I want to always be with HIM...


Exo went to your country earlier than the schedule to surprise the fans, or maybe because they just want to shop without people surrounding. Of course they will be surrounded but... not all will be there, so there'll be lesser fans tailing them...

Accidentally, or maybe on purpose, Tao got seperated from the others. He doesn't know the place so he... got LOST. People didn't notice him because he is slightly in a disguise. He wants to ask people if they saw the other members but he decided not to because he doesn't know who to ask. 

With fate on your side, you were in the same mall. You recognized him, but had second thoughts so you just stared at him while he looked troubled. He noticed you so he decided to ask you for directions. You can't believe your eyes, it was really him!!


Song Ki Jin

-this character is you~
-though you're korean, you live in a different country because this is where your parents met

-your mom likes to call you Kiji because it sounds cute for her
-a nice girl who is extremely shy
at first but is actually noisy(when with people she knows)
-can be both innocent and ignorant

-likes to stay at home
-loves singing but can't dance
-wants to learn the piano and guitar
-hates clothes that are too chic, wants to stay simple
-a fan of EXO
-falls for people easily

-people finds talking to you easy even though your so shy
-when around you, people usually feel at ease because of the aura you're giving off


Yow~ Im new here!! I don't know if I did the description correctly... @u@' I need help... advices... there are so many things I don't understand about this web yet TTuTT please help me TTvTT

I'm not that good in english... please tell me If I wrote errors or if there are things you didn't understand QuQ

I love exo!! Especially Tao XD uhmm... this might give you a different image of Tao... but please don't! See him as he is!
~u~ I watched this show with exo m... Tao said he is a romantic kungfu panda! KYAHN!!! X3
TTuTT I'm scared, I don't think my story is ready yet TTvTT



*Sorry for using too much colors TTuTT

i'm getting troubles getting to the actual plot TT^TT


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Chapter 11: New reader here^^
I love your story author-nim!!!
Its very interesting!!!
I really love it!!!
Please update soon^^
Chapter 11: finally! u update^^
Chapter 11: puahahahahaha beakyeol
Chapter 10: oh no...... secrets out
Chapter 9: she loves tao more than sehun and baekhyun and chanyeol are loving her waaayyy too much and its too obvious
Chapter 8: I bet that was baekhyun and sehun told him everything that kijin said
MinFangExotic #7
Chapter 7: like in real life XDXD Lol . i wish <3
MinFangExotic #8
Chapter 7: Waaa . amazing story .. :)
i love it!! it's like real.. while Im reading this I'm imagining about the DKFC here in Philippines.. kyyaaahh~ so cute.. my friends and I love it.. please write more.. :)))
Chapter 7: Yay! Keep writing!!!!