{ Snow }


A new life, a new start.

Seol starts fresh after an incident that changes everything.

Her relationship with her boyfriend Kai is different.

How will she live this time?



     19 years old, first year of college. Everything 
     about her is normal, unless you look from her 
     point of view. She's got wonderful friends who 
     she would give everything for, and who would 
     do the same for her. She is very close to her
     family, especially her younger sister who she 
     spends a lot of time with. Seol loves to smile,
     and is the nicest person anyone could meet.






     Seol's dedicated boyfriend, who becomes even
     more loving after the incident. He hangs out a
     lot with his buddies Sehun and Kyungsoo; they
     are fans of a band called EXO. He hopes to be
     part of EXO one day, since it's a group that chan-
     ges members every few years.







She's the younger sister who Seol absolutely adores; Seol protects her all the
time. Mae is very playful, and think that Seol's friends are the coolest in the world.
She sometimes acts like a child, even though she's only 3 years younger than Seol.
Maybe that's why she protects her so much! Mae is not as close with her parents as 

Seol, she's the trouble child in the family. Her parents worry over her a lot,
especially worrying whether she'll ever get married considering she rejects every
boy that asks her out...



The first friend that Seol makes after then incident. They share the same hospital room. He's called 'baby ahjusshi' by Seol, because he's 23 but still looks younger than Seol. 


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