Chapter Four

Mirror Mirror

*Chapter 4*

"Noona, who is that girl you were with?" I heard Dongwoon whisper, brushing his body inbetween me and the counter filled with different beverages. I was trying to mix a none-alcoholic cocktail for Hyuna and I, before he interupted.

"Hyuna?" I replied inquisitvely. "Why?"

I knew Dongwoon pretty well, since he was the maknae of the boy's friendship group. I got on well with their friendship group, since there was never any preasure on me to behave a certain way. In a way, they were like Hyuna and the girls - not caught up in the complications that came with being popular. Although, Dongwoon was very handsome and cute, so a lot of girls liked him. He was very easy to have a laugh with, and he had a way of making girls feel comofortable through his sense of humour.

"Does she have a boyfriend?" he asked, handing me the box of ice-cubes, "she's really cute~"

I grit my teeth, knowing that I had to fight my jealousy. No matter what I felt, I had convinced myself that I needed to be a good friend to Hyuna, like how she had been a good friend to me. The best friend, in fact. So I thought it was selfish to feel jealous. She would probably like him to talk to her, since she'd been feeling so down about love lately.

"Not as far as I know," I replied, I was forcing myself to sound interested in his conversation, though all I wanted to do was get angry and tell him to back off. I wanted to tell him she was mine. I knew he'd treat her right though. Dongwoon was a good friend, for a reason. He was a trustworthy guy. I knew he was pretty affraid of me too, "I'll kill you if you break her heart, you know," I added. Just making things clear from the start.

He nodded with a laugh, "Okay noona, I promise~ Do you think I should go and talk to her?"

I handed him the drink I'd just made her, filled it with her favourite juices and made sure to put lots of ice in it since earlier she'd been complaining about how hot the weather was. I knew she'd like it. "Give her this, and don't tell her I made it. Oh, and she likes aegyo, so give her lots, okay?"

He accepted the drink and nodded again, though this time more serious, "Thanks noona," he added, before he walked off to the side of the pool where she was sat, underneath an umbrella shading her from the heavy afternoon's sun light. 

I headed towards them finally, the biggest and brightest fake smile I could muster across my face. Hyuna was giggling and seemed happy, her excitement dropped when I approached though. Her expressions changed to concern.

"Where did you go?" she asked, softly, "I missed you..."

Suddenly it was like Dongwoon wasn't there. It was like no one was there. Just us. Her eyes penetrating me. Her concerned glare turning my insides to jelly.

"I got distracted by a phonecall~" I lied, "my umma phoned, I have to head back home, it's an emergency."

"Omo, is everything okay? I will walk with you..." She added, standing to put her hand in mine.

"No," I softly pushed her hand away and signalled for her to sit down again, "it's nothing for you to worry about, you should stay and have fun~"

She shook her head and pouted, "But..." she was about to resist.

"I'll look after you," Dongwoon interupted, grabbing Hyuna's hand that I'd pushed away. She smiled and nodded finally, accepting defeat.

"Okay," she pulled me into a hug, "I hope everything is okay and you will tell me about it another time though, oppa?" she whispered to me as we were in an embrace. Her talking into my ear made my hairs stand on edge.

"Good bye" I said, before dashing off home. I didn't want to stick around, getting all worked up with jealousy. I felt close to crying, but it was stupid and I didn't want to be weak. I was the happiest I'd been, yet the saddest. If I could get over my crush, I could be completely happy. At least, that was what I convinced myself.

When I got home, I recieved a text message. I expected it to be Gayoon or someone, but it was from Dongwoon. I read it immediatly, knowing it would have something to do with Hyuna. I thought it would contain more thanks, and a brief explanation as to what had happened between them so far, but instead it simply contained "she said that her heart belongs to someone else, noona. I wonder who? She wouldn't say his name~~".

I wondered if she had made it up, just to get rid of him. Or maybe it meant she had a secret boyfriend already... Or... maybe it meant her heart belonged to me. I didn't dare to think it was the last one, since it sent my heart in to overdrive.

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Chapter 5: This story is plain AWESOME! Thanks so much for this story, I really needed a good JiAh fic!
szenemaxene #2
I am pretty late finding this fanfics T^T
Hikaru_4M #3
Chapter 5: The story was so cute. I liked it :)
So fluffy, I could die :D
StoneA #5
I love your story and i love them<br />
You can write about Sohyun and Hyunah---JiYoon and Gayoon<br />
2Hyun and 2 Yoon will good better <br />
JKmuzikluva #6
This is a really good story!! You are a great writer!! Can you please write another story on these 2!! After reading this Jiyoon and Hyuna have become one of my favorite couples!!! :)
Lattice #7
WAA~!! *spazz* OMG!! They kissed!! They love each other!!<br />
Is this really the end?? No way!! I want more of this sweetness...keke, but thank you so much for this wonderful story though! :D
Kharyan19 #8
hyuna's heart belongs to jiyoon??? hope its a 'yes'!!!<br />
pls update soon =D
Lattice #9
Hyuna is in love with Jiyoon?? Please tell me "yes"... :P<br />
I hope you can update soon again! :D
goingangnam #10
lol not quite a date, sorry guys. ^^