Between Kisses

Between Kisses


The thing Kyuhyun liked of being drunk was that he could be braver to say or do things he couldn’t when he was sober. Like now. He supposed to just drop a drunken Eunhyuk to his hotel room and made sure that his hyung arrived safely, then went straight to his own room. But his drunken state pushed Eunhyuk onto the bed instead, kissing him.

They just finished the after-party of Super Show 4 in Paris. Kyuhyun was drunk. Eunhyuk too, for the first time in his life, got drunk. They discovered that when Eunhyuk got drunk, he would be so touchy to anyone near him. That anyone was including Kyuhyun who happened to got back to the hotel with him.

So that was when the drunken state of Kyuhyun worked. Both drunk, no one else but them in Eunhyuk’s hotel room, both in a good mood, and Paris which was the most romantic city in Eunhyuk’s opinion. Perfect. The moment was just perfect.

Kyuhyun pulled away, “Hyung, I love you.”

There, Kyuhyun finally been able to do and say things he wanted since he didn’t know when but didn’t have the courage to. Thanks to his drunken state and the perfect moment.

Eunhyuk chuckled, “You’re drunk.”

“I am, that’s why I’m telling you the truth,” and Kyuhyun kissed Eunhyuk again.

That’s Kyuhyun when he was drunk. He would say or do things that he normally wouldn’t. He would lose his fear of saying or doing things. But he wouldn’t lose his sanity, he still got his mind straight even when he was drunk.

Unlike the previous kiss, Eunhyuk responded the second kiss. And he didn’t know if it was because of soju and wine he drank or because of the kiss, but he got dizzy. His world was spinning even when his eyes closed. His body felt like floating even when he knew Kyuhyun was above him, pinning him onto the bed.

They had lived together for years. As member of the same group, as colleague, as brother. They had shared many things. Food, clothes, fights, prays, hugs. But kiss, this was the first time they shared it. And they never knew that it would feel this amazing.

“And I am drunk,” Eunhyuk chuckled after the kiss.

Kyuhyun smiled, placed a soft peck on Eunhyuk’s lips when the owner was already drift to sleep.


The first thing Eunhyuk saw when he opened his eyes was Kyuhyun’s face, too close that shocked him until he fell from the bed. Eunhyuk sat up on the floor beside the bed, met Kyuhyun’s now opened eyes.

They looked at each other for few seconds. Kyuhyun was wondering if Eunhyuk remembered what happened last night. Eunhyuk was trying to get his mind straight.

“Did I sleep in the wrong room?” Eunhyuk asked, breaking the silence.

“No. I did,” Kyuhyun answered awkwardly.

Eunhyuk stood up, “Ah, I see,” and made his way to the bathroom.

Kyuhyun didn’t move an inch.

“Umm...won’t you go to...your own room?”

“Ah yes!” Kyuhyun quickly got up and walked to the door.

“Eh Kyuhyun-ah!” Eunhyuk called.

Kyuhyun turned awkwardly. Half of him wanted Eunhyuk to remember the thing that happened last night because that meant Eunhyuk finally knew his long-hidden feeling.

“If I’m not mistaken...,” Eunhyuk said carefully.

But half of Kyuhyun didn’t want Eunhyuk to remember it. There would be two options if Kyuhyun confessed. It was whether they would be lovers, or their years-long friendship ―and brothership― would be ruined. Kyuhyun was afraid of the second option. So if the answer was the second option, he wanted Eunhyuk to forget everything instead.

“That’s my blanket, right?”

Kyuhyun looked down. He was too awkward that he didn’t realize bringing the blanket from Eunhyuk’s bed. “Ah yeah, right,” he threw the blanket onto the bed and left Eunhyuk’s room.


Things happened normally after that. Way too normal that Kyuhyun wondered if Eunhyuk really didn’t remember a thing.

The members headed back to Seoul that day, but the two of them were been left to shoot photobook. Just the two of them, another perfect moment to made things straight. But some staffs were still there, so Kyuhyun held it back. Not that he could straighten it now too, he didn’t have the courage.

They headed back to Seoul the next day. Only when they were alone in the elevator, Kyuhyun finally had the courage to ask. Not because he brave enough or drunk, but because he thought that he wouldn’t have any other time alone with Eunhyuk.

“Hyung, are you the type that would forget everything when you’re drunk?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Umm...I don’t know, that was my first time being drunk.”


Eunhyuk turned to Kyuhyun, “Did I forget something?”

Kyuhyun turned to Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk had this rounded eyes that he only showed when he interested on something. And that made Kyuhyun nervous, somehow. “N-no,” Kyuhyun turned away.


“It’s just―,” Kyuhyun wasn’t drunk, he just couldn’t hold it anymore. He pushed Eunhyuk onto the elevator wall and kissed him. Hands on Eunhyuk’s upper arms so he wouldn’t go.

The shock made Eunhyuk froze for some miliseconds before he responded the kiss. Kyuhyun smiled. When Kyuhyun’s tongue brushed his lips, Eunhyuk pushed Kyuhyun away.

“It has security camera, you know!” Eunhyuk reasoned, stood facing the elevator door.

Kyuhyun blinked. What? So he was being rejected now?

This was the thing Kyuhyun didn’t like of being sober. They both knew and aware of what they did. None of them could hide from each other. And if they didn’t clear it soon, things would get awkward between them.

Kyuhyun thought everything was over when Eunhyuk stepped out the elevator with no words spoken, or even just a small glance to Kyuhyun who was standing at the back corner of elevator.

Before Eunhyuk went in his room, Kyuhyun catched him, “Hyung, let me clear this thing!”

“What?” Eunhyuk was holding the doorknob already, turned to face Kyuhyun.

“I...,” but Kyuhyun hadn’t prepare anything to say yet.

Eunhyuk waited.

Kyuhyun stepped forward, leaned closer to kiss Eunhyuk, hoping that the words he wanted to say would be transferred when his lips touched Eunhyuk’s.

Eunhyuk closed his eyes, leaned to the kiss.

Just a mere touch, not even three seconds long, when they broke up abruptly hearing the front door being opened.

Eunhyuk flushed. He went in his room, slammed the door in front of Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun turned when he heard footsteps came closer.

“Is Eunhyuk in his room?” Donghae asked.

Kyuhyun shrugged, walking away.


Kyuhyun got frustrated easily when things didn’t go on his way. Especially when things that should be in his reach was out of his reach. Or in this case, was Eunhyuk. Kyuhyun’s dread became reality when Eunhyuk refused to talk about it. And like the heaven didn’t give him any bless, they had to start to preparing their new album. That was an enough reason to had members all around and never left them alone to talk.

Rejection was the risk, Kyuhyun knew it. But for Kyuhyun, he hasn’t being rejected yet. Not when Eunhyuk hadn’t say ‘no’ yet. Not when Eunhyuk still leaned to every kiss he gave anytime they had time alone, even for only two seconds long. What frustrating Kyuhyun was that Eunhyuk still refused to talk. Even when Kyuhyun tried to remember, he didn’t know how Eunhyuk could always slipped away after the kiss. Maybe their kiss was the equation of Kyuhyun’s brain stop working.

Finding Eunhyuk slept alone on the couch in the waiting room was too much for Kyuhyun actually. Because what he needed for now was just Eunhyuk alone, awake so they could talk. At time like this he should woke Eunhyuk up so they could talk. But he attached his lips to Eunhyuk’s instead. Not because he was drunk, but because he couldn’t get enough of it. When his sober mind told him that he shouldn’t do this, he just shrugged it. People talk with their lips anyway.

When Kyuhyun opened his eyes, he met Eunhyuk’s now opened eyes. He quickly pulled away. Not because he got caught, but because he shocked.

“What are you doing?” Eunhyuk asked.

Kyuhyun stood up, “My lips are cracked.”

“...what?” Eunhyuk sat up on the couch.

“You always have lipgloss on your lips, so...,” Kyuhyun sat beside Eunhyuk.

“What?” Eunhyuk challenged.

“Oh come on, Hyung! It’s not like it’s the first time we did it! We’ve done―“

You did it.”

“But you responded it!”

“Did I?”

“Tsk, I didn’t know you’re that stupid. Idiot. You’re making me frustrated!”

“Did I?”

Kyuhyun huffed.

At that moment, Eunhyuk cupped Kyuhyun’s face and kissed him.

Kyuhyun’s eyes opened wide before slowly closed. It was the first time Eunhyuk kissed him. And it felt different, totally different than when it happened the other way. Different feeling but contained equal emotion.

They both just weren’t good at talk. Kyuhyun did well in singing love songs, but saying it was a completely different thing for him. Eunhyuk was born with his unability to express his feeling into words. So let them just talked with their lips’ best ability.

“What was that?” Kyuhyun asked when Eunhyuk broke the kiss, confused but satisfied.

“What do you want it to be?”

“Answer me!” Kyuhyun grabbed Eunhyuk’s wrist. “Do you love me...too?” Kyuhyun asked as they looked at each other’s eyes.

“Let’s just say that I’m already addicted to your―,” Eunhyuk stopped when the door opened, revealing Donghae, “―behaviour.”

“What was that mean?” Kyuhyun just didn’t care of whoever came.

“I think I’ve explained it well.”

“What are you guys talking about?” forever curious Donghae asked.

“You haven’t answered my question yet!” Kyuhyun demanded, completely ignoring Donghae.

“That was my answer,” Eunhyuk walked to the door.

“What?! I didn’t get it! Yes or no?!”

“Hey, tell me,” Donghae whined.

“What do you want it to be?” Eunhyuk’s question was clearly directed to Kyuhyun as he looked at Kyuhyun.

“...yes...?” Kyuhyun hoped.

“Yah, don’t ignore me!” Donghae just couldn’t stop his curiosity.

“So yes it is,” Eunhyuk smiled.

“Hyung, I’m serious!” this time it was Kyuhyun who whined.

“And I’m not kidding,” Eunhyuk teased before closed the door behind him.

Kyuhyun blinked, “That friend of yours is really make me lose my mind,” threw his perplexity at Donghae.

“What? What did you guys talking about?” Donghae was at the point of begging.

Kyuhyun didn’t care, he walked to the door too. “Stop bugging on other’s bussiness,” he cursed on his mind.

“Oh Kyuhyun-ah! I bring the lipgloss you’re looking for.”

Kyuhyun hissed, “I don’t need it anymore, Hyung,” walked out the room.

“What? Yah!” poor Donghae.




Why did I put Donghae there? Just for fun, heheh... It’s fun this way, right? Kekeke~ I remember when they’re in Sukira and Eunhyuk told about the curious Donghae when Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun had a private talk. So I put it here :D

Thanks for reading and please tell me what do you think about it ^^

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Chapter 1: Still reading and loving this masterpiece
I love how you write both kkyu and hyukke, the two clumsy and shameful who don't know how to express their true feelings. they're so funny ~
and poor hae, he just wanted to know why so much drama ahaha
loved the open ending ~
there is no doubt that hyuk takes advantage of kkyu's crush to play with his mind ahahaha
Chapter 1: what an adorable read~ with Hyukjae basically playing hard to get and Kyuhyun being this awkward penguin c: donghae was a cute addition too ^^ thanks for this drabble!
Chapter 1: puahahaha at kyuhyun's lame excuses xDD
kyuhyukhae were so cute omg whining everywhere :DD
Chapter 1: I can totally picture Donghae with his puppy eyes, begging to know what KyuHyuk were talking about :)

And I absolutely adore this plot... The confusion, the uncertainty, the doubt after a confession~ you captured all the emotions in such a lovable scenes :)
kyu-sshi #6
Chapter 1: this is so's kyu chase hyuk, and how's hyuk give his answer, so sweet :D
Chapter 1: Lol, this is wonderful. Donghae xD and I really love when Kyu is the one chasing Eunhyuk hehe. Great work!
Chapter 1: its obviously YESSSSS! awwww... p^^q
Chapter 1: hahaha poor Donghae >< he's so cute though... but KyuHyuk's cuter :P