Paint the pain away.


Every relationship comes with memories. Without fail they will always be here.


Hey everyone. So, I used to be a huge JongKey shipper but I'm not so much anymore. Don't get me wrong they're cute together and I still ship it, just not as hard. However, during my obsessive JongKey days I noticed a lot of people depicted Se Kyung to be some evil, cruel... well . I was really starting to dislike it. I wanted a story about Se Kyung's feelings and her view on JongKey without her being crazy. So I wrote this one. Enjoy~ OuO



Bacon King.


All our memories contained in a single colour.


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Chapter 1: I love the way you wrote this. Simply beautiul!! I was engaged with the story, just because of the way you wrote it. The memories of a red lipstick, beautiful! Very well done.
thestrangelittlegirl #2
Chapter 1: .... I swear... this is so absolutely perfect.... the language of this, the wording, everything was so beautiful... they way that you repeated the red lipstick just the right number of times made such an impact, it made it so perfect! I especially LOVE the last paragraph, RIGHT IN THE FEELS!

I actually got to know SHINee in the middle of the Jongkyung scandal thing, and I did not know about Jongkey at that time, but even after I did, I actually still 100% supported Jonghyun-Sekyung. delusional fans and crazy shippers always annoy me, as much as I like jongkey...

anyways this was beautifully written and I love how this is FINALLY in sekyung's pov. <3
Ilonahaku #3
Chapter 1: Wow, that was amazing! <3
It was the first I read fanfic about that "time" from her point of view and I must say it was very interesting! I almost feel bad that he didn´t choose her in the end, although I prefer Jongkey. XD

I loved this part, because she knew and wanted the whole meaning of their relationship (good and bad side): "As much as I wanted to hate that lipstick, throw it out and forget about it, I couldn´t do it. I wanted the memories it contained. Good or bad. I wanted them all." <- excellent!

Somehow I was really touched that she wore that lipstick just for Jonghyun, I like how it changed her and how it became special for them. Somehow it really hit my emotional strings. :D

I also adore this sentence from your foreword: "All our memories contained in single color."

Thanks a lot for sharing!