Watching From The Sidelines

When All Is Said And Done: Prequel

"I'm just going out for a little while, I won't be long," I called to Taemin. I'd hate to leave without saying and have him worry. I wanted to go out and get him a surprise present. I love to see his face light up. It means much more than a birthday present, which he probably expected.

I wanted to get him something really special. For some reason...that wasn't to happen. I bought him a promise ring, to show I'd always be there and never leave his side. It was a white gold band. Simple. I think simplicity is good though. Not too flashy. Besides, I didn't want it to make the press suspicious. They look into all details nowadays to get a story.

Once I received it from the shop, I put the small black box in my pocket and got inside the car to drive home. Little did I know that I was being followed. It was so quiet. At first. I had just driven through the green traffic lights, they had been green for a while though so they turned red just after I drove through.

I had a feeling that day would be a great day.

I had just jinxed myself.

The taxi that I found following behind me, that should have stopped at the traffic lights, didn't stop. They drove through the red light and another car pulled out from the road at the side, therefore crashing into their car which then crashed into me while they were trying to swerve away, but failed.

I could feel my breathing weaken as my heart and lungs became crushed inside my shattered ribcage. Everything became so...blurry...I could no longer feel anything.

Brightness had taken over the blurr so much that it was almost blinding, yet, I felt at peace. The only thing that troubled me was what I had left behind.


I could see him from where I was, though he couldn't see me physically. I watched him for the first few days after he found out. He cried himself to sleep every night. He was very timid before I met him, only opening up after spending a lot more time with him, showing I would never harm him, in fact, I was always the one protecting him. He trusted me, and that was one of the most important things to me, to keep him safe and to keep his trust.

After my it sounds strange saying that...he completely broke down. He started screaming, crying, shouting at me. I heard it all. I said I would never leave him, but he looked so alone. I was there with him, though he couldn't see or hear me. He had been starving himself for those days. His fragile body getting weaker and weaker. He reached to the kitchen cupboard, his hands shaking, and took hold of the bleach.

Due to malnourishment, he didn't have enough strength to take the cap off. That was the only thing I was glad of. I watched him as he scrambled off the kitchen floor, tears rolling down his face, as he pulled himself to his bedroom, using all the energy he had left in him. He then rested in his bed, still sobbing.

I couldn't take it any longer, I couldn't stand to watch him from such a peaceful place while he put himself through a living hell. I decided it was time to collect him. I decided to collect him in his sleep, so he could look back at everything as a little nightmare.

"...Hold my hand...and we could live in a world where you will never have to fear about anything again."

And with that, Taemin reached out his hand and I held onto it as tightly, as his final breath was taken, while taking him to that place of peace and happiness where we can both stay for the rest of eternity.


"You were right, Minho. I'm no longer afriad."

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Chapter 1: Poor Taemin ㅠㅠ but this is awesome btw! Great job! >w<