Nerd Soo

When I'm on Facebook


@>------ Chapter 3

“Alright. Last one.”

The photographer takes his last few shots and calls it a day. Just when I am ing the top button of my navy blue blazer, my phone buzzes and vibrates on the glass table.

I give my phone a swipe and an unfamiliar number appears at the top of the screen. Hmm? I an eyebrow while I proceed to read the message.

Hey guys what’s up! It’s Tae Hyung, remember me? Guess what, I’m holding a class gathering this year! Yep, it’s 4-9’s class gathering!!....

Class gathering.

Wait, what?

It’s either God took pity on my poor soul or it’s just a lucky coincidence.

A class gathering right after I refresh my old school crush two days ago?! And so suddenly right out of the blue?! Ok, definitely not just a coincidence -- OH THANK YOU GOD, YOU TOOK PITY ON ME.

“Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Ohmygod.”

“What?” Taeyang’s curious face pops right in front of me all of a sudden.

“Nothing!” Out of surprise and nervousness, my voice comes out a pitch too high and they all stare at me like I suddenly turned gay.

“Ahahaha, what are we gonna have for lunch? Hmm?” Swinging my arm over Taeyang’s neck, I start acting like Bingu Top to distract them.

“Sushi?” Daesung squeals in excitement and the previous awkward silence is long tossed aside and forgotten as they start discussing about the menu for lunch.

I heave a sigh of relief to myself secretly as I read the phone message again, making sure it’s not just a dream or a prank mail. I trail behind my boisterous group members who are too busy chit-chatting over today’s photoshoot to notice me as we exit the building. I stuff my fists inside my jeans pockets and they sweat a waterfall.

Oh my god, am I going to see Gil Hae?


It’s been a week since I received that message from Tae Hyung, asking me to join the class gathering. And yep, today’s the day. I’m going to see them.

As T.O.P.

I smirk as I adjust my long coat, staring at the mirror as charismatically as I can. I decided to let my bangs down today, letting the brown locks cover my forehead. I think that just makes my eyes look smokier. The class gathering’s not at a formal place so I just make do with a plain white shirt and slick black trousers plus some leather shoes. Putting on my classy Rolex watch, I give the mirror a glance. But not too hard, the mirror might melt.


Lastly, my lucky ring. The sapphire jewel on it has the most calming colour I have ever seen. When I look into it, it seems like I have a bird’s eye view of an ocean, as if a sea untainted by man is trapped inside. And I’m wearing it on my finger.

Just when my heart calms itself, a small voice at the back of my head whispers into my right ear with a wicked mischief, “Gil Hae’s gonna be there.”

My heart contracts painfully and my cheeks are immediately on fire. The blaze spreads to my entire body in a split second and my fingers start trembling out of control. What’s going on?! Don’t tell me I am so freaking nervous over a stupid class gathering?! I check the mirror once again and the casually smooth image of T.O.P is gone. Standing inside there is the old Choi Seunghyun staring right back at me. A faint pink rests on my cheeks and the tips of my bangs are stuck to my forehead. I stare at the bead of sweat trickling down my sideburn.

I dash clumsily into my bathroom and splash prickling cold water onto my blushing face. I thought excessive sweating only happens when you are overweight?! My clothes, they feel clammy already and the old ailment of sweaty palms is relapsing again.

Calm yourself Seunghyun.


I CAN’T! What should I do, what should I do?! I’m gonna see Gil Hae later, wait, but maybe she’s not coming, she’s too busy flying around. Phew. ––– Hey, what are you saying, Choi Seunghyun? You’re going to the class gathering to see her!! Oh my god, what am I gonna say when I see her later? I’ll stutter!! How embarrassing would that be, especially since I’m now Big Bang! I’m supposed to be cool! Oh . . !!

I turn on my stereo and play Because, the OST of 19 the movie I starred in.

“I don’t know the end anyway, plead to the full moon in the sky

That day where I had nowhere to lean, I walk so I won’t regret

I’ll go higher than the t-o-p”

Yes, Imma go higher than the t-o-p.


“Let’s go, T.O.P.”


“Ommo! It’s T.O.P!” A random passerby squeals along with her friend. I smile and bow slightly at them, only to elicit even more squeals of higher pitches.

Alright Seunghyun, when you see her, don’t panic okay?

My heart thumps as I push open the glass door of the grill meat store and is immediately greeted by the host of the day.

“Hey it’s Seunghyun, isn’t it? Long time no see eh? You look even more handsome in real life! Hahaha!” Tae Hyun wraps his arm around my shoulder and ushers me to an available seat. I glance around nervously but spot no sight of Gil Hae. She’s not here yet? I see my ex-classmates and oh man, they’ve changed. The plain-looking ones became better looking and the good-looking ones in the past… well vice versa. And the girls… They didn’t used to look at me like that before in school. They’re all watching me so intently I feel a little uncomfortable. Catching up energetically with my old buddies and heatedly debating over which teacher in the past was the worst, I lost the anxiousness from waiting for Gil Hae to come.

Well, momentarily.

“Hey, when’s Gil Hae coming? She’s coming, right?” One of the girls sitting in front of me asks. Oh damn, why do you have to bring this up now when I’m enjoying myself. Now my hands are sweaty again!

“Yea, she told me she’s coming right after her flight.”

Over the sizzles of meat and clinking of beer cans, my ears catch the sounds of bells jingling.

The door.

It’s opening.

“Welcome!” The shop ahjumma shouts cheerfully.

My heart stops beating.

….Is it Gil Hae?

I hold my breath.

Turns out to be…

Not Gil Hae and absolutely not.

I roll my eyes, both annoyed and disappointed.

Gil Hae won’t go around in dishevelled hair tied up messily. Neither would she wear such huge geek specs. (She has perfect eyesight) And neither would she wear track pants and track shoes to the class gathering! Who is this otaku lady anyway, she totally killed the suspense. I take a swig of beer with distaste in my mouth.

But where did I see this woman before? She’s familiar…

“Min Soo!”

I almost spitted out my beer but now I’m choking on it.

“Min Soo! You came! Long time no see!”

The girls start getting really excited but the guys remain pretty much uninterested. That’s right, I saw her photos on Facebook the other day. No wonder she looks familiar. The guys exchange bows with Min Soo and she takes up the empty seat beside me.

Could’ve saved that for Gil Hae…  :/

The girls start chatting again, with Min Soo joining in and I continue to fool around with the guys. They don’t seem to take notice of Min Soo much. Now that I’m thinking about it, that’s the case since secondary school. Min Soo wasn’t much of a pretty girl – well, she still isn’t – so the boys don’t take much interest in her plus she keeps to the herself and only talks to people of her own gender. Wonder what’s her problem. Phobia of the opposite ? I’m an exception though. I’m the only one she speaks to. I think I’m her only guy friend around here. And what’s the reason? Because I was fat. Why do I feel so indignant? I feel kind of pissed actually. So what, Park Min Soo? You befriended me only because I was fat and absolutely unattractive so I’m not considered to be of the opposite to you, is that it? What the hell? Fat people have feelings too! And look at you! You ain’t any better, you freaking nerd!


Min Soo turns around, staring at me from behind her gigantic geek specs.

And I give her a dissatisfied “Huuh?”

Why you being so cocky for? What’s with that rude ‘What?’ huh? You damn nerd.

“Why are you staring at?”

What?! How dare you speak to me like that? You rude little brat! Oh yea, now that I think of it, why isn’t she smitten with me? My eyes widen at that thought. The rest of the girls were all blushing over me but why is she, Park Nerd Soo, acting so nonchalantly? Have the four years we spent bickering and bullying each other made her immune to me? That can’t be! I’ve changed so much! And she didn’t even give me a tiniest look since she walked through that freaking door! So I’m still not considered a man to you?!

Argh, I’m pissed. My pride. Oh, my pride. It hurts. It hurts even more when I think about it – the woman who gives no about me is one ugly nerd and even worse, she’s Park Min Soo! At least give your old friend who transformed into a hottie an interested look, would you?!

“I said, what you staring at?”

Alright, I’m pissed.

“Just looking at how much you haven’t changed at all.”

I glare at her when she squint her eyes. Pin up your ing hair at the least, I can’t even see your freaking eyes when you wear those ridiculous glasses!

“Still a nerd, Min Soo.”


She puts down her glass with a little too much strength and we glare daggers at each other, none of us planning to budge at the least.

“Haha, these two are still like cats and dogs!”

“The old days, oh the old days! It’s just like in the past! Hey hey hey, remember when they fought each other outside the school gate? I totally got scared by how a guy and a girl can fight each other so viciously!”

The group bursts into laughter and my anger dissipates as I get distracted.

Lifting the can of beer to my mouth, I let the bitter taste swirl in my mouth while my brain starts rewinding and running tapes of my old memories. It seems like just yesterday when I put that frog into Min Soo’s bag. Haha, funny ; The way she screamed and fell over.

Guess I’ll let you off today, Park Min Soo, for old times’ sake.


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Chapter 1: wanna read this story for 3rd time... kekekkek
Chapter 27: Hahahaha, i cant stop laugh when i read ur story authornim. It's really comedy. I cant imagize choi seunghyun is a over-confident' person. Funny n nice.
Chapter 27: awww just read this in one go... i truly enjoyed n liked it... another side of the almighty TOP XD
YongHwaLover #4
Chapter 27: waaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! DAEBAK
chocolakay #5
Chapter 27: it's end! this is beautiful and funny! daebak!
Chapter 27: Aaaaaakkk i did really enjoyed this piece of sweet by yours, go write another and i promise i'll support you whoever your character are, bcoz i love your writing style :*
valeriemillenia #7
Chapter 27: It's a great story and I like the ending ;)
MyDarlingLove #8
Chapter 27: Thank you authornim for a great story!!! I really like the ending!!! :-)
valeriemillenia #9
Chapter 26: Wow finally he confessed XD