
Runaway Star

I rewrote the better part of this chapter because~ I wanted to. I don't know why I so bad at this lately but I tried~ hope someone likes it x_x




“I’m about to have a heart attack –ding- and you’re being a -“ Kyuhyun got your back against a wall of the elevator and just looked down at you. “No…I’m not. I honestly think it’ll calm you down. Just” He lifted your chin and caught your lips in another kiss and bit your lip when you tried to pull away. “Actually I think this might increase your heart rate and mine so I’ll just wait for you to give me this okay and we can do this again” He turned away from you and faced the two doors that were separating in front of him. “We can do even more then.” He motioned for you to step out of the elevator and grabbed you at your waist. You weren’t quite on the top level yet but there was a ramp up to the top that was accessible by a golf cart. “Please put your seatbelt on” Kyuhyun said pointing to the yellow strap beside you. You both had shed your clothes and “disguises” and prepared for the ride all the way up. 

“Is this okay with you _____ah?” He asked glancing over at you. You were a bit stiff and wide eyed but you seemed fine. “Oh hey look under your seat for a second and get that box out.” There was a velvet blue box under the seat and it had a shimmering silver necklace with a jeweled rose charm. “Happy birthday again that’s the last thing I’ll give you today. Everything else you will have to ask me for.” You just scoffed and put the necklace on it was gorgeous. “Thank you Kyuhyun but what would I ever ask you for?” He didn’t answer and kept driving until you reached the door. It didn’t have any numbers on it and no letters it only had three gold stars on it. The entire level was just behind that door….so it had to be huge.

                “Okay let’s go now”

Kyuhyun leaned against the door but heard strange sounds coming from the other side and his eyes widened. “Ehh that’s strange.” He said and scratched his head. You didn’t notice anything and Kyuhyun just shrugged whatever he thought was strange off and settle his key into the door. He was concentrating on something as he slowly turned the key until he heard something that startled him and he let the door knob and key go and stepped back in front of you. “Let’s go!” he yelled and wrapped his hand around your wrist quickly. “Wha- why?” Before you knew it you were running behind him and down the stairs. The next floor had many hallways and doors. You were trying to keep up with Kyuhyun you were confused. You noticed a group people hiding behind the wall of the nearby hallway and started to catch on. “Hey Kyuhyun if you’re trying to avoid someone you might want to turn here” You suggested but the next turn wasn’t any better. “Hey aren’t you that famous singer guy that went missing? Is this your girlfriend?” An older looking man with a camera asked. He looked around Kyuhyun’s body and examined you. “She’s an interesting choice have you been staying with her? Hey smile for the camera!” You shrieked when the man held up his camera and caused a flash so bright you thought you’d go blind.

“Come on” Kyu yanked you out of that hallway and you both dash straight towards another stairway.  You’re shoe pushed up a rug that lied in front of the doorway and you tripped forward twisting your leg. “Ow my ankle!” You screamed, you heard more flashes coming from behind you and noticed other photographers, after Kyuhyun, had come out of hiding to snap a good picture of he and you together. “Are you alright?” He pulled you up and quickly helped you down the stairs until you could assure him that you were fine. After a while of dodging photographers and press that started to pile up over the time you made it far enough down and crossed over to the building’s parking garage. “Why are we here?” Your body slid to the floor beside a car that Kyuhyun was crawling beside. “This is my car.” He said feeling behind the wheels. “You left your keys upstairs you genius!” There was a clank then a jiggling sound. “Nothing important though” he said holding up a new set of keys and unlocked the door to the car beside you with a press of a button. “Get in Yoja.” He had already slid into the vehicle and put on sunglasses. “Feel like going out of town pretty lady?” He asked with a smirk. “It’s going to rain soon so hurry up.” You got into the car and Kyuhyun put it into reverse.

It was distracting, trying to process everything that was happening while your ankle was throbbing and you were pretty sure it was swelling too but that  pain was easier to ignore than the bigger pain right beside you. Kyuhyun couldn’t stop cackling about nearly being caught. “Aish this is great. They’re going to print those pictures so fast.” You nodded then winced. “Oh how is your ankle?” You could only shake your head. “Where are we going?” “How do you feel about cabins/cottages?” Kyuhyun asked looking over his shades at you.“What?!”

“Settle down, after things die down. I’ll make a decision …okay?” The both of you were sitting idly on a long road with only tall trees on either side of you. “Just promise me you won’t hate me if …we can’t be friends anymore.” You just scoffed. “I can’t promise that I don’t hate you now.” Kyuhyun laughed and loosened his grip on the stirring wheel and brought his head up to put the car back into drive and like clockwork the sky begin to pour a harsh rainfall that was hard enough to see through let alone drive. So you both just took it slow, you loved the sound of that rain storm even if you didn’t know if you would make it out of it alive. Kyu kept his hand gripped tight on yours as the road disappeared and there was nothing but grass and dark trees. “Are you okay?” You turned, gulped and nodded. “I’m fine.” Leaves rustled, tree branches snapped and birds fluttered away as the car moved through the woods. Then the car stopped with a hiss. “We can walk from here.” Kyuhyun huffed like he couldn’t catch his breath. “Are you alright?” He nodded and opened his door. “Stay here for a second” He retrieved an umbrella from the trunk and then came around to open your door and gave the umbrella to you. “This thing but try opening okay?” He spoke more gentle than usual. He felt bad about dragging you into his mess of a life and getting you hurt and ultimately ruining your birthday. But he just kept quiet and kneeled in front of you. “Well get on my back I can’t let you walk.” He grabbed your thighs making you jump. The umbrella still hadn’t opened and Kyuhyun was soaking wet before you were even out of the car. “Watch your head _______ah” he said softly and began to lift you. The umbrella was too hard to open, it was either fall off of Kyu’s back trying to open it when you were both already soaked anyway or hold on tight. The second choice was best and made him chukle with a smirk on his face. “This is the closest you’ve been to me in …ever” You just growled. “Haha you’re cute. Let’s go it’s just a little walk from here.

Kyuhyun is such a liar not that it mattered because you weren’t doing the walking but after a while you felt guilty. He had to hold your weight, the weight of his wet clothes, and walk a long distance everntually you got off. “Are you sure you can walk now?” He asked helping you down.
 “Okay well it’s only a little longer right?” you asked. Concern painted his eyes with gloss. “Yah don’t look at me I’m fine!” You turned to walk forward and tripped over a tree root peaking up from the ground and fell. The scream unleashed from your throat as your ankle broke was nothing like you ever produced and nothing like anything he had ever heard. He acted quickly and picked you up bridle style as you fought crying in front of him but sniffled a lot. “Cry if you want idiot. I’m sure that really hurt. It’s broken you know. I’m….sorry this is my fault.” At that moment you broke and sobbed into his shoulder with your arms wrapped around his neck. After getting inside a powerful roar of thunder ripped from the sky and shook the house. She whimpered, she’s afraid and in pain. He placed you down on a soft white bed and opened the closet on the opposite of the bed. “I know I’m not a women but you have to change out of those wet clothes or you’ll get sick. “Do you see anything you want to put on?” You couldn’t imagine putting on clothes or even moving but you really didn’t want him to help you so you pointed to a white button up and grey jogging pants. He modestly set it on the bed and left the room. “Ah the powers going to go out” he said and just then the lights fizzed out. “You okay in there?” he asked. “I’m done you can come back in now.” You called out to him. Your hair was still a wet wavy mess but he thought you looked like an angel in his oversized clothes. “I started a fire in the living room fireplace if you want me to help you to get there.” He held a wooden tray with two sandwiches cut in triangles and two short glasses of milk on it.  Chocolate milk for you.  “Okay” you responded. He swung your arm over his shoulder and helped you into the next room to sit in front of the fire and eat. The sound of the crackling fire was perfect mixed with the thunder and pouring rain outside, you were really soothed by it all.

“Here I’m going to ice and wrap your ankle for now.” You winced and whined while he did it but it didn’t last long. Once you were dry and fed all you really wanted to do was take a nap. “Are you sleepy now?” Your head fell on his shoulder like you were too exhausted to stay awake for any longer. The next time you opened eyes you were back in the fluffy white bed under the warm blankets and Kyuhyun was working toward the door. “Don’t go.”

“But you need your rest and I don’t deserve to be around you when I’ve ruined your birthday.”

“Today was fun. Thank you Kyuhyun. Please don’t go”

                Kyuhyun turned around and walked over to the other bed side as you patted the space beside you and he lied down. “You aren’t so bad Kyuhyun.” You said sleepily causing a scoff to jump from his mouth. “I think I might just love you.” His head turned quickly toward you with wide eyes he examined your face. He touched your cheek with his hand and tried to replay the words that he thought left your mouth but he couldn’t. “What did you say? Could you repeat it?” His heart was racing. “Not a chance buddy” you laughed half awake and he laughed before pulling your face closer to yours and kissing you deeply. For the longest time he didn’t stop and you didn’t stop him until you were really barely awake. “Kyuhyun I’m tired” you said and he pulled back, pulled your head into his chest and kissed the top of your head. “I’m sorry. Rest now. Happy birthday.” Rain is the best cuddle weather,



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Wow I'm terrible at updating this story xD I'll try to do that soon!


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cathrinewee-kyurahae #1
Chapter 6: Please update sooon.. hehehe...xD
LittleMissShawol98 #2
Chapter 6: Updateeee!!