Good Morning!

I Hate High School Love....

Mei's POV:


Its time for me to go to school again. I don't want to go. I don't want to go and see Sora with my one and only crush in the entire school. I don't want to go to school and see her happy with the one I want to be happy with. I don't want to go and have to force a smile on my face. I can't force a smile on my face anymore. Not anymore. It hurts just to lay here and think about how happy she is with G.O.... 


Am I jealous? Yes... Yes I am. Am I happy for her? Well yes. I am happy for her. She has always wanted to be with someone and she is with someone. I guess I could be a good friend and just support them. Aish. I'm so tired. Sora kept me up rambling about how amazing their date was. Couldn't she tell I'm hurting?




It was about midnight on Sunday evening. I was asleep and I got a call that woke me up. I groaned as I tossed and turned trying to ignore the annoying vibrations coming from my phone. It just wouldn't quit and I growled finally sitting up to answer the call.

"What?!"  I snapped annoyed and grumpy. I hated being disturbed as I was sleeping. I was having a great dream too. I was about to kiss G.O until the stupid phone woke me up.

"Mei? Oh! Are you awake? Did I wake you up?"  My friend's soft and excited voice was heard on the other end and I sighed out, "What is it Sora? It's midnight!" 


She gasped and giggled slightly, "Oh I'm sorry! I just wanted to talk to someone... I had the most amazing night with G.O Oppa... He is really sweet and kind. I'm so lucky to have him."

I listened, wanting to hang up badly. How can she say this to me?!  She continued to go on and on about her date. I sighed and finally was able to hang up my phone. I couldn't listen to her go on about how happy she was. It hurt. It hurt so bad. I wanted to be her.. I wanted to be with G.O.... I wanted him to hug me under the stars... I wanted him to kiss me while the sun set.


I wanted him to tell me he loved me and only me. 

I wanted to smiled for him and tell him how much I loved him and wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss him softly. I wanted him to love ME.  I wanted to hear him say my name with that soft tone he uses on Sora.


I just want him to be mine.


-End of Flashback-


I stayed up the whole night, thinking about how much I wanted him to love me. I couldn't sleep. I cried the whole night, and cried myself to sleep. I woke up from the dream I have everynight about him. I end up crying also, forcing myself to get up and form a smile on my face that I knew was fake. I would force myself to get changed into my school uniform, and walk to school, only to be bothered by the happy couple. I would have to avoid them to best I could, only to see them for the first class of the day and only to hear them giggle within each other and pass notes to each other. I would feel my heart explode, little by little, as I saw G.O flash that charming smile to Sora. I would feel the tears build up in my eyes as I bit my lip fiting back against that urge and pay more attention on the stupid lesson the teacher would be giving.


This torture will never end.... Someone kill me please..





(okay! First chapter! I was listening to "Monster" by Big Bang as I wrote this. Good inspiration! :D anyways how was it? Please subscribe and comment!)

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The storyline seems really interesting. Please update soon!
Maknae1001 ;)