The Final Beginning



Title: Eterno

Author: chunjii-eiyo

Chapter: 1/?

Chapter Rating: PG-13

Word Count: 6,369K

Warning: AU

Summary: They will meet, the other way around.




The place is quiet when he arrived, dim and hot without the usual lights on and windows open. As he strolls to his usual corner, slightly stomping his feet against the rough wooden floor because he’s a little annoyed at how stupid he is upon leaving his phone in his classroom’s desk earlier, he couldn’t help but think of his percentage rotting in hell with each heavy steps. Sneaking into the library makes him think so, but he doesn’t really give the best damn because he knows that he isn’t doing something that wrong enough.

He comes here almost every night, or actually every night, not during the day, not during school hours, not when people are around. It is what he’s used to, read something that has taken every type of interest in him alone, and it probably is the best that he could do about it. He couldn’t say that he’s an anti-social because he really is not. Actually, he’s a talker, of course with only those whom he knows and is closed to. Sometimes, though, when he’s in the mood, he could practically be a good companion.

Stealing is the only thing he promises himself, or to anyone or to anything inside the library, that he would never do. It never has crossed his mind. Well, there is a chance that it does, but that’s only when he’s found a thick book that, in his eyes, is interesting enough. There was this time before when he stole a specific book which he really wanted to have ever since his middle school years. He had kept it in his apartment for more than a week, until Mrs. Kim, the evil librarian, had started freaking out, as in doing hysterical things and such. He had given it back, through sneaking as well. He couldn’t help but kept on laughing the next day at how stupid the librarian looked upon seeing it back in its right place. That was the most foolish thing he’s ever done in terms of stealing, yet the most awesome experience he’s ever have.

Mrs. Kim, a mid-40 widow slash librarian slash school’s guidance counselor, is also one of the reasons why he doesn’t want to be in the library in the mornings. Mrs. Kim and him are pretty the same as oil and water, hard to mix or never will mix at all. Ever since they first met, Mrs. Kim had already showed him her fangs and claws. Though, when they are both inside his dad’s office, she’d always transform into a lovely angel with a matching sparkling halo atop of her head, the complete opposite of her y witchy attitude in front of the student population. He isn’t sure if that attitude of her stays when he’d left first, not sure if she’d still be wearing the mask and costume after she’s left all alone with his dad. He isn’t actually sure.

Business Administration isn’t really what he wants to pursue, but his dad wants him to, so he had surrendered, not because he finally gave in, but because going against his dad’s ideas and decisions won’t do anything productive. He’s used to it, and he doesn’t actually want to go in contrary against his dad because his allowance and everything that keeps him alive will be taken with only just a blink of an eye if he does. There is no other choice, he admits. At least, though, there’s Baekhyun, his so-called best friend, who always keeps him company, and soon enough, he’s starting to feel comfortable about the course he really doesn’t want to take ever since he was born.

Sneaking into the library isn’t as difficult as how anyone expects it to be. Honestly, he doesn’t even have to let out a single trickle of sweat upon entering. As how he ranks it to be, it is the easiest sin he’s ever known. Mostly because the school is just a block way from his own apartment, and that he has duplicates of keys and combination codes of the whole school’s security system. He thinks, being the only son of a multi-millionaire, his dad being the president of the school he’s attending, isn’t as bad as how he thinks in the first place.

A loud thud reaches Sehun’s hearing, which makes him stop abruptly on his tracks- on his way towards his corner. He catches a glimpse of someone’s shirt through spaces between the racks of books. He quickly ducks behind one, two old, wooden racks across from where the intruder is at, when it turns his head to look around. The stranger is, Sehun isn’t sure, scanning or maybe just the spines of books all along, as Sehun watches him through open spaces.

As the stranger moves forward, to where Sehun is hiding, Sehun, at the same time, crawls backwards, biting his lip as he does. Only when he accidentally bumps into three piles of book lying on the floor (Sehun is sure that it is Mrs. Kim’s fault and is the reason behind it. Maybe, she’s doing her daily sorting and she has just forgotten that there are piles of it left) that the intruder turns its gaze at him.

Sehun freezes on the spot, as the louder thuds of books ring behind him scandalously.

“Who’s there?” Sehun hears him say. The voice is quiet familiar, but he barely recognizes to whom it belongs.

Footsteps get louder and louder each passing nanosecond, and Sehun doesn’t know if he’d stand up or just sit there and wait until the man sees him. He knows he’s already busted, though, but the thought of who and why would anyone be inside the library at this hour keeps on tugging in his mind, next to what-the--am-i-going-to-do-oh-my-god-- thing. Instead of doing anything, when the voice calls again, he jerks a little inside the small space in the rack and closes his eyes, having a thought of him being invisible with his eyes closed, a childish belief that he still keeps, and waits for him to realize that he is just hallucinating, which he knows wouldn’t ever happen at this point in time.

“Who are you?” It is close, so close that Sehun feels slightly suffocated at the lack of space. “Hey”, it snaps him back into reality, opening one of his eyes very slowly then the other one when he sees through his fluttering eyelashes that a pair of wide, curious even, doe-like eyes is actually staring at him. He blinks, crawling backwards due to the impossibly closeness of their faces, resulting to a more chaotic and epic dropping of books from the second level of the shelf. He groans, eyes squinting and nose scrunching, as he tries to shield his hands above his head.

“Oh my god!” The man looks at him in utter worry, trying to do the same to cover Sehun’s head, and his eyes go wide and mouth opens like a goldfish. His supposed to be ‘help’ doesn’t help much though, only to make it worse.

Sehun groans once more as he is being pushed back on the floor, slightly knocking his head against the floor, back aching. He doesn’t realize what is happening at first, but when he tries to make his mind go calm-

It is funny how Sehun could actually hear his heartbeats’ uneven pace pounding in his ears. He gulps, arms rising at his sides like being afraid of holding the slumped shoulder of the person- he’s sure it is a real person because he feels a slight pain on his stomach at how heavy this person is, lying atop of him, chest against chest.

There is nothing but silence afterwards, and only their rapid, harmonized breathing are what Sehun thinks that doesn’t stop. He looks down soon after, only to be face-to-face with blonde hair and cute, small bald spot. It smells like melons, Sehun notes, sweet and heavenly, and something in his gut pushes him to lean in and sniff closer. He is about to shake him on the shoulders, but the stranger looks up faster that Sehun has expected, and then he yelps.

“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t- I didn’t mean to-“ There is a nervous, convincing grin on the lips, and Sehun suddenly thinks of how he wants to stay like this. Sehun is left staring then, dumbfounded maybe, like he’s having a staring contest with a ghost. “Are you- Are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital?” It comes out as a rush, in a completely worried tone even.

Sehun blinks once, and then twice, and soon enough that he starts to get back into his senses, he does it furiously, a blush creeping up from his neck to his cheeks. “You…” He breathes out and looks away at the same time, faking the nervousness that is engulfing him coolly. “…are making me hard to breathe.”

The man looks at him quizzically, tilting his head to the side a bit, as if gesturing a point. “What?”

It must have made Sehun bubbling with anger now, but he doesn’t and just doesn’t know why. He must have pushed the other away from him now, but he doesn’t even though he feels totally hot and sweaty without the air conditioner on. He must have yelled at him for being inside the library at this hour, due to that fact that the library’s curfew- the school’s curfew has already started a few minutes ago, but he doesn’t, because he thinks that he looks too innocent and harmless to do something illegal.

“You…” He repeats, barely blinking, looking away. “…need to get off of me because I can’t breathe…“ The man looks at him, blinking numerous times in a second. “…normally.”

Sehun doesn’t actually know if it is because he’s feeling suffocated about the lack of wide space (he’s a part claustrophobic) or just because of the hard, fast beating of his heart. He doesn’t know if which is practically correct, but he could settle for both, he admits.

“Oh.” The man mutters, pushing himself off from Sehun’s body, standing up and leaving Sehun’s warmth. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I didn’t really mean to interrupt you or something.” Sehun takes the opportunity to sit up and straighten his gray shirt under his coat, which ends up having wrinkles on the stomach.

“What are you doing here?” Sehun looks up, noting from the converse and slightly tight jeans to a plain white v-necked shirt, and slim shoulders and small face, and soft features which Sehun thinks would make him look like a girl only if he doesn’t have an adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat, in nervousness maybe. “You’re disobeying one of the library’s rules, and the school’s, too.”

“I don’t-“

“You do.” Sehun snorts, rolling his eyes just to look way. “Library’s rule no. 10 states that no one, except the personnel and other authorities, is allowed to be inside the library once the curfew had started, including weekdays and holidays as well. Curfew hours start at exactly 7 PM every school day. That’s included in the school’s rules and regulations no. 6.”

The man stares at him in bewilderment. “Then what are you doing here, too?” He places his hands on his hips. “The gate is open, and all the other doors towards this area are open. I am not at fault.”

Sehun hesitates at first, mentally slapping his face. ”I am an authority.” He says. “To be honest, I am the one at fault about the opened gate and doors.”

“Hmm.” The man nods.

“But you must have not wandered around the school at this hour. You’re fortunate enough that I am the only one who’s noticed you. I am not particular with punishments, not like any other authorities of this school.”

“Are you sure you’re an authority?” The man snorts, almost glaring at Sehun. “ I mean, you don’t look like an… authority?”

“I am.” Sehun snaps, standing up, finally. “I am the school’s pre-“ School’s president’s son, not a good idea as a reason. So instead, Sehun brings out a rather thick key organizer with random key sizes and shapes.

The man stares at the thing in Sehun’s hand with his mouth ajar, eyes focused. Sehun is close to laughing, secretly biting his lower lip to stop himself from doing so, and raises an eyebrow instead as he stares at the other’s jaw dropping, amused. “You need to close that.” He compliments, really, and starts walking again.

“O… kay?” The man follows him, sounding unsure and slightly curious, trailing behind him with rather louder stomps of feet like a wincing kid’s. “But let me tell you… I am new here. I don’t know anything about the rules and such yet.”

Sehun stops, facing the latter. They’re in the intersection of the room, four broad dividers placed like that of the north, and south, west, and east directions in a map, isolating the different areas along with their own aisles.

“This is your first time being here, then?” Sehun asks.

“Yes.” The answer is solid, the truth, as how it sounds. Sehun has to look away from the pair of vulnerable eyes which is actually digging down to the innermost core of his soul, somewhat capturing and stealing each of his breaths with its perfect intensity and beauty. Sehun gulps. This is the first time he’s ever felt that way, especially towards the same . He’s intimidated, he quiet thinks.

“I am new here. This is my first day in this school actually.” The other continues, fidgeting slightly under Sehun’s poker face and sharp gaze. “I came from China.” That’s the thing that makes Sehun fix his eyes to him. “I thought it was just fine to come into the library at night. In China, it isn’t forbidden. I have no idea that it is different in this school.”

“What’s your purpose anyway? In coming here at this hour?” Sehun asks. He takes this into consideration. He doesn’t know, but something in this person makes him want to trust him. And that’s how he is; his instinct counts more than what anyone expects to happen. So, he lets himself to be, to trust this stranger whom he had just met a few minutes ago, or an hour.

The other fidgets again, looking down to his black converse. “I have a research due tomorrow.” He hesitates, but then continues a few seconds after, “I wasn’t able to check the resources here earlier because my schedule is a little too tight than how I had expected it to be.” A pause and then a huff, the other continues. “Will you… Can you help me?”

Sehun is taken aback by that. He raises an eyebrow. “Why would I?” and he continues on walking, to the left aisle of the intersection, to where the tables and chairs are at. He takes note of the uneven breathing of the other, the unsure steps he’s taking even, as if balancing what is happening and the things he want to say.

Sehun stops in junction as the silence grows longer and slightly irritating; somehow Sehun finds it irritating without the latter’s voice on the background, and the latter almost bumps against his back because his head is lowered and the stop is actually abrupt. “You need to tell me why.”

“I…” The man starts, not moving, and Sehun could now really feel the presence of the other radiating against his coat, straight to the skin inside. Goosebumps, he could say. “So I could-“ But then Sehun turns around, chests so close, and he needs to turn his gaze away from the captivating own of the other.  “So I could get out of here... earlier?”

Sehun clears his throat, and without even saying a word, he proceeds to sit down on the floor, cross-legged as usual, peeling off his coat and putting it down beside him on the floor. He looks up just to see the man staring down at him in confusion. “Go check out some references.” He says, nodding at the aisle in his right, and nods to his left, saying, “There are the library cards.” He points to an old-looking metal drawer. “I’ll wait.”

The latter doesn’t move though, just staring back and forth from Sehun to the drawer. But when Sehun raises an eyebrow, he starts blinking furiously. “Oh… okay.” And then he’s gone.

Later on, maybe after about an hour or so, Sehun doesn’t actually know, they already have finished their work. It is rather easy for Sehun to help him because, luckily, the topic is what he’s fond of reading every no and then. And he’s thankful enough that he doesn’t have to fidget as much as the other as because his poker had taken everything under control.

Performing Arts.

Sehun, somewhat, jumps in surprise after the latter has said it to him. Actually, if only his dad hadn’t driven the wheel of his own life, he would’ve been living his life to the extent with one of Korea’s best performing arts school now. But of course, it hadn’t happened, because his dad is literally having him under control. He doesn’t want to be so much of a stubborn just to get what he wants- those things which are actually the opposite of his dad’s selfish wants for him, because he’s respectful enough to repay the deeds of the person who is the reason why he’s still breathing. It is funny though that he seems coward about that, but it’s just fine. He’ll end up being the heir of his dad’s properties in the future anyway. It’s just a matter of time and patience.


Sehun has regarded it as ‘It’s just dancing’ for the first time, when he has finally agreed on doing something about business. And he knows that it is against what he’s feeling for real. It is his passion, honestly speaking though he’s chosen to partially abandon it for the sake of his name, being the only son of the well-respected Mr. Oh of the business industry. Sometimes he’s feeling like being different just because he’s bearing the name, trying to pretend according to what member of the Oh clan is supposed to, and it . It completely, Sehun admits.

Baekhyun is the only one who’s known what he actually is. He knows how Sehun reacts at the smallest of things. For example, when almost all of the girl population in the school gets super hyped every time they see Sehun coming, Sehun would only just keep his straight face and act like nothing’s going on. Though when Sehun’s loosen his mask once they were already alone, Sehun would groan and cover the creeping blush on his face with his hands, as if being a little frustrated and embarrassed, and just overwhelmed. Cover ups, Baekhyun could tell.

A phone rings somewhere from behind them, something that sounds like Donald Duck yelling ‘Someone’s calling! Someone’s calling!’ and Sehun jumps a little from his seat in shock, beside the boy who is obviously getting really interested about the book Sehun has recommended for him to read. On cue, as the boy apologizes, the boy turns around and searches for the phone inside his bag, Sehun doesn’t even notice that he’s brought something with him, and presses a button and pushes it next to his ear.

Sehun is left half-scanning the opened page of the book and half-glancing at the side of the boy. He thinks, maybe he’s being a little too foolish right now mostly because he’s taking all of these as a normal thing. He shouldn’t have just trusted anyone who he doesn’t even know. Strangers, his mom has been regarding them.

“Don’t talk to strangers. They can tame you all the way around once you’ve let them and soon you’ll be under their spell. You wouldn’t know if their purpose is bad or good.” His mom has been saying, when Sehun was still a kid, even until now, and every time Sehun blabbers about what had happened in school and in the streets as they walk towards the bus station when he’d call his mom. He is somehow overwhelmed at how Baekhyun always seems listening even though he really isn’t taking the talks seriously and just making faces that would make him look like he’s interested. At least, Sehun thinks, he wouldn’t look dumb in other’s people’s eyes every time he talks and Baekhyun does that.

“What?” The boy exclaims out loud against the phone in his left ear, and Sehun looks up from the book in alarm. “Okay. I’ll be there in a minute.” Then he hangs up the phone, immediately putting it down the table and getting his things ready, and then picks the phone up again. “I need to go.” The boy says after, pulling the straps of his bag slightly tighter. Sehun looks up once again. “Something urgent came. I need to check it now because I’ll be in doom if I wouldn’t. Migrating isn’t that easy, I guess.”

Sehun just nods, looking down, and the boy sighs disappointedly. “Thank you by the way.” He murmurs, smiling as he pats Sehun’s back before sprinting off towards the exit. He turns around one more time once he has reached the door, and Sehun looks up brightly, mentally though. “See you around.” He says lastly, and then he’s gone just before Sehun could even react.

Silence has never been this deafening for Sehun. He’s actually used to silence, yes, but since he’s seen this boy and talked with him for minutes, Sehun starts loving the soft timbre of voice as the background as he reads. And then he remembers, it is just the same as how he’s felt when LuHan talks. He sighs. He shouldn’t have this been so fragile about socializing.

The boy, Sehun keeps on acknowledging him, the boy. He realizes he hadn’t asked his name, after asking him other things about China and random things more. Yet he’s forgotten the most important thing. Sehun suddenly groans in frustration. He doesn’t know why he does though.

It has started with putting both of his hands, palm facing the sheets, on the opened book, and laying his chin atop of it as he continues on reading. The next is quiet embarrassing because he starts snoring and drooling at the pages. Sehun shifts slightly, feeling something or someone touching his arm. At first he just ignores it, groaning and dozing off again. But thn for the third time, it all makes sense,

“Hey.” Sehun hears the voice say, and he straightens his body very quickly in a one swift move, almost stumbling off the plastic chair he’s been sitting.

“Lu… LuHan?” He asks, or gasps. He blinks the sleep out of his system, wiping the small streak of drool from the side of his mouth.

“You need to go home and sleep. You can’t just sleep like that here. You’ll be sore all over.”

Sehun bites back the scream that is trying to escape from his throat. He hasn’t considered it yet, he admits, not yet, because he is still thinking that is is just some sort of a prank. How could he believe something unbelievable if he has just experienced it once? Well, it is happening twice now, and he clinches a fist under the table as he tries to calm his heart.

“You’ve been here all along?” Sehun asks, amused.

“Yes,” says the voice. It is LuHan, Sehun convinces his doubtful self, not just a voice. “I’ve been watching you for a while now. Actually I’ve seen looking out for you to not fall down.”

Sehun presses his lips together in a thin line, siging in embarrassment. “I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“Oh, no, that’s not what I meant.” LuHan says. “I was just telling you to home before you could hurt yourself from falling. You know, I couldn’t just catch you like… like a normal person could. Besides, it is already late.”

Sehun sighs again. He couldn’t just believe that he’s talking with another stranger, much more that this one makes him rather delusional. What if he’s just having hallucinations? Or maybe he really just wants to have someone to talk with so he creates one on his own? But it’s not quiet that way, he admits. He doesn’t really want to talk to anyone, especially when he’s at the library at night. He prefers being alone at this point in time. Well, he could consider talking, at least, if it’s with someone who has a complete physical existence , but not with someone like he’s just talking to himself that in reality (or not, he isn’t sure either) he really has someone.

Long silence waves around the place, and Sehun thinks that LuHan is already gone, Just before Sehun could finalize the thought though, LuHan speaks again. “You looked so happy.”

Sehun looks up, staring straight ahead as if LuHan is just in front of him. “Huh?”

“When you were with that boy, you looked so happy.” LuHan repeats. “The way you looked at him is different, too.”

Sehun tries to calm his self because his hearts is suddenly malfunctioning and beating like he’s just run from a mile walkathon. “You’ve seen him then?”

“Yes, I’ve been here all along.” LuHan laughs a little, and then he stops. “To be honest, he looks like me. Entirely.”

Sehun wants to ask if LuHan has already seen himself at all, despite the fact that he can’t be seen by other people. But he doesn’t, because words are too powerful. He doesn’t know if LuHan would get offended by that. He doesn’t even know if what kind of being LuHan is, so he just says, “Really? Than I guess I could say you’re cute.”

Another giggle and Sehun has to squint his eyes, in confusion. “Cute.” LuHan repeats pointedly. “You’re saying he’s cute.”

Hesitation takes control of him for a minute, balancing the thoughts he has in mind like ‘oh yes, I meant he’s cute’ and ‘what the did I just say?’ in a loop. If he’d be honest to himself though, the boy he’s with is really cute, honestly speaking. He looks so pure even, like he’s living with only just what are right and legal, clean and untouched. Sehun couldn’t find the right words but he could settle for the words ‘a piece of perfection’. Obviously, what he had said is the truth and what he really wants to point out.

Sehun groans quietly, and tries to change the subject. “I still don’t understand why I am hearing you, and why I am not seeing you. Why is it just me who could, not anyone else?”

There is silence for a very short time, and Sehun realizes that it’s not nice to have someone invisible to talk to. It’s just like talking with no one, or with the empty air, and it makes him feel so dumb.

“I don’t know either. I don’t even know why I’m here and why I couldn’t remember anything else besides my name and how I look.” LuHan says, voice low in utter sorrow. Sehun stays still. “But there’s something in my memory that makes random things familiar, or rather feels. I don’t know.”

“What is it?” Sehun asks, glancing at his didgital watch subconsciously. It reads 11:52 P.M.

“You…” LuHan says straightforwardly. “…and the book you were reading last night when I have found you, this place even.”

The book? It isn’t a book, Sehun corrects LuHan mentally. Sure it looks like a real book, but it really isn’t. A novel could do, but not totally. The contents are entirely handwritten, even the title (though it looks like it’s not the title) in the cover is written by the hand. Nicely and artistically written, he corrects himself. The contents are written in hangul, but the title is written in mandarin (Sehun isn’t sure but it looks like mandarin), and so Sehun is having a hard time to figure out what the title means. And he’s still not getting the real point of the story mostly because he’s not read it carefully yet.

“It’s not a book. It’s a diary.” Sehun says.

Silence. Then silence. Another wave of silence. Endless silence.

It is actually the most annoying thing for Sehun. He doesn’t want to be left out when he’s still speaking, or when he’s still not done speaking. It is, maybe, the worst consequence of having an invisible ‘friend’. You wouldn’t know if they’re still listening, or if they’re already gone.

“Nice talking.” Sehun snorts, standing up and preparing to leave. He checks his time once more. It reads 12:00.


“What are you talking about? Are you sick? Did you not get enough sleep?” Baekhyun asks in worry the next day, gently though it is full of obvious sarcasm.

They are currently making their way out of the school, towards the bus stop. Sehun doesn’t understand why his dad hasn’t given him the permission to use their own car as a service, yet. Maybe that day wouldn’t come until he’s done from school, until he’s already the one sitting on the CEO’s chair. He doesn’t complain about it yet though because he doesn’t have anything to use it for now, minus the service thing because he’s actually having fun riding public transportations. It makes him feel normal, ordinary, not the son-of-a-CEO.

“Could you please not attack me based on your personal hatred towards me?” Sehun growls slightly, winces slightly, and rolls his eyes.

The sun is setting on the horizon, orange, red and pink tinting the once blue sky and Sehun’s eyes are turning brown as it shows its full colors. The afternoon sun is leaving the landscapes into silhouettes, a picturesque scene a photographer must not ignore. If only Baekhyun hadn’t been this busy from his Psychology studies, he would’ve been capturing his kind of breathe-taking scene with the lenses.

“I am telling you the truth, Baekhyun. I keep on hearing him, two times! That’s two, and you know it isn’t just hallucination.” Stubborn, Sehun compliments as he keeps on convincing Baekhyun about his it. Baekhyun flashes a sarcastic smile and a sharp roll of the eyes.

“First, I don’t hate you, Sehun.” He smiles gently, and sweetly even. Sehun knows that something is going on; or rather something is going to happen. “I just, you know, want to treat you a very, very nice car. Plant a time bomb on the back seat and once you’re already driving, I will be happy to click the start button and boom… bye Sehun-ah!”

“Oh, Baekhyun.” Sehun laughs sarcastically. “That’s so nice of you.”

Baekhyun sticks his tongue out and doesn’t say a word. After a moment though, maybe after hearing much of Sehun’s sighs, he speaks. “Second, I think clozapine is your best man.”

Sehun looks at him quizzically. “Claw, what?”

Another snort, and Sehun sighs in defeat. Baekhyun looks a little annoyed now. “It’s clozapine, dumb, as in c-l-o, not that Mrs. Kim’s claw thing.”

“What is that?”  Sehun asks again, and Baekhyun stops abruptly. He stops at the same time, staring at his so-called best friend stupidly. “This is the fist time I’ve heard that word, man.”

Baekhyun snorts. “I thought you’re a library freak.” Sehun frowns. “It’s a medication for schizophrenia.”

Sehun is about to say something again but Baekhyun raises his palm fast enough to make him stop from doing so.

“I know what you’re going to ask, but please could you shut up for a moment because you’re just making yourself dumber, more obviously, Sehun, and it’s not funny. It makes me want to slap you on the face so hard so shut up.” Baekhyun has one of his eyebrows raised, hands resting on his hips. “Schizophrenia is a mental disorder, Mr. Oh.”

“So you’re-“

“Shut up, Mr. Oh. I’m the one who’s talking here.” Baekhyun snaps, and continues on walking. Sehun follows him from behind. “I suspect you having that. Hearing voices, it’s not normal, Sehun.”

Sehun stops and Baekhyun is left walking without knowing that Sehun has stopped. Baekhyun turns around, frowning, and half-jogs towards Sehun. “What’s wrong?” He asks worriedly.

“It’s… It’s nothing.” Sehun replies, and then shows a smile, hooking an arm around the latter’s neck and manhandling him for the rest of their journey.

It seems so real though, Sehun thinks, the way LuHan’s voice sounds solid. It’s as if he’s actually there, like he’s real as a whole. The way his voice tells what he’s feeling, the uncertainty, and the happiness. It all seems obviously true, he admits.

“Hey.” Baekhyun elbows him gently on the rib as the bus takes them away to their home. Sehun raises his head and looks at him, slightly sleepily. “Have you heard about the new comer? He’s just arrived yesterday. I think he’s from China.”

Suddenly, Sehun remembers the boy from last night. “Well, yeah.” He says, nodding a bit. “I’ve seen him yesterday.”

Baekhyun nods, smiling. “He’s my new classmate, actually.” He says. “He’s nice.”

“Yeah?” Sehun rests his forehead gainst the glass window, looking at the sidewalks and the city as a whole. He doesn’t know which he would think about; if it’s LuHan or the boy from yesterday.  “So, you know what his name is?”

Sehun looks back at Baekhyun, squinting as Baekhyun just flashes a smile.

“Of course I do.” Baekhyun nods sweetly. “He’s already my friend.”

“Oh.” Sehun nods. Wow, this social climber.

“Aren’t you going to ask what his name is?” Baekhyun asks, and somehow it sounds as if his teasing in him in Sehun’s ears.

. Say yes, Oh Sehun, you want to know his name. Say yes and it’s all fine. Say yes and-

“No.” Sehun breathes out. “Thank you.”


It is actually a ed up decision. To be very honest, he wants to know his name so badly, so badly that when he has finally laid on his bed, regret floods him way. Pride must have took him earlier, really, because Baekhyun makes him look offended and under. It doesn’t mean that he hates Baekhyun for that though, he’s thankful at least, because Baekhyun makes him more determined when he does that. He wants to know the name of the boy on his own as a result, maybe somehow to slap it on Baekhyun’s face because Baekhyun is a ing tease.

But here he is, lying on his bed with his phone in his hands. The phone is raised to his face, thumb hovering above the call button. He wants to call Baekhyun, but then again his pride is there. He’s shy too, he doesn’t know. But honestly, he’s been dumbstruck about the boy he’s with last night. He doesn’t even know at first that he’d get attracted towards the same , but no one knows that he’d do except him anyway.

After more than thirty minutes of just staring at Baekhyun’s phone number on the screen, he presses the call button finally.

“Hello?” The voice on the other line asks immediately, weak. Sehun feels his throat getting dry, and he doesn’t get to answer back quickly. “Sehun, what’s wrong?”

“Uh…” Sehun pauses. He doesn’t know how to start this. Baekhyun could hear his deep exhales, surely. “Tomorrow is Saturday, right?”

“Well… yeah?”  Uncertainty is visible on Baekhyun’s voice. “What’s about Saturday?”

Sehun nedds to speak god dammit! He hesitates at first, then speaks out so fast, “IwasjustwanderingIfwecouldhangouttomorrowand-“

“What? I don’t understand what you’re talking about, dumb.” Baekhyun hisses, not that hiss of annoyance but like he’s clenching his teeth together to stop something he wants to spill out. Another cry from Baekhyun, and Sehun sits up in worry.

“What are you doing? Are you okay?” Sehun asks, blinking furiously as he waits for Baekhyun’s reply. He bites his tongue when Baekhyun moans and hears him gasp Chanyeol’s name.

“Sorry.” Baekhyun mutters, like he’s dazed and Sehun face palms.

“Are you… Are you having with your roommate right now?” Sehun sounds amused, and he wants to laugh even. There is a stupid grin spreading on his lips. “Or…”

“It’s none of your business, Mr. Oh.” That is supposed to be a growl, but ti comes out so weak and shaky. Sehun could hear Baekhyun’s rapid pants and low whimpers.

“! You’re gross, man!” Sehun chuckles knowingly, lying back again.

It isn’t new to him that Baekhyun’s a little liberated now, especially when he’s met Chanyeol. Chanyeol is good all in all, and Sehun doesn’t know what to ask for more but Baekhyun to be happy, so he lets them to be.

“I wasn’t the one who called! What would you feel if I didn’t….” Sehun needs to cup a hand over his mouth from bursting into loud laughter when he hears Chanyeol say ‘Baby, turn that off. I’m jerking you.’ faintly.

“Tell me the point of you calling me, brat. I have my own business to take care of now.” Baekhyun hisses.

Sehun thinks that Baekhyun couldn’t come up into a decision as of this point because plowed Baekhyun is a Baekhyun. He bites back a laugh.

“Do you know the… the phone number of your new classmate?” Sehun shuts his eyes closed, and it would be better if the ground opens up and swallows him. “Just in case…”

“Yeah. Yeah, I have. I’ll send it to you god dammit, Sehun. Bye.” And then the line has been disconnected.

Sehun wants to punch Baekhyun on the face with that. He knows that Baekhyun is ware of how he feels about being left out.

He stands up, picking a coat from his wardrobe and proceeds to walk towards the school. He almost forgets the keys, but remembers it anyways before he could close the door.

When he is walking towards the stairs, his phone suddenly beeps. A message appears on the screen. He opens it, and he is left with wide eyes.

The message contains a phone number and a name. Sehun stops abruptly.

The indicated name is LuHan.







I am sorry that i updated this quiet late. School's on and I am doing many other things, especially that I have my midterm exams ugh. Tbh, I've had a hard time writing this, bc I barely had free times. But atleast, I've finished this first chapter! THIS IS JUST A FILLER, BY THE WAY.

Tell me what you guys think about it yet. Ask me questions, too (I know what you're thinking, okay). I would be happy to help you, though make sure that the questons you're going to ask me will not spoil others bc I won't answer it okay kk.

Subscriptions, views, comments are highly appreciated.


(especially to those who have already subscribed, commented and viewed.)

-- love lots, chunji ^^











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Chapter 1: i am rly into this (:
i'm just so curiouS why luhan can't be seen n stuff and why sehun can hear him . does this sounds confusing? i hope it's not lol ((':
VisionsOfUs #2
Chapter 1: update soon, thanks!