Chapter 1

When It Counts

It was another freestyle session after rehearsal today. We needed to prepare for WINTER HYPERNATION. It was about 2 weeks away! Each piece required two people so guess who was my partner? Not Matt, but my bestie Justin. Matt was already with Anna, perfect couple right?

"Hey, want to grab some tea and hang out with the team?" I shook my head while staring at Matt and Anna. "Not tonight Justin, but thanks for asking." 

I knew why both of them had a down expression on their faces but I shouldn't in now. Because right now, one of the most terrifying things that could happen to a guy is taking place. That moment when a good guy.. a nice guy has the courage to tell a girl, a close friend that he's had feelings for her for a long time and sure whether or not she feels the same, he finally lets it all out! Most likely to her surprise. Risking their friendship that to see if maybe they can be more than friends. It's all happening right Matt. He's having a long awaited conversation with Anna about his feelings. 

He's been talking to me for months now about this one night, trying to get my opinions as a girl. 

Like I told, he should've told her right away even if she didn't like you back. BUT HE TELLS HER A YEAR LATER. 

I'm curious, I haven't heard from one of them yet. I felt my phone ring and saw a text. 

Didn't go well. Can we meet at the Factory? Geez, i hate being a nice guy! 

It was from Matt. Oooh...I guess I'll leave, I can't wait to hear what has happened~ 

"Nice guys finish last. That's how it is, that's how it will ever be. She might be going for some other jerk already and I'm here just for so long." 

"Maybe later, she'll realize how important you are as a friend." Justin randomly blurted it out while Matt was speaking. 

"I should've listened to you Tam, you were totally right. I should have just told her." 

"I do think you should still be friends first." I was thinking about us, since I still liked him. 

"Well, not this time. She was saying I hope we can still be friends.. and I'm like SAY WHAT!" 

I chuckled a bit, while Justin said "That's what you said to her?" 

"No.. but I would have. Are you two going to stay friends? " I finished my drink and ordered for another. 

Matt banged his fist on the table with anger. "If I stay friends with her, she will overpower me! She lead me on and reject me. That's not fair! That's not true friendship!"

I saw Justin comfort Matt and he said "Calm down, you're being a little rude. She didn't really do anything wrong. Not returning feelings does not make her a bad person at all. But it's okay, I know how you feel bro."

After that really long talk, we all decided to go home. Before I went to my car, I grabbed Matt's arm.

"I hope this doesn't affect you too much." He tried to run away from my grab but I held on and pulled him to turn looking at me. "Hey, look. This shouldn't affect you badly. It's just one girl. Just learn from this mistake, hopefully you can find someone else." I smiled then lead him to his car. "Don't take it out on everyone. See you at dance tomorrow." I walked back to my car and sighed. 

Matt must be really depressed right now, how bad it would feel just for Anna to say no. 

Isn't it funny that you would hear 'nice guys finish last' all the time? It's annoying. What happened to nice girls finish last? Well, it happens. We all keep it to ourselves. Usually when a guy is complaining about a girl not liking him is because he only focused on her. Not even realizing that someone might like him. I'm that someone. 

Matt would tell the team that I was like his little sister... not the words you would want to hear when you like a guy too right? I hope he finally notices but if he did, why did he ignore it? 

I wonder why we don't complain as much as guys for relationships. 

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