Cold Shadow

Cold Shadow


Nana picked up her rucksack and quietly opened her bedroom door. She took a last look around the room to check if she had packed everything she’d need. She then tip-toed down the stairs, crept through the kitchen and let herself out of the back door.

This was it. She was really going to do it.


Kevin waited for her by the edge of the woods. He had asked her the day before if she would join him. She of course said yes in the blink of an eye. She was madly in love with him, so why wouldn’t she?

They had packed food, flashlights, extra clothes and everything else they would need in the abandoned house in the woods. They were going to get to the bottom of the disappearances.


It was dark outside and they had been in the abandoned house a while, nothing had happened. Kevin had been oddly quiet; he was usually a person who couldn’t stop talking. For the last hour he had been glancing at her, biting his nails, walking around the room they had set camp in, he seemed very anxious. She was about to ask him why he was acting the way he was when he all of a sudden stared her right in the eye with a murderous stare. For the first time in her life she was afraid of the Kevin who wouldn’t ever hurt a fly, even if he was forced to.


Slowly he started walking towards her, not once breaking the eye contact. Nana by instinct backed away from him.

“You said you wanted to get to the bottom of the girls who all went missing in this forest.” He said with a cold voice, she never thought that his angelic voice could sound like that. It scared her. She tried to scream but the heavy rain outside was drowning her voice.

He pushed her up against the wall, with his hands running up her body towards , strangling her.

His eyes were big and the blood vessels were showing in the white of his eyes, he had turned into a murderer in a matter of seconds.  A faint “why?” escaped .

He twitched at this question, he never expected her to say anything, the Nana he knew would never question anything he did.

“You’re prettier than me.” He answered as her cold body fell to the floor.


The door opens to the local café and in walks a pretty girl. She sits down at a table and looks through the menu. Suddenly there’s a shadow towering over her, she looks up. A tall pretty boy with golden brown hair smiles at the girl and greets her “Hi, I’m Kevin, you’re not from town. Am I right?”






I hope you liked my oneshot! 

I would like to thank tirasuilvolume for helping me with Kevin's awesome line when he strangeled Nana. xD

And I would also like to add that I don't have anything against either Kevin or Nana! I like them both very much!

Feel free to point out things to help me improve.


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Chapter 1: you should make this a chaptered one ;___; I want to keep reading
infinitejae #2
i'll wait for this! ^^