Mother Of My Child


"Kim Heechul refuses to date okay?" "Hyung you want kids," "Kids yes, wife no. Find me a girl who's willing to give me children but not marry me and give me a call."



I can't believe I actually wrote that letter. To Kim Heechul no less. And he'd read it? He msut have otherwise I wouldn't be in Seoul right now, waiting at the airport and looking about like a lost puppy.

Just take a deep breath Angeline, it will be fine. 

I suppose what I had done would come with serious consequences.

-a month before-

"He'll never even get this letter you know, I'm sure SM won't give it to him," my friend Gabbie told me.

"I know, but I like to think he will get it," I replied posting my letter.

I had written to Kim Heechul, my favourite of all kpop stars.


I noticed you always say you want a kid but not a wife,

That's like me! I want a kid but not a husband

I know I'm just a fangirl and this is a total long shot, but I bet we could work something out

I just want cute children to raise, without the hassle of a husband to find and marry and deal with.

Wish I could have that with you, our kids would be so adorable


I don't know what possessed me really to write a letter like that, but obviously someone had seen it because the next thing I found in the mail was a ticket to South Korea and a letter of proposition.

To the public, I would become the spouse of Kim Heechul, but to us, I was his surrogate, to give him children and nothing more.

The good thing was it was all medical. After a few months of being publicly a 'couple' I would go to the doctors' and he would inject my egg with Heechul's seed to create a baby without any of the intimate contact I loathed.

It worked out for both of us, and I had agreed willingly, without thinkng much about the strange deal.

So here I was, in Incheon airport, waiting.

I saw an SM van and a driver holding my name on a card - albeit spelled wrong because of it's foreignness - and I took my suitcase and got into the back.

As it started off I was greeted by Super Junior's manager and lee Sooman, briefing me about what I was here to do and that I would meet my spouse of whatever he'd be to me, tomorrow.

I once again questioned what I was about to do.



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heavenzabdiel #1
Chapter 3: Update, pretty please??? :-) It's cool and interesting. :-)
KhattCake #2
Chapter 3: This story is so unique,I just love it. Great!!! ^^
Chapter 3: So funny...Yesung is my favourite too... I wonder what will happen between her and heechul
KhattCake #4
Chapter 2: This story is so different. That's why I like it. Update soon :)
Melloyello #5
I registered just for this story you know :) so no pressure~~
monokalisto #6
This sounds...strange... But I like it so it doesn't matter :D
I was daydreaming today... and I had this idea about sending a letter to SME... then I see the story... O.O :D
Update soon~
btw I'm happy it's medical...