


"What about this one?"

Changjo leaned down to look into the glass case you were standing in front of.

"I don't know," he tilted his head to the side, "Don't you think it might be a little too much?"

"Mmmm, not really," you shook your head and continued to look through the glass.

"It's a little … loud," he commented.

You sighed and turned away from the small parakeet, "I guess you're right."

Changjo placed a hand on top of your head and ruffled your hair a bit, "Don't get discouraged, love. We'll find the perfect pet for you. Why don't we go look at the bunnies or the fish?"

"But I really want a bird," you pouted, looking at the wall of glass cases holding dozens of different species of birds.

"Well, we'll come back later to them later if you don't find something a little quieter," he threw an arm around your shoulders and steered you away from the birds.

"What about a chameleon?" he suggested as the two of you passed the reptiles, "They're quiet, don't need that much attention, and they'll eat all the bugs in your apartment."

"I think I'll pass," you shied away from them, "They kind of freak me out and it's not natural that they are able to move their eyes separately like that."  

"Are you sure you don't want one?" he asked, still looking at the chameleon slowly walk across the branch.

"Yes, Oppa, I'm sure," you hugged his arm, "But if you want to buy one, go ahead."

"Never mind," he muttered and looked at the fish tanks next to the reptiles, "What about a fish? They're the easiest pet to take care of."

"But you can't play with a fish," you pointed out.

"Yes, you can."

You watched as Changjo ran his hand across the glass of one of the tanks and laughed when all the fish followed his hand back and forth.

"See," he smiled.

You shook your head and pulled him towards another section of the shop.

The both of you walked to the section of the shop where all the animals you could pet were held.

You gasped and skipped over to an open glass container where about ten small bunnies were hopping around inside.

Changjo came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist from the back, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"You like them?" he murmured in your ear.

"They're so cute," you gushed, leaning over the container.

"I'll go get a worker," he released you and walked towards the front of the store.

As you were feeding on the small floppy eared bunnies a piece of alfalfa grass, Changjo returned with an elderly man whose nametag read 'Store Manager'.

"So you're thinking about buying one of these little guys?" the man asked.

You nodded your head, "But I'm not sure yet. Would it be okay if I held one?"

"Sure, go right ahead," he motioned towards the bunnies.

You carefully took a brown and white one into your arms. You smiled as you its soft fur and ruffled its ears.

"Are they hard to take care of?" you asked.

"Well, harder than a fish, but not as difficult as a dog," he answered, "They just need to be fed and have plenty of water. The most work will probably be cleaning out their cage. They don't make noise too so they are good indoor pets."

"How big will they get?" Changjo asked as he gently petted the bunny that you were holding in your arms.

"Oh, well this kind of rabbit is going to get big. These little guys can grow to be as big as on the ones you see at the fair," the man nodded.

"Really?" you asked in disbelief.

"Yup, hard to believe but it's true," he glanced down at the other rabbits.

You sighed and placed the bunny back with its friends, "I can't have a huge rabbit living in my apartment."

"Aw that's a shame. But if you two need anything else, don't be afraid to ask," the worker told you.

"Thank you," Changjo called after him as he walked back to the front of the shop.

You hung your head and Changjo placed his hands on your shoulders, "It's okay, we'll try something different."

The two of you continued to walk around the store in search for the perfect pet for you.

"And we're back to square one," you said as the two of you stepped in front of the birds.

"I still don't see what's wrong with a guinea pig," Changjo muttered under his breath. 

"That thing tried to bite me," you reminded him.

"You could train it," he mumbled, but you pretended not to hear him.

You glanced around at the different kinds of birds and your eyes lit up with a certain glass case caught your eye.

"That one," you pointed, "I want that one."

Changjo looked at the case you were pointing at, "Are you sure?"

You nodded your head, a bright smile on your face.

"Okay, then," Changjo agreed, "I'll go get the manager."


"Get in there!" you smiled as you placed the small blue and white bird into the cage.

You closed the cage door and peered inside the cage with a smile.

"Are you happy now?" Changjo asked, bending down next to you to look in the cage.

"Of course!" you beamed, standing up straight.

Changjo stood up as well and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and resting his forehead against yours.

"Well, I'm glad," he whispered and placed a light peck on the tip of your nose.

You scrunched up your nose and leaned away with a giggle.

"So have you thought of any names?" he asked.

"I have a few in mind," you got on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face into the crook of his neck.

Changjo smiled and looked back over at the cage, "I guess they're pretty cute. They're kind of like us."

You looked back at the cage and laughed when you saw your two lovebirds standing next to each other on a wooden stick, cuddling just like you and your boyfriend. 

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raviolli101 #1
Chapter 1: awwww!!! one of the cutest stories ever!!!
Chapter 1: awww, so cute~
Chapter 1: awww love birds <3 the most fav bird for me haha. the ending was so totally adorable ;3 great!
Chapter 1: Awww the end is so cute ^^
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh that was so cute~ i love jonghyun even more now lols his actions reminded me of a small child who is adorable and all ♥ I LOVE IT~ ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: omg, aw, i was just looking for some cute oneshots to read, and here i found myself with an adorable one. omg, aw, it was so adorable, i just screamed at the end. gah, i've always wanted love birds, too, klfhalsdkfhasdkfadf and to share one with changjo, omo that would be so much fun. aw, this was so adorable. i really liked it! thank you for writing this! you're a good writer, author nim! <3
Chapter 1: honestly im not a fan of chanjo but i like this!