
Real Love
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The loud slam of the door was heard. It’s 11 in the evening. A crying figure was alone leaning on the bedside shaking as he sobbed. So much pain was inside his heart especially now at a time where he needs love the most.

“Jaejoong-ah! Open the door!!!” Yunho screamed as he knocked on the door.

Jaejoong just cried harder as he rushed to a cabinet. He got a cutter and brought it with his to the bedside. He played with it thinking if he should do what he was planning at this moment. Outside the room Yunho was able to find the key so he quickly ran to the door to unlock it. Before the door was opened, Jaejoong pushed out the blade and put it near his rist.

“Jaejoong-ah!” Yunho screamed as he entered the room going near Jaejoong.

“Let go Jaejoong-ah! LET GO!!!”

“No! Leave me alone!”

Jaejoong couldn’t beat Yunho’s strength so he let go of the cutter. Yunho threw it away from them in the other side of the room.

“Why are you being like this?!” Yunho said as he held Jaejoong by the arms. Jaejoong was trying to let Yunho release him but his grip was getting stronger.

“You don’t care about me anymore!” Jaejoong said as Yunho let go of him.

“You always get home late and I don’t even know where in the world you are! I don’t even know if you’re cheating behind me!” Jaejoong continued with pain in his heart.

“So this is what I get for working hard all day to make you and I live?!” Yunho said with frustration.

“I don’t even feel our love anymore. As I wake up you’re not beside me, you have been going home late all the time…..It made me think that our love is just……”

“Is just what?! Just a joke?! So I’ve been stupid here giving you my love? Now you’re questioning it?” Yunho said before Jaejoong even finished.

“Yes I’m questioning it! I think this is just infatuation! Of all the things I would regret….I regret marrying you Jung Yunho!” Jaejoong said with all he felt.

*SLAP* Yunho slapped Jaejoong so hard that his lip bled. Jaejoong was so stunned. He just held his cheek and continued sobbing.

“Jaejoong-ah, Mianhe! Jaejoong I didn’t know what I was doing! Jaejoong-ah!” Yunho said as he tried to hug his wife. Jaejoong squirmed and tried to push his husband away. Yunho started to cry really hard. As Jaejoong freed himself from his husband, he pushed him off really hard and ran out the door. Yunho, not expecting it, fell to the ground. He saw his wife rush out the room and he had a bad feeling that he would try to kill himself again. He stood up and ran outside following Jaejoong.

“Jaejoong-ah! Please stop!” Yunho said as he saw his wife run out the front door of their home. Yunho ran faster.

“You don’t even love me anymore!” Jaejoong said as he waited for a car to come close on the road in front of their home. Jaejoong saw a truck coming near and as another tear drop fell on his cheek, he walked to the middle of the road. “I love you Yunnie.” He whispered before seeing the big light and the honk of the horn……………….

All he was he

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Chapter 1: ughhh after terrible time who come on their day now they can happy after get cute baby girl :))))
Bambi_Soo #2
OUH~ i already know the next thing~
Chapter 1: Jaejoong is a she? or jaejoong is a girl here? sorry kinda confusing.
shineeaol #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^