So It Stood

Something Needed But Never Given

Whoever came up with the idea was an utter nut. And maybe an idiot - or both.


For some odd reason, their dance studio  had been chosen to be used for... some sort of event, and when Youngbae had last been in there, the place was so wet, he'd slid from the doorway straight into the mirror.


There was a lot of water, they said, so they had to wait to dry things out and clean it up or he'd be slipping all over the place.




And as the company's other groups practiced for promotions and comebacks, the other studios were occuped. Except a few, but those were wet too.


In light of recent events, Youngbae had had to find a new place to practice.


And so it stood. He would go searching for a new place to practice - somewhere he wouldn't be bothered and somewhere he had space to dance.


So he lay on his bed that night, staring up at the ceiling and wondering where he could go next. Where would he go? He'd tried the kitchen earlier - a fail when his hand had hit the stove and turned it on. He couldn't dance in his own room, apparently, as he didn't have enough room to move freely and ended up knocking everything over.


So would he be able to dance in the other member's rooms while they were out?


With that question in mind, Youngbae fell asleep.



Finally, peace and quiet. The members were gone, their place vacated. Youngbae stood in Seunghyun's room, stretching his arms. He finally had it now - finally had space to practice.


A space to call his own, even if it was only for a moment. A space to be himself and dance.


When the music started, Youngbae stood still, ready to begin when his beat started. And started it did. He ce, stretching out an arm and extending a leg. He took a step, turn, dip, stretch - 


"Who's that?" A female voice asked.


Youngbae turned around and looked to see Seunghyun walking in, shirt already gone, arms wrapped around a girl Youngbae knew to be his latest girlfriend.


Wait. They broke up.


Seunghyun stood in the doorway, lip jutted out in a pout and arms wrapped a full body, inflatable doll.




Seunghyun ran over to him, nearly knocking Youngbae over and hitting him in the face with the doll. Youngbae groaned.


"Youngbae, I'm lonely!" Seunghyun sobbed into his shoulder.


There went that last chance.



Youngbae sat up straight in bed, gasping and panting.


Even in his dreams, he couldn't get space to dance.

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powerranger21 #1
Heheh, I could feel yb's frustrations XD This was really funny, I couldn't stop smiling after I found out they paid the old lady to yell at him. ^^
Onepenny #2
Chapter 5: Loved this :) especially the old lady lol
It's completed? But I want to see YB's revenge!!!
Chapter 1: Lol at the ending. Haha