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Taemin's POV

   All I could wonder was who these people were. I've never met them once in my life and they were acting way too friendly. I turned and looked at their faces. They were full of shock. Is it that strange to ask who someone is? What's with these people? They're acting really weird. I thought before hearing one of them speak.

“ you not remember any of us?” the one with cat like eyes asked me.

“No and how do you know my name?” I asked.

“ do I start?” the person with cat like eyes spoke again while biting his lip. After a few minutes of looking at the others they told me how they met me and everything that happened up until now. I sat there trying to take in all the information. I had friends? I went to school? I s-saw my a-appa again? All this information was rushing through my head. I was still wasn't sure if I could trust them. Who isn't to say that they made all this up. What if they worked for my appa. I couldn't think straight. I needed time. I realized I was clutching my head with my hands and slowly let them down. I looked up into everyone's faces and spoke.

“C-can I umm...have some time to myself please.” They all looked from me to each other and nodded before getting up and leaving the room. One of them stopped in front of the doorway, the one with cat like eyes looked back at me and said,

“We'll be back later to check on you.” I simply nodded and watched as he walked out,and closed the door behind him. What is going on? I sighed and layed back down trying to gather my thoughts but instead I fell asleep.


Minho's POV

   I couldn't believe it. Taemin didn't remember any of it. Not how we met, how we spent time with each other or how we slowly fell in love with each other, how I told him I loved him and he told me he loved me back. I tried to hold back the tears that were about to form in my eyes before walking out of his room. Key walked behind me and said something I didn't pay any attention to before closing the door to Taemin's room. We all paused to look at each other letting all the shock and sadness sink in before walking out together. I still couldn't believe Taemin had amnesia though. After everything, all the pain and hurt he has gone through, he has to go through more? He wasn't allowed to remember any of the good times he had with everyone? The happy times he had with his only friends? These thoughts kept running through my head over the next few days as we all went to visit Taemin and see how he was doing. Everyday he would ask us questions and try to remember things but so far nothing. The doctor said there was nothing to do but wait for his memories to come back, and there was a chance they may never return. The days went by fast and it was finally time for Taemin to be released from the hospital. We talked him into going back to my apartment. He was hesitant at first but when we told him he was more likely to get his memories back if he stayed there, he finally agreed. Jonghyun and Key came with me to pick up Taemin. After we helped him into the car Jonghyun drove us to my apartment and they left me and Taemin alone. Of course before leaving Key threatened me while Jonghyun was helping Taemin out of the car. Key came over and whispered into my ear,

“We're leaving him in your hands and I swear if you do ANYTHING to him I will come back in the middle of the night while you are sleeping and chop off your manhood!”

I shivered as I thought of the threat. I really wouldn't put it past that crazy diva to do something like that. I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as I helped Taemin go up the stairs. After some struggle we made it to the door and walked in exhausted. I helped him into the living room and sat him down on the couch before walking to the kitchen to get the both of us a glass of water. As I was walking back I saw him looking around. I slowly approached and sat next to him, hoping he wouldn't freak out about how close I was to him. After a few seconds he turned to look at me and I handed him the glass of water which he took gratefully. After he finished drinking I looked at his face to see a pout form.

“What's wrong?” I asked. He jumped at the sudden noise before responding back.

“I still don't remember anything. I thought I might remember something if I came here but....”

“It's ok. I'm sure your memories will come back eventually. Just give it some time.” I said in a soothing voice even though my heart was in so much pain over the fact that he didn't remember me and the time we spent together was lost. We spent the rest of the day looking around the apartment and later sat down for dinner where I told him more about me and the others. After dinner we cleaned up and got ready for bed.


Taemin's POV

“Are you sure that is your decision? You will not get another chance and you will face much hardship.”

“I know but I want to be with him if I can, even if I may not remember. And I believe that our love will be strong enough to overcome this.”

“Very well. I wish you the best.”

I woke up. I was breathing hard and I was covered in sweat. What was that? It was a dream....right? But it felt so real, so familiar. I quickly shook my head, trying to rid myself of these tho

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Chapter 17: well.................the one I like.........totally my type...........
I really like it............good job
Chapter 17: You have no idea how much I sarang you author-nim. This story is freakin daebak!
Chapter 16: omg the last like was just perfect. It made me cry when I read that and I was just thinking... oh why isn't this a movie? It would have been amazing and be like my all time favorite movie. I fell in love with this story so bad <3
justnormalme #4
Chapter 16: Sad and nice at the same time! ^^
I liked it.
Chapter 16: This is so beautiful.... I like this story so much... ^^
Chapter 16: It's over aww :'( *sobs* but i loved the ending it was great :D
Chapter 15: I love it!!! Thank you for writing this :D
Chapter 14: Awww!!! I cant belive he forgot about them!! Soo..sad *sobs* I hope he remembers i really want 2min lol :D I hate Taemin's dad.. I bet Jonhyun when to go beat him up..
Chapter 13: Owww poor Taemin!! I wantto kill his dad!!!
Chapter 12: YAY!!!please update soon!! :D