When the Antis Attack

When the Antis Attack

“Yah!! Cho Kyuhyun! Mind your language!” Leeteuk flicked the magnae’s forehead, after hearing the word. Kyuhyun just brushed him off and scrutinized his laptop with his eyes narrowed and turned really evil. Leeteuk looking at the magnae curiously, to find out why the magnae got really angry, because the first thought that came to his head was his game didn’t go his way. So he scooted closer to Kyuhyun and watched intensely to the magnae’s laptop and his eyes got wide.
“Yah!! Teukie Hyung! Mind your language,” mocked the magnae, but there wasn’t any teasing in his tone. Leeteuk just flipped him a birdie and continued looking what he found out, completely, utterly in anger. The magnae wasn’t in better state than the leader, his fist clenched and unclenched, ready to explode. That was how, Kangin, that just came back from his schedule found them, brows furrowed, eyes filled with anger. He made his way to the unsuspecting two and look closely to what they were looking for, and got even the better reaction: He just straightly punched the kitchen counter really hard, there was a mark on it. Kyuhyun and Leeteuk jumped almost a feet at the sound and saw the fuming Kangin, face all red.
“Who do they think they are?! Those bunch of Mo..”Leeteuk clammed his mouth with his hand, and shook his head. “Monkeys,” said Kangin finally, still in anger. “They best hope I don’t lay my hands on them,” Kangin threatened,” Cause if I do, I will NEVER EVER let them get away!” With that said, Kangin left 11th dorm still in fuming state. Leeteuk just looked at him worriedly before approached the magnae. “Don’t let him found out about this Kyunnie,” warned the leader, while the magnae just nodded and close the window and shut down his laptop.

“I’m Home!!!”
“Hyuuuuuuuuuung..What took you so long? Did anything happen on your way here?” asked the magnae, approaching his hyung, swirl him slightly to see if any harm done to his hyung. Yesung, who barely made it to the living room before swirled around by the magnae, just furrowed his brows. “Kyu-ah, what’s wrong with you? Hey!! I’m not some kind of model, stop swirling me, I’m dizzy.” Kyuhyun satisfied not finding anything on his Hyung, just smile brightly, and dragged him to the living room and sat him on the couch. “Stay here. I’ll get you something to drink,”and he went to the kitchen, leaving a confused Yesung in the living room. What’s wrong with him? The first thought that came to Yesung’s mind. A moment later, Leeteuk who also finished with his schedule entered the 11th dorm and saw Yesung sat alone in the living room, approached him.

“Yesung-ah, are you okay?” asked the leader. Yesung just nodded in confusion. Teukie Hyung too?? Leeteuk just sighed heavily and slumped next to him, leaned his head his dongsaeng’s shoulder. “Teukie Hyung, are you okay?”asked the younger of the two. Leeteuk just nodded his head, slid closer to his dongsaeng and inhaled his scent, feeling contained about his being. Yesung just shrugged and the leader’s hair.
“Here’s your drink Hyung,” said Kyuhyun, handing a glass of orange juice,”Yah, Teukie Hyung, go sleep in your room will you?” Leeteuk just flipped him a birdie and continued to glue himself to Yesung. Yesung just smiled at his two fellows antics. But feeling really tired from the schedule, and his throat felt a bit sore, he tapped Leeteuk’s thigh. “Hyung, I’m sorry. I need to clean up and go to bed. I feel really sleepy,” Yesung said with apologetic smile. Leeteuk sat straight up and his dongsaeng’s hair. “Sure, Yesung-ah. Take a good rest.”
Yesung got up and went to his bedroom to change into his pajama and went straight to bathroom to do his night routine before go to bed.
“Good Night Teukie Hyung, Good night Kyu-ah. Have a nice dream.”
Kyuhyun and Leeteuk just smiled brightly, that soon dropped after the turtle lover close his bedroom’s door. They looked at each other with gloom expression painted on their faces. They still remembered the thing they read on the internet yesterday. Both of them sighed heavily and strode to their rooms after say goodnight.

Another morning in Super Junior’s dorm, the boys already up and about. Today was their off day before a hectic schedule due to their new single promotion. Everyone just leisurely sprawled around in the living room at 12th dorm. The magnae could be seen sitting in front of his laptop in the kitchen, again with the same angry and gloomy expression. Leeteuk and Kangin approached him, since only the three of them actually knew what happen. And their eyes grew wide while reading what was written there. ‘DAMN!! Where’s he?’ thought Kangin, while Leeteuk and Kyuhyun frantically called.

At Handel & Gretel

Yesung was absorbed in the lively atmosphere at the cafe, while taking orders, chatting and taking photos with his fans when his phone went ballistic on him. With an apologetic smile to the costumer/fangirl in front of him, he called for Jongjin to take his place and answered the phone.
“Yah!!! KIM JONG WOON!! Where the heck are you?!”
Yesung had to inched his cellphone away upon hearing Teukie’s voice blaring to his ear. ‘Gee, what’s wrong with him?’
“Hyung, I’m at H&G right now. What’s wrong? Do I have a schedule? But it’s our off day right?”in the end, Yesung just rambling. He could hear Teukie’s sighing on the other side.
“Nothing happen. And yes it’s our off day, so no schedule for today. Are you still at H&G right now?” Yesung nodded before realized that Leeteuk couldn’t possibly see him.
“Yes, Hyung. Maybe I will go back home in an hour. It’s still packed here.”
“Okay, I’ll pick you up.”
“Eh..No need Hyung. I drove my car here.”
“Still I will pick you up. I’ll be there in an hour, and you better stay put Yesung-ah. Do I make myself clear?”
Yesung, furrowed his brows but nodded anyway, before remembered he supposed to answer. “Yes Hyung. I’ll be here.”
“Good. See you in an hour Yesung-ah” and he hung up. Yesung just looked at his cell phone, like it had grown a limb, and just shrugged and entered the cafe again, not realizing pairs of eyes looking his way.

“Where’s he?”asked Kangin, worried dripped from his voice. Kyuhyun also looked at the leader. Leeteuk rub his face and sighed heavily. “He’s at H&G. I’m gonna pick him up later,” answered Leeteuk slumped on dining room’s chair. Kangin and Kyuhyun released the breath they’d been holding since Leeteuk made the call. ‘Damn this people. Why must they try to do harm on my precious dongsaeng’ cursed Leeteuk angrily. The three of them sat in silence, not noticing some of the members entered the kitchen. Donghae, being the curious Fish he was, approached the three of them and poked his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder to take a peek on magnae’s laptop only to find a hideous scheme to hurt his beloved hyung.

“NOOO!!! They can’t do that to my Hyung!” exclaimed Donghae, waking up the three of their reverie, and warned the other that still scattered in living room. Food steps could be heard, and in no time all the members gathered in the kitchen to see a sight of scared Donghae and shocked faces of the leader, the raccoon and the magnae. Eunhyuk marched to Donghae and held his wrist.
“What’s wrong Hae?” asked the worried dancing machine. Donghae faced Eunhyuk in slow motion and just pointed at Kyuhyun’s laptop. Sungmin, being the closer one, took a peek at what would upset the cute Fishy, and snapped right away.

“They really want to be buried so early don’t they?”said the bunny with low angry voice. In the end every members in the dorm found out about some antis schemes to put their fellow band mate into jeopardy. “We have to protect him. He’s so oblivious, he won’t see something like this coming his way,” Heechul perked up. There was no way some freaking antis lay their filthy hands on his precious rabid dog, not on his and everybody’s watch. All of his dongsaengs nodded furiously, including the eternal magnae that still can’t believe some people could think about something hideous like these. Right at that moment, Siwon who finished his schedule, entered the 12th dorm, and looked at everyone’s gloomy faces.

“Afternoon guys. What’s wrong with those faces?”
Heechul just scowled at the younger, earning a light flicked on his forearm by Leeteuk.
“Siwon-ah, you better come and read this,”that was all Leeteuk could say. With a frown of confusion, Siwon approached the leader, and read what he was told to read, and stood straight with a shock plastered on his face. He looked around at other members still in shock. When all those feeling faded, he started to go to the front door, only to be stopped by the Leader.
“Don’t be too rush. We will have to think of a way to protect him silently, as stealthily as possible,” said the leader. All of the members nodded, and they started to formulate the way to protect their lead singer without the other knowing.

1st Mission : Leeteuk

After discussing with his fellow members, Leeteuk went to hailed a cab to go to H&G to pick up Yesung. In the first scheme, it was written “Throw tomatoes straight to Yesung’s face”. ‘Like that’s gonna happen with me on the watch’ scowled Leeteuk. With that thought still in his head, Leeteuk made his way inside H&G and looked for Yesung.
“Hyung, You’re looking for Woonie Hyung? He’s at the back, I’ll call him,”Jongjin said, before running to find his Hyung. A minute later, with Yesung towed, he came back with a bright smile. Yesung also offered a bright smile to his leader.
“Hi Hyung, how long have you been here?”
“I just arrived. Ready to go?” Yesung nodded his head, and went to back of the counter to gather his things. After bid farewell to his family, both of them walked to the place where Yesung parked his car. Leeteuk, in the corner of his eyes, saw some girls walked across the street approaching them, while Yesung dealing with his phone, totally oblivious to the surrounding. That was when Leeteuk saw the girls hiding something behind their back, and tried to usher Yesung quickly, without being noticed by the girls, heck even Yesung didn’t notice. Before they turned to the parking lot, with so many passerbyes, the girls begun to catch up, so they now was only 3 meters behind. ‘Uh-uh..Not so smart aren’t we?’ mocked Leeteuk. Leeteuk then stopped abruptly, when he saw the girls prepared their weapons and shout.


Yesung that had been pretty busy with his phone, stood dumbfounded, while Leeteuk kept on blabbering about some girls try to hurt him. He looked around to find the “girls” his leader shouted about. Some people gathered around them, also some of the fangirls. The situation couldn’t be more chaotic, and his leader kept on rambling and pointing his finger to the direction of 6 girls standing with something hidden behind their back. Some of their fangirls gone ballistic on those girls and ended up chasing them. The girls, feared for their life runaway with a loud scream saying “WE DON’T TRY TO HURT HIM!!” and threw away something to the fangirls chasing them, that ended up being tomatoes. ‘Oh..Oh..Bad moves girls’ Leeteuk snickered in his head, trying really hard to hide his laughter, watching the fangirls gone lunatic and chase them all over the place.

“Hyung, they’re not trying to hurt you. They just finished shopping for groceries,” Yesung whispered softly to his ears. Leeteuk kept his expressionless face still and after apologizing to the crowd, receiving a lot of head shakes, he dragged Yesung to the parking lot. Once they reached it, he couldn’t control his laughter and ended up doubled in laughter, while Yesung fussing about whether his leader was in trauma, which made him literally rolling on the floor laughing.
“Tomatoes mission: ACCOMPLISHED” Leeteuk texted the members back at dorm, while Yesung was driving them back, worried about his Hyung state of mind.

2nd Mission: Kangin and Shindong

The boys were getting ready for their schedule, a pre-recording for a music show. They were singing happily in the car, on the way to the studio. They arrived 20 minutes later and ushered to the waiting room. Some of them, ushered to the changing room to put on their costume.
After finished with all, the members, except a certain Art Like Voice, looked around the studio cautiously. Some of the members gathered around the lead singer, much like bodyguards, in stealth mode. Kangin and Shindong stood firmly besides the lead singer went eagle eyes on their surrounding, even all the crew, while chatting happily with other members to not alarm their hyung. That was when their cell phones vibrate.

“Check all over the stage!”

Their turn was up in 30 minutes. So Kangin and Shindong detached themselves from their hyung, giving the signal to EunHae to “guard”, while they “strolled” around the studio. When they approached the studio where they will do their pre recording, they stumbled upon some rushing girls went opposite their way. Their faces filled with mischief and satisfaction which rang an alarm in Kangin’s head. He tried to memorize all the faces, but only managed to remember 2 of them, but that was enough. He and Shindong already at the stage, and walked around the stage, when suddenly Shindong slipped and fell on his . ‘Damn! So that was what they try to do. Sorry girls, it’s not going to work’ scowled Kangin, while helping Shindong to stand.

“I guess we find the 2nd mission. I fell on that one,”grumbled Shindong, which made Kangin smirked. “Excuse me,” Kangin called for one of the crew,” This stage is slippery. I’m afraid our member will fall on this stage.” With that said, the crew called for the cleaning, and started swept and mopped the stage. Kangin and Shindong walked around the stage, and smiled in satisfactory. ‘At least it’s not going to be him who falls down’ thought Shindong, seeing that all the members already in the set, EunHae still guarding their Hyung in ninja mode. So the pre-recording began without any mishap happen to their beloved lead singer.

Kangin and Shindong went straight to the changing room to change back to their comfortable clothes and said they were going to the toilet. But truth be told, they were looking for those girls who tried to harm their hyung. Luck must be on their side, since they saw all 6 of them busy whispering at the corner. Kangin managed to take their pictures. Shindong looked around and saw the door with “Janitor” written on it and dragged Kangin to the place. They left the door slightly open to keep monitoring the girls, much to their pleasure, still in a heat discussion. They change their clothes into janitor’s clothes, and brought along a trolley and cleaning equipment, and started to keep their eyes to the girls. Some of the girls already left, leaving only 2, which to Kangin’s happiness, were the ones that he remembered.

The girls made their way to a vending machine to buy a cup of coffee, and strode along to the direction they knew really well, would lead to their waiting room. They raced to close the distance. Their eyes bulged as they see, Yesung, all alone without any protection standing in front of their waiting room. ‘Where are those two clowns?’ cursed Kangin while looking around and found no traces of the Fish and the Monkey. The two girls made their way closer and faster to Yesung, who was now busy talking with someone on the phone, with his back facing them, making him more vulnerable. So, Kangin and Shindong sped up and when the girls almost a meter from Yesung, they threw a bucket full of unknown liquid to the girls, who ended up screaming and cursing, grabbed everyone’s attention including Yesung who stood dumbfounded at the now drenched girls, and all members of Super Junior, who tried really hard not to laugh when Shindong texted them ” Slippery and Drenching Mission: ACCOMPLISHED” from their hiding place. Yesung, being a kind hearted person he is, approached the girls and asked for their well being, only to end up being glared by both of them, and they fled the scene. Cue prompt a loud laughter from all the members, including “Janitor” Kangin and Shindong, leaving Yesung stared in confusion.

3rd Mission: EunHae

Another hectic schedule for Super Junior. All the members still on the watch for their lead singer’s safety and well being. This morning, all the members including the magnae, who rarely wake up early, could be seen among all the members in the living room. That was a rare sight to be seen. They were scrutinizing the list on magnae’s laptop. They were too occupied to notice a certain turtle lover’s just woke up, still in his sleepy state, rubbing his eyes and yawned cutely.

“Morning guys.”

That was all it needed to make all the members jumped slightly and rushed to hide any evidence of their plan. Being the oblivious person he is, Yesung, still rubbing his eyes cutely, approached his fellow members and slumped next to Kangin and lean his head.
“Hyungie, do you want some coffee?”asked Donghae to divert Yesung’s attention, while the magnae shutting down his laptop and put an innocent face. Yesung just nodded cutely, eyes still half closed. Donghae get his Hyung a cup of coffee while the other members silently cooing about the lead singer’s cuteness overload. “Here you go Hyungie,”said Donghae, placed the cup on Yesung’s baby hand. “Thanks Hae-ah,” and sipped the coffee, and started booting up. “Hey, what are you guys up to? WOW!! I see you already awoke Kyu-ah,” Yesung looked all around the living room, teased the magnae when he came into his peripheral. The magnae just pouted, while the other laughed heartily. “Maybe a thunderstorm coming this way,” Heechul added his two cents, making the room roar in laughter.
“Get ready Yesung-ah. We will be going in an hour,” Leeteuk said after all the laugh subsided. Yesung just nodded and made his way to the bathroom. With the lead singer getting ready, the members started planning something to counter the list.

“Hyung, I want to buy a drink first in vending machine. You all can go first, I’ll catch up,” Yesung said with a cheery voice and quickly ran to the vending machine. ‘Crap!’ Leeteuk thought and signalled the EunHae couple to follow their lead singer. Since Kangin successfully took a pictures of the schemers, they really went eagle eyes on every girl they saw, making some of them practically comatose under their gaze. And it wasn’t until they finally make their way to the vending machine, they saw 2 girls went to their beloved Hyung.

“Kyaa!! Yesung oppa!!” the girls shouted on top of their lungs, shocking Yesung who still thinking what kind of drink to choose. Yesung faced the girls with a polite smile. The girls rushed to him, holding a cup of strawberry smoothies from H&G, tried to give him the cup, when EunHae couple came tumbling and bumped to them, made the smoothies fell down and splashed to the floor. The girls looked down and tried to hide their anger towards the Fish-Monkey couple, while the said couple tried to act as guiltily as possible. “OMG!! We’re so sorry. We’re really sorry,” EunHae couple even went as far as bowing to the girls many time, while Yesung just gave an apologetic smile. “It’s okay oppas, We can buy another cup,” said one girl with forced smile. “Oh no need. We still have strawberry smoothies right here,” Eunhyuk gave the girls their “well prepared” Strawberry smoothies.

” Hyung, come on. Leeteuk Hyung’s waiting. Oh, We’re sorry again girls.” With that said Eunhyuk and Donghae dragged their hyung while sometimes looked back to see if the girls drank the smoothies, much to their happiness, the girls did. ‘Ready to enjoy the show’ EunHae mentally snickered.
After the recording finished, all the boys made their way out of the building, and welcomed by the sight of two girls they met earlier, running amok to every ladies restroom, only to find them locked. The boys watched in amusement, while EunHae couple snickered. “Laxative Smoothies Mission: ACCOMPLISHED” they messaged the members involved in this plan, causing some of them to laugh out loud.
“How do you even managed to lock the ladies room?” Leeteuk text to Eunhyuk.
“I have my own way Hyung.”
The boys watching the girls getting more desperate each minutes, and hold their stomach, while screaming on top of their lung,” YAH!!! OPEN THIS DAMN DOOOR!!!”

4th Mission: Siwon and Sungmin

Today, Super Junior would hold a fan meeting inside of a 5 stars hotel in Seoul. All the members already gathered at the hotel, still on watch. Since today the fans were totally crowding the place, they all put extra caution, by kept standing near the lead singer. Guarding him in every direction while acted like nothing happen. In a short moment, the fan meeting started. All the fans were going crazy, screaming their names, hold up their banner, poster, everything they brought to the place. The boys smiled widely, happy to receive so much love and apprehension from the fans.

Next event was a fan signing. This was where the boys really kept their eyes on their lead singer, while the said person happily smiled, chatted, shook the fans hands, even took pictures with some of them. Their happiness to see their band mate smiling blindingly not stayed for long, for Siwon and Sungmin, who were in charge for Yesung’s protection, saw the girls standing in line, already close to Yesung. ‘O..O..Here comes Big Trouble’ Sungmin cursed mentally still signing and looking stealthily to the girls direction. Siwon who sat next to Yesung, saw some of the girls brought along some kind of sharp and pointed thing. Siwon and Sungmin looked at each other and nodded their heads in understanding. At the end the girls didn’t do what they were expected to do, leaving Siwon and Sungmin slightly baffled, but they still kept their eyes on their hyung.

“Sungie hyung, are you okay? Are you feeling hurt anywhere?” asked Siwon when the fan signing finished and they were ushered outside. Yesung just gave Siwon a cheerful smile and shook his head. Sure he felt a little bit tired, but it was worth it, since it was for the fans that he loves so much. They moved in slow motion because of the crowding fans in front of the door, screaming their names on top of their lungs. With this crowd, everyone made sure Yesung was surrounded, with Siwon and Sungmin beside him like his bodyguards. That was when they saw 3 girls marched their way, even went as far as pushing and knocking their fans. “CRAP!” cursed Siwon when the girls reached their place. Sungmin was ready to went all Ninja Assassin to the girls when, an idea appeared in Siwon’s head. He scratched his hand, a really nice long scratch, and screamed loudly so the fans heard him.

“THOSE GIRLS!! THEY SCRATCHED ME!!” accused Siwon, even pointing his fingers to the girls. The fangirls stood closer to Siwon looked shock and turned their heads to the accused girls, who instantly dropped the pin and needle they brought, and walked backwards slowly, before running really fast as if their lives depend on it, literally, for angry fangirls weren’t such a nice scene to see. Siwon and Sungmin winked to each other when they rushed to the van. Yesung started to fret about Siwon’s scratched hand. “Siwonnie, are you okay? Let me take a look,” Yesung said with worried face, but Siwon just smile and shook his head. “It’s just a small scratch hyung.” After a reassurance smile, Yesung stop fretting. Their van arrived at the intersection, the traffic light was red, when they saw the girls who tried to harm their lead singer, still running and chased around by angry fangirls, their hands flailing around. All the boys were laughing out loud, except Yesung who looked at the girls direction worriedly. Sungmin texted “Pin and Needle Mission: ACCOMPLISHED” to the conspired members and ready to enjoy the show, evil smile plastered on their faces.

After dinner, the members gathered in the 12th dorm living room, the magnae brought along his laptop to check the site again. He smiled widely finding out no other entry about the things the antis wished to do to his favourite Hyung. All the members also smiled happily and released a relieved sigh. “What a tiresome week isnt’ it?” said the leader, still smiling. All the members just smiled widely, but not after the eternal magnae made his appearance.
“Guys! I think he’s still in trouble.”
The members who previously slumped and slouched on the couch, sprawled all over the floor, sat up straight as in command. “What do you mean Wook-ah?” asked Leeteuk calmly.
“I just heard that Hyungie will meet with Kibum,” answered Ryeowook, made his hyungs and dongsaeng scowled at him. “Yah! Kim Ryeowook, are you trying to give us a heartattack?!” the magnae snapped. “But..the way I heard it, it wasn’t Kibum that Hyungie’s talking to,” defended Ryeowook. This made all the members sat in alert. Before making any other assumption, Leeteuk called the second youngest.
“Kibummie. Hi, what are you doing right now?”
“Me? Nothing Hyung. I just got back from my shoot, get ready to go to bed.”
“Yah!! Hyung! Are you trying to make me deaf?”
“Sorry Kibummie. Well..Good night, have a nice dream.”
“OK. Bye Teukie Hyung.”

Oh, the horror. All the members stood with their mouth wide opened. The magnae run hastily to his laptop, and opened the cursed page. Still saw no new entry, he reload and reload the page, but in the end still no latest entry. The magnae looked at his hyungs hopelessly. That was when the band’s umma took over. “We will follow him discreetly.” With that said, all the members gathered their things and followed the umma’s lead to 11th dorm, right on time, when Yesung walked out and locked the door. The members followed him until the lead singer disappeared into the elevator, and they run hastily through emergency stairs. They arrived at least 30 seconds behind the lead singer, catching their breath, and went straight to parking lot. When they arrived, Yesung’s car already on the move. They started running again to the van and squeezed their way in the van, while Kangin drove.

They kinda lost Yesung’s car, when the bunny boy screeched,”THERE!!THERE!! It’s Sungie Hyung’s car!!” Kangin had to take a U turn at least 20 meters up front and raced the van to the restaurant, where Yesung’s car had been spotted. Kangin didn’t even stop the car and parked it properly when all the members started jumping out and run again to the restaurant. So he just parked it unceremoniously and caught up s. They were looking all over the restaurant, searching frantically for the lead singer where about, when a familiar laughter heard. They strode across the room, went to the sound’s source only to find Yesung chatted happily with Kibum. All the members exploded. Luckily these two were in a VIP room.


Yesung and Kibum jumped slightly to see their fellow members stood in front of them angrily. Yesung just stared in confusion, while Kibum just flashed his 100 mega watt smile, trying to look innocent. Kyuhyun faced Ryeowook who stood next to him. “Yah! Kim Ryeowook, You said it wasn’t Kibum,” snarled the magnae. Ryeowook just stood there dumbfounded, when all attention averted to him, and stuttered. Kibum just smiled mischievously while Yesung stared worriedly at Ryeowook. “Hyung, let’s get out of here. I’ll take you to a pet shop,” asked Kibum offered his hand to his hyung. Yesung stared for a while before smiled widely and reach for his hand, and walked out of the room.

“Guys, me and Sungie Hyung will go to the pet shop. We’ll see you later,”said Kibum in his cheery voice and dragged Yesung along with him to Yesung’s car. The other still in hot argumentation not noticing the both of them had gone missing until Shindong found out. “Guys!! They’re gone!”
The other looked at the now empty room and started running to the parking lot only to see Yesung’s car drove away, and Kibum’s flashed his 100 mega watt smile to the members.


A/N: YAAY!! Another failed fic by me. So sorry guys, but any comment will be appreciated :D


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409 streak #1
Chapter 1: They're family afterall 🥰🥰🥰 cute and sweet!

NB : omg kisung 😍
Chapter 1: Always Kibunie hahaha
Cenya14 #3
Chapter 1: Very funny story
Shirano #4
Chapter 1: I love how the members protect yesung
This is so funny and meaningful and I just love it to bits!!!
cloudy91 #6
Chapter 1: love this fic!!!!
love how the member trying to protected yesung!!!
Chapter 1: hahahahahahaaahaahahaha that was so hilarious haha i died at the ending plrase update soon
Chapter 1: slight!Kisung in the end ^^ auw, they did a secret meeting.. dating maybe? XD
i love how the bandmates were trying to protect Yesung from his antis.. i'd do the same too to our lovely Sungie :D
Chapter 1: Leeteuk, you set such a great example for Kyuhyun at the beginning...
LOL at them using their fangirls to drive away those evil antis xDDDD
Oh SuJu trying the best to protect Yesung, who's totally clueless as to wats happening around him xDDDD
Once again...Kibum has won at taking Yesung x)
Eggums #10
Chapter 1: It's pretty cute, haha. Poor SJ, trying so hard to protect oblivious Yesungie