Chapter Nine - Preparing for Battle

The Price


     Five young men piled into a small, cluttered room.  There were shoe boxes and shirts and pants and gifts stacked into every corner.  Teddy bears, posters, hats, jackets, all gifts from the fans that carried them to their position high above the clouds.  Each set of eyes easily spied that one thing they liked the best amongst the presents even though they loved everything.  For one boy, it was a snap back that looked like a comical monster.  Another saw a shirt with stars sewn into the fabric; it looked hand-made.  A smile lit up one boy’s face as he picked up the thick rimmed glasses he adored so much and these ones had little horns at the edges.  A grin and a hand reached out, finding a doll that he could feel the fan’s love in.  A clearing of the last boy’s throat swiveled all eyes from the new presents, garnering their attention. 

     With the gravity of someone much older, DongWoon looked at his friends, his brothers, the people who he could rely on without fail.  He felt nervous, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as he tried to find the words necessary for this grand secret to come to light.  He didn’t want to make it seem trivial; it was anything but.  He had wondered the past two days about how to go about this because it was such a delicate situation that could easily be broken worse than it already was.  He kept struggling internally, weighing every option before him.  He kept expecting angry reactions from his brothers but it was his own fear clouding his judgment.  He expected anger, but he knew that anger would be on the back burner.  There would be concern and worry and a call to arms like only the B2ST boys could do.  DongWoon knew he was doing the right thing in telling them…but going about it was another ordeal in itself.

     Knowing DooJoon would never come forward on his own, DongWoon had taken it upon himself to be the bell ringer.  The only reason DongWoon knew anything was because of a drunken, regretted conversation on DooJoon’s part.  Finding out this malady and the damage it had wrought, DongWoon had come to the decision that he would offer his hand to his fallen leader as he should of done so long ago; knowing of the fall or not.  In doing so, he would enlist his brothers to help DooJoon stand tall and proud again, each man lending strength and courage until DooJoon’s feet could find the ground to tower over the earth like he was meant to.  These boys lived with their dreams in the skies but their feet planted firmly on the surface of the cold ground, leaving the world brighter as they passed through.  Simple men doing simple acts of kindness can change the world. 

     Opening his mouth and closing it again, DongWoon tried to articulate why he had asked them to come home; they were rarely all together anymore.  Mistaking the nervousness for some trite subject, JunHyung rolls his eyes and smirks, telling DongWoon to get on with it.  DongWoon’s gaze once down cast turned like a torch onto the rapper, his purpose finding words.  He would not let them take this lightly; he wasn’t.  Clenching his jaw before he spoke, DongWoon sheds light onto the dark truth.

     “We were nearly fired.  DooJoon has been paying off some rich man to keep our contract afloat.  He’s been ducking in and out of here to go meet this guy for at least a year now, but closer to two,” DongWoon started, but he was quickly interrupted by a chorus of disbelief.  He didn’t blame them; he wouldn’t believe it either unless he had seen that broken body covered in livid black bruises. 

     “What do you mean, ‘we nearly got fired’?!  That’s impossible!” JunHyung was the first to react with his hot temper igniting, wearing a scowl on his face. 

     “We’ve won awards, they can’t fire us!”  HyunSeung now spoke, his cat-like eyes narrowed as he tried to piece together his thoughts.

     “Our contract is owned by some rich guy?  What the hell does that even mean?”  YoSeob was getting antsy, staring intently at DongWoon for more information.

     “Two…years…  He’s been hiding this for two… years…”  KiKwang spoke softly, his voice barely cutting through the susurrus of discontent.  However, KiKwang was heard as a clear chime in the din and each set of eyes fell onto their ‘Ace Junior.’  Perhaps because he had heard that plea to quit, KiKwang was the one who spoke for DooJoon in this moment. 

     “There had to be some reason he kept it away from us…” KiKwang added, his normally bright disposition shed away.  His gaze was level and full of courage and strength and wisdom at what he was beginning to understand.   He replayed conversations with his leader in his head at the news DongWoon had brought and he saw everything he had missed.  Forced smiles, weak laughs, the way his hands shook when he reached for something…

     Each young man began to replay the last few months internally and a grimace over took each one’s expression.

     How had he not seen the bags under DooJoon’s eyes?

     How had he not heard the lifelessness in DooJoon’s voice?

     How had he not felt that fever erupting on DooJoon’s skin?

     “What was it?”  KiKwang’s strong voice rang out, turning each slowly saddening expression to DongWoon who felt trapped in this moment.  He had started this, he couldn’t stop now.  It was to save DooJoon’s life. 

     “He’s…covered in bruises and blood and scrapes and…and…”  Shaking his head, DongWoon tried to compose himself but it was a difficult task.  Covering his mouth with his hand, DongWoon feels his shoulders shake as he forces the emotions away.  This was not the time to be weak.  He had to push through this darkness that this ugly truth had brought about.  He was not the only one into it, however.  All of B2ST now stood in this lightless day, searching for the way out. 

     Four sets of once powerful eyes grew wide, weakness fusing into the bruised black of their irises.  Damage had been dealt to the backbone of B2ST and they had seen nothing…heard nothing.  The leader had held their struggles close to his chest and had soldiered on alone.  He had withstood the barrage of anger and hatred and fear like a gallant knight, his armor shining and strong.  In reality, the armor was beginning to crack and the man inside it was beginning to break.  DooJoon would keep going forward, though, his armor in ruins, to act as the guard for the five young men he led.  Perhaps DooJoon thought they needn’t know of the battle; it would keep them safe to remain unknowing.  In reality, however, he kept them unknowing to keep them alive. 

     Silence fell on the once lively dormitory like a blanket; thick and muffling.  HyunSeung spoke first, breaking the oppressive air.

     “We can’t change what’s happened…”  He offered in an attempt to lessen the blow, turning towards each man with a plea to not berate themselves too much.  HyunSeung knew there would be discontent stirring in each young man’s heart.  They would take it out on themselves internally for not going to DooJoon’s aide.  Even if they didn’t know that there was a large problem skittering behind the scenes…they could have been there more.  HyunSeung was aware that that anger of unknowing could eat someone alive and he knew deep in his heart that their leader wouldn’t want them to be upset.  He would want them to be safe and happy…that was why this secret was kept so well hidden.    

     “Yeah but… we should have done something earlier…”  YoSeob added, his face turned towards the ground with his brows knitted together.  He truly did not like this situation as it made him feel like a bad friend.  He was ready to storm out of the dorm and take on the world and demand DooJoon be given his life back.  The eldest amongst them had given his time and energy to defend them from an unseen malevolence and YoSeob wanted to now fight back.  He wanted to defend DooJoon now when he needed it the most.  Now, when he needed his brothers the most.  YoSeob would not be a bad friend any longer.  He wanted to be the brother that would stand against the barrage for his fallen comrade like DooJoon had done for him on more than one occasion. 

     “We didn’t know anything was wrong…”  JunHyung murmured, his face dark with a scowl that showed his anger and depression.  That promise he had made to DooJoon so long ago… JunHyung felt that he was upset because yes, DooJoon could have come to him.  But JunHyung could’ve gone to his eldest brother.  It was a two way street and for a while, JunHyung was too blind to see he needed to open up the path for his leader to find him.  Perhaps JunHyung had subconsciously blocked the way but he was more than willing now to tear down the obstructions to offer his hand. 

     “We can change that now, though.  We can go to the president and tell him that we’ll…  I don’t know, sue him or something.  Anything is better than nothing,” DongWoon says, clenching his fist in front of him to show he meant his words.  They would find some way to save DooJoon now that they knew of the hardships he had endured silently for them. 

     “We have to do better than that, though.  We may have to…quit everything.  Quit not only being B2ST, but quit doing television shows and appearances.  We would have to quit being an idol.  Quit making music.  Who would want to work with us if we were the group that sued their company?  Would we all be willing to do that…?  If it means saving DooJoon’s life…  I’ll stand against everything.  He’s done so much for me that…  I feel I need to repay him some how.  He’d protest us all quitting if he knew but…  I’ll stand with him famous or not.  He’s one of my five best friends and more than that.  He’s my brother.”  KiKwang finished, inhaling deeply, his words permeating each boy’s expression as they turned to him as he spoke.

     Regret, anger, worry, and confusion changed to resolve.  They would do what it takes to repay DooJoon for his hard work.  If it meant quitting this life of fame and fortune…it was a small price to pay if it meant their leader could keep his life. 

     “I’d quit, too,”  JunHyung said softly.  He would be giving up his dreams of being the best producer and rapper and artist but he wouldn’t give them up forever.  Some part of him knew the eldest boy would push him to pick everything up again after the dust had settled.  It was the kind of person DooJoon was.

     “So would I,” added YoSeob.  He would step away from his goals to do something more important: be a good friend.  He had once aspired to be the singer everyone knew and wanted to be like but now he wanted to be the friend everyone spoke about.  This would only be a detour in his road to his future but he would take the trip proudly.  He was going to help the person who deserved it the most.

     “Me too,” DongWoon agreed to KiKwang’s thought out speech easily.  He had seen the damage that littered his brother’s back but it wasn’t why he would quit.  He would quit because DooJoon would do the same for him in a heart beat.  DooJoon would go through Hell and high water to help his friends and DongWoon felt lucky…right now…to be counted among his friends. 

     “I’ll quit for DooJoon,” HyunSeung murmured.  This young man with the flaming red hair and sharp cat-like eyes had the most to lose but the most to give, too.  DooJoon had comforted him when he was ready to dig his own grave.  He had given him a shoulder to cry on.  He had offered solace when it was hard to find and kindness when it felt like it had deserted the grieving family.  DooJoon had pulled HyunSeung up out of the darkness with a smile as bright as the sun, truly wishing happiness to return to HyunSeung’s heart.  Now it was HyunSeung’s turn to wish happiness upon his eldest brother.  He would not let that kindness he had been given go to waste.  It was his time to offer solace and if it meant quitting being an idol group, he would do it.  Just because they weren’t going to be signed anymore…didn’t mean they were not still B2ST. 

     No matter what, they would always be B2ST.    

     Each boy silently stood in the living room, some rounding their shoulders for the fight ahead, some twisting their backs to hear the satisfying crack.  Dressed casually in jeans and tee shirts, they all agreed after DongWoon’s request to change to suits that they would be better prepared.  Looking like they were in control would help them feel in control.  What was normally a jovial experience, hanging around one another like a bunch of young fools, had become something new.  Joy would return when the job was done so now they all shuffled past each other with barely any words, pulling on the nice clothes they saved for special occasions.  Dark, chic black suits with the same shade of black for the button downs.  Each man sported a thin tie of a bright color: fire engine red, ocean blue, rich gold, forest green, and royal purple.  Hands flitted up to help tighten ties of a companion, no rings adorning busy fingers.  Every man eventually stood in front of the bathroom mirror, overlooking their appearance.  No makeup save for BB cream to even out complexions and no wild hair styles that belied their idol title.

     HyunSeung kept staring at himself with nervousness, tugging on the red tie again to only retighten it a moment later.  He patted down his scarlet hair, running a flat iron through his tresses, his eyes glued to his reflection.  Nervousness danced in his eyes and he was not alone in the self absorption, however.

     The flat iron was pulled from HyunSeung’s hand as soon as he made a move to put it down.  KiKwang kept grumbling at his reflection, his full lips pouting.  Pulling his blonde brown hair above his head as he used the iron on it, he kept feeling insecure.  Was dressing fancy enough to be in control?  He could only hope that in the moment of confrontation with their president they would know what to do.  Sighing again as he patted down his hair, KiKwang used the green tie around his neck to pat off some of the sweat on his forehead.

     KiKwang’s hand was swatted away from his forehead by JunHyung, his gaze stern but endearing.  This was not the time to be messy.  KiKwang smiled fleetingly, turning back to the mirror.  JunHyung took HyunSeung’s spot as he trailed through the dorm looking for all the dress socks.  JunHyung kept running his fingers through his dusty brown hair to create lift as he sprayed it, thankful it was no longer as purple as his tie.  Tilting his head as was his nervous habit, JunHyung sighed, using both hands to trail down his face, staring at his visage contemplatively. 

     YoSeob’s long hand reached out with the tube of BB cream, offering it to his elder.  JunHyung glanced down and pulled his hands from his face, smiling the small smile he was known for and denying the offer.  YoSeob shrugged, patting the cream onto his cheeks.  He was determined to look acne free as it was something he struggled with for a long time.  After he lifted his dark brown fringe up to pat some onto his forehead, he washed his hands and began to apply gel to his hair.  He had seen the stylists do this to him a thousand times; part his hair on the right while giving a little lift and body to let it fall elegantly to the left.  It kept the hair out of his eyes while he danced and he thought he looked more mature with it.  Standing back to stare at himself when finally content, he adjusts the gold tie once more, suddenly feeling hands pull his tie into position for him. 

     DongWoon’s gentle hands helped the shorter man, stooping slightly to make sure he got it right.  YoSeob blinked rapidly before sighing and smiling a little.  The younger man tended to act like a baby sitter for his elder brothers but YoSeob had practically stolen the role of maknae with his bright and childish appearance.  DongWoon smiled back to YoSeob when he finally let go and nodded his approval.  DongWoon had seen YoSeob turn from a visual child to now a sleek adult.  As the shorter man left the bathroom, content at his appearance and nervous of the upcoming hour, DongWoon was left to stare at his reflection.  He saw many things with his deep chocolate eyes.  He had done his hair in the hallway, using a hand mirror to style it similarly to YoSeob’s and JunHyung’s; parted at one side and slightly lifted and gelled into place.  The youngest amongst the six B2STs put his hands on either side of the sink, leaning his weight on his palms as he stared at himself.  Inhaling deeply, alone with himself and his thoughts, he knew that this was maybe the final day he would be officially called a B2ST.  He felt his throat get dry at the thought but he tried to calm himself with a silent mantra.  They would always be B2ST, title or not.  They would stand together regardless of today’s outcome.  Today determined if DooJoon could keep his life and it was more important than the titles worn amongst the six.  Nodding to himself and grabbing at his blue tie to straighten it, DongWoon steeled his gaze. 

     He was ready.

     It was time to discover just how dedicated they were.

     Not to just themselves, but each other.

     They were ready.


     Sitting in the dimly lit office, JunHyung was chosen by the others to speak.  The rapper was eloquent and oozed confidence but he was as jittery as the rest.  It was a hard challenge ahead of them; to discuss their last days as an idol group.  HyunSeung reminded everyone, quietly, so the receptionist wouldn’t hear, that they were doing it for the best reason of all: to save their friend.  It was said at the right time, because as soon as the group had steeled themselves for this battle, their eyes hard, the receptionist told them they could go in.  A collective inhale and five pairs of feet propelled the men forward and into their president’s office.

     The CUBE president was a very nice man so it was like a stab in the chest to each B2ST that he may have been working behind their back.  He asked his idols for their best work and he never berated them if they failed.  He was always the person offering constructive criticism and a friendly pat on the back.  He would tell them he was proud of them no matter what happened.  He was like a second father to most of the young adults in his employ.  Hong SeungSung was the president most idols would envy because he was a real person treating his idols like real people.  The five young men who stood in front of his modest desk would never have dreamed a day like this could happen; they were about to discuss the contract problems and perhaps, that they would be leaving. 

     President Hong smiled up at his well dressed star idols, his fatherly face full of joy at the sight of them.  B2ST was the group that really catapulted CUBE into stardom.  The girl group equivalent to B2ST, 4 Minute was also a huge part of why people knew about the CUBE company but it was the two groups together that made it shine.

     “What can I do for you boys today?”  The president asked, standing up to bow to them respectfully. 

     All five boys instantly bowed deeper out of respect but when they all raised their heads again, they looked grim.  JunHyung stepped forward slightly, opening his mouth to speak but he was unable to find his voice.  This was too hard for him to do alone and he glanced about him lightly, seeing all of the fear ebbing into the once strong gazes.  They were all scared about this meeting.

     “What’s wrong?”  President Hong quickly noticed the nervousness and his face fell, worry clouding his face as quickly as a fire eating up a forest.

     “We…uhm…”  JunHyung stuttered, wincing at how foolish he felt.

     “We heard we were in jeopardy of being fired!”  YoSeob blurted out with wide eyes, staring at his boss with such a scared expression.

     “W-what?  That’s preposterous!”  Their president began to step around his desk, staring at them intently, continuing with, “Who told you that?”

     “DooJoon did…”  DongWoon murmured as he had been the only one to hear it straight from the proverbial horse’s mouth.

     “DooJoon…?  What?  I don’t understand.  You boys are our best team!  Why would we fire you?  You’re a part of this family, aren’t you?”  Hong was staring at them incredulously, shock and disbelief evident in his gaze.  Each young man stared at this person before them and they saw how honest he was.  He had no intentions of firing them.  He had always treated them like his sons and he still did, even in this trying situation.  Reaching out for the five young men, Hong was the father that did not want to see his sons this scared of something that would never happen. 

     Instantly the young men collapsed in on themselves, their shoulders raising up defensively as their heads tipped down.  KiKwang’s gaze was hard but the tears were soft and they fell down his cheeks as he slowly wiped away the overwhelming fear as easily as he wiped away the tear.  HyunSeung had one arm wrapped around his stomach and his free hand covered his face as his shoulders shook and the nerves fled like startled birds with each tremor.  YoSeob turned his gaze upward, biting hard on his lower lip in an attempt to quell himself but his sadness dissolved into his gaze and was gone to the ceiling and above.  JunHyung looked towards his left side, his hands clenched tightly behind his back, the tears welling in his eyes and his concern fell from his whitening knuckles.  DongWoon pressed a shaking finger to his eyes to wipe away the tears, inhaling in a feeling of belonging and exhaling all the confusion and lost feelings he had been harboring. 

     Hong stared at each of these young men in turn, touching each shoulder and smiling in a fatherly way, understanding the emotions pouring from them.  They had experienced this once before in each of their lives.  They had been let go of companies and had been called the recycled group but now they were shining treasures that Hong would never let go.  They were wonderful people that deserved the highest honors.  As they stood in front of him, sharing a smile that was free of heavy burdens, he stepped back and let them know without words how proud he was of them.  It brought light into their hearts that had been clouded in darkness.

     “Now what is this about being fired?”  Hong asked when all the tears had subsided and the happy laughs had chased the fear out the door.

     “D-DooJoon said our contract was…I don’t know…uhm…  Some guy bought it to keep us as B2ST and DooJoon has been paying him off…”  DongWoon said, clearing his throat as he tried to articulate the scant information he had at hand.

     “What guy, DongWoon?”  Hong asked gently, staring at him with growing suspicion. 

     “Mister Chun…”

     “W-what?!  That demon?!” 

     “Y-yeah…why…?”  All eyes turned towards the president who was charging back around his desk, falling into his chair and scrambling to grab the papers there.  He tossed them to the side, reaching in his desk for a folder that looked normal at first glance.  On closer inspection, there was a dark, black strip down the side of it.  Classified.  The glare that overtook the presidents face could start a fire and he opened the file, grabbing the first paper present and holding it up. 

       “This man, DongWoon?”  A picture was proffered of the same man DongWoon had seen the day of the bank visit.  Plain, nothing extraordinary: black hair, an average face, glasses.  This man could have blended into a wall he was so unnoticeable. 

       DongWoon nodded lightly, confusion beginning to override the once happy emotions of the five young men.

       “…”  The man murmured, pulling his glasses from his face and sliding back into his chair.  His face looked worn and old and his hand dragged lazily down from his forehead, a tremor barely noticeable in the gesture. 

       “This man…”  Hong went on to say, “I’ve heard about him from a few other businessmen.  He’s a rich man that likes to get richer.  He lies about…everything.  He must have gotten to DooJoon and told him a lie about the contract…  ..  I just don’t know how to sue this guy.  He owns half of the world, practically…”  The president sighed deeply, looking ahead of him blankly as his hand covered his mouth.

       A harried glance was tossed down to DongWoon from each of the idols, nodding at him to speak up.  This was the moment to prove that they were ready to defend DooJoon no matter the cost.  This was the piece that would turn a lawsuit in their favor.  If DooJoon bore such heavy scars and they were presented as evidence…  They could get the bank tellers to testify…  DooJoon could testify and with fan support…  they could win.  It was plausible and even better, it was something that could actually happen.  It would be hard work, yes, and perhaps months at court but…  DooJoon would be able to keep his life.

       “President Hong…”  DongWoon shuffled forward, JunHyung offering a pat on the back as the words spilled from the youngest man’s mouth.

       “I… I went to the bank with DooJoon…  He told me about Mister Chun when he was drunk and well…  I went to the bank with him and Mister Chun was there…  After we were done and drove home…  Well, I saw DooJoon changing.  President…he had so many…bruises and scars and blood and even burns.  DooJoon has been doing this for at least a year or so…maybe more.  President, I think Mister Chun beats DooJoon to a pulp even though all of DooJoon’s money has been going to him.”

       In a matter of moments the president was on his feet, shock and pain all over his face.  One of his beloved sons was hurt that badly?  And this had been going on for how long?  How was that boy able to do his busy schedules with that amount of damage?  Years of torment had followed that young man and no one had known.  It made the president shudder and tears threatened to make an appearance but he held them back.  This was the time to act, not give in to his sadness.  He would apologize to DooJoon every day for the rest of his life for letting this happen to him…  He would never let that boy feel pain again as long as he lived.    

       “Oh my god…I…”  Hong opened and closed his mouth, shaking his head as he tried to articulate what was going through his mind and heart.

       “We just found out about everything today, honestly.  DongWoon found out about everything three days ago…”  KiKwang said softly, trying to lessen the blow.   

       “Where is DooJoon now…?”  He finally managed after he let his gaze travel over each of the young men DooJoon had protected.  By not telling the rest of his group, he kept them from the burns and the blood.  By only paying his own money, he kept them financially stable when he was probably just making ends meet.  DooJoon had acted like a sentinel of a grand city, protecting the inhabitants silently because it was what he was supposed to do.  DooJoon bore his responsibility with pride, surely.  He was keeping them alive even though he could have thrown them all into the fire with him.  Instead of taking them down with them, he pushed them up as he fell into the pits of Hell.  DooJoon, to everyone that knew him, was undoubtedly the strongest man alive.

       “We…we don’t know…”  YoSeob said slowly, realization dawning on everyone as six men flew from the office, desperate to find the leader that was too close to death.  

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 12: oh, i'm crying in every chapter..why so sad?? my Doojoonie..TT_TT
but, i'm relief for the happy ending..thanks authornim..this was amazing..really amazing story..

p.s. Doojoonie saranghae.. :p ^^
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 12: Wow, i just finnished this. The feelings of streangth, love and family are so strong. Wonderful story!
shujun #3
Chapter 12: great story, author-nim..sad and sweet..hwaiting!!!

p/s : u make me fall for yoon doo joon more! ..^^..
Chapter 12: ASFGHJKL. The ending. The feels. That was sweet, a really perfect end for such a sad, bittersweet story. Thanks, author-nim... it was perfect.
uliyaa #5
Chapter 12: you did a great job author-nim..
Chapter 12: crying in progress T.T
Chapter 12: I did it anyway! Love you guys. <3
Hey guys. What if, as a gift for being amazing... I update early? Is this something you'd want?
uliyaa #9
Chapter 11: you make me crying very doojoon sacrifice his happiness,his life for s it's so touching.