reminiscing the days when I was still a boy and how I had a crush on her. And the feelings are charging back at me like wild horses.

She clearly did not put much make up because she still looks pure and innocent– like an angel – with her mascara-free lashes and pale cheeks. Her lips are red from the cold outside and when she smiles, her pearly white teeth makes me want to --

She looks at me and smiles. Did I stare too hard?

“Hello Seunghyun, long time no see.”

She still speaks gently.

“Long time no see too, Gil Hae.”

I trembled a little at her name but I hope she didn’t notice it…

“You changed so much! When I first saw Big Bang, I thought I was wrong but, it really is you!”

I’m instantly flattered even though I’ve heard the same thing too many times but when it comes out of Gil Hae, my heart does a back flip and a victory sign. All I can do is smile at her.

“Yea, Seunghyun’s no longer that fat Sleepy, right?” My ex-buddy puts his arm around my shoulder warmly and I’m glad he did because I’m very likely blushing right now. “Seunghyun needs a new nickname!”

“What nickname? He’s already T.O.P!”

“Oh yea, haha. Hey, when are you gonna invite me to your concert? My girlfriend really likes G-dragon…”


Good times really fly. I spent most of my time looking at Gil Hae and exchanging a few sentences with her while my heart fluttered madly. When I look at my watch, it’s already twelve twenty. The guys start pairing people up to go home together. Those who have cars have the obligation to people home but looking at how drunk some of them are, I doubt we have enough people to act as chauffeurs.

“Look at all these drunk fools. I’ll just call a cab and throw them in.” Tae Hyung picks his phone and starts busying himself.

“Gil Hae, do you have a car?”

“Oh, my friend is picking me up.”

My stomach sinks when I hear her say that. I was just imagining taking her home and on my car we chat happily and that’s when she’s supposed to fall in love with me but then…

“My friend’s here! I’m going off first. Bye guys! Nice seeing you all after all this time!” Gil Hae leaves after she checks her phone.

I stare at her back like a lovesick fool as she exits. No, don’t go yet!

Watching her through the glass door, I spot a figure waiting beside a car, opening his arms to Gil Hae. A sour feeling grips my stomach as Gil Hae hugs the man and goes into his car. Gil Hae, you have a boyfriend?

The happiness I had a while ago vanish in a split second. Now I’m feeling really sad.

Gil Hae already has a boyfriend. I’m super upset.

“Min Soo, you have a car?”

“No. I’m gonna take a cab.”

“Aii, just let Seunghyun drive you home.”


“Ok let’s go, people.” Tae Hyung starts steering people out of the shop.

What?! You didn’t even asked me and you just decided for me like that?!

The rest of the gang disappears so quickly I didn’t even have time to react until Min Soo who is standing beside me all this time speaks, “Are you moving or not?”

RAHHHHHH!! ^$#%@#$!!

{sorry that this chapter is kinda short :/}

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Chapter 1: wanna read this story for 3rd time... kekekkek
Chapter 27: Hahahaha, i cant stop laugh when i read ur story authornim. It's really comedy. I cant imagize choi seunghyun is a over-confident' person. Funny n nice.
Chapter 27: awww just read this in one go... i truly enjoyed n liked it... another side of the almighty TOP XD
YongHwaLover #4
Chapter 27: waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! DAEBAK
chocolakay #5
Chapter 27: it's end! this is beautiful and funny! daebak!
Chapter 27: Aaaaaakkk i did really enjoyed this piece of sweet by yours, go write another and i promise i'll support you whoever your character are, bcoz i love your writing style :*
valeriemillenia #7
Chapter 27: It's a great story and I like the ending ;)
MyDarlingLove #8
Chapter 27: Thank you authornim for a great story!!! I really like the ending!!! :-)
valeriemillenia #9
Chapter 26: Wow finally he confessed XD