


'Why did I agree to this?' you asked yourself as you peeked around the corner of the wall and looked both ways down the hallway.

Holding your breath and drawing your gun, you sprinted as fast as you could as turned down into another dimly lit hallway.

You pressed your back against the wall and clutched the gun in your hand tightly. You fixed your vest a little and took a deep breath.

You jumped a little when you heard screams echo throughout the building and a group of people ran past you, their guns pointed and ready to shoot anyone who tried to point their guns at them.

"Okay, ______, you can do this," you said to yourself, "The Safe Zone is at the end of this hallway. Just get it over with."

You took a deep breath and put your finger on the trigger your gun. You kicked off the wall and ran down the hallway, your sights on the wooden door.

"Run, run, run, run," you said to yourself quickly.

As you neared the door, you reached a hand out to grab onto the metal knob, a smile starting to stretch across your face.

But your vest suddenly vibrated, stopping you in your tracks a few feet away from the Safe Zone. You looked down at your vest to see it glowing red, causing your arms to droop at your sides. 

You slowly turned around and glared at Myungsoo who was sauntering his way over to you, twirling his laser gun in his hand and a smug smile on his face.

"I can't believe you got me," you muttered and hung your head slightly as you walked towards him, "I was almost to the Safe Zone too!"

Myungsoo chuckled and threw an arm around your shoulders, "There's always next time, jagi. But I do believe that the score right now is three to two."

You rolled your eyes when he let out a fake gasp.

"Am I actually winning?" he asked with a smirk as he held open the door to the laser tag course open for you.

"Don't get your hopes up," you warned him as you stepped into the lobby, "We're coming back here next weekend and I will beat you."

You and Myungsoo had this long standing rivalry when it came to laser tag. Ever since he brought you to the course on your second date, the two of you would come back every chance you got. You two were pretty equally matched, seeing as you both knew each other's strategies to getting to the Safe Zone.

You both took off your vests and placed them along with the guns on the counter in front of a worker.

"So, who won this time?" the worker asked, taking equipment and putting them on another counter behind him.

"I did," Myungsoo said proudly.

"You let him kill you?" the man asked you with a laugh.

"No, I didn't let him kill me," you sighed, "I was literally two steps away from the Safe Zone and he just happened to catch me right before I could open the door."

"I see," he nodded and let out a chuckle, "So I'll see the two of you next week?"

"Most likely," Myungsoo nodded before taking your hand into his, "We'll see you next time, thank you!"

"Thank you!" you called and waved over your shoulder as Myungsoo pulled you towards the exit.


"Ah, so tired!" Myungsoo sighed as threw himself onto your bed.

"Hey, you're going to mess up my bed," you laughed as you pushed him to the side to lay down next to him.

Myungsoo to his side and tucked his hands under his head, gazing at you as you stared at the ceiling.

Noticing he went quiet, you turned to face your boyfriend and weren't surprised when you found him staring at you. He always liked to do that, stare at you for no reason other than to look at you. In the early days of your relationship, you felt a little uncomfortable under his gaze. But after a while, you got used to it.

"Are you still tired?" you asked him as you your side and brushed his bangs out of his eyes.

"Not really," Myungsoo shook his head a little, making his bangs cover his eyes again.

"Then why did you just say you were tired?"

"I don't know," he simply shrugged.

You let out a frustrated scoff and turned back to face the ceiling, "Ugh, this kid."

He laughed softly before scooting closer to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, forcing your body to turn towards him once again.

"So, do I get a special prize?" Myungsoo asked, "You know, for beating the Laser Tag Queen?"

"Well, what do you want?" you asked in return.

"Hmmmmm," Myungsoo pursed him lips and narrowed his eyes as he thought about your offer.

"Tick, tock, tick, tock," you sang as you moved your head from left to right.

"Okay, I got it," he announced, "I want you to say 'Kim Myungsoo, you are the Laser Tag King. I can only dream of being as awesome at laser tag as you are'."

"Fine," you sighed and his eye lit up, "Kim Myungsoo, you wish you were the Laser Tag King."

"Hey!" Myungsoo glared at you as you rolled out his embrace and clutched your stomach while laughing.

"That's not funny! I really thought you were actually going to say it!" he mumbled with a small pout.

But you didn't hear him as you continued to laugh, tears starting to form in your eyes.

"Are you even listening to me?" he looked over at you and knitted his eyebrows together.

"Hey!" he yelled again as you tried to control your laughter and failed miserably.

Your laughter cut off and you looked up at Myungsoo with wide eyes when he suddenly climbed on top of you and pinned your wrists down the bed.

"Did you even hear what I just said?" he asked as his face hovered a few inches above yours.

"U-Ummm," you stuttered, your face starting to blush.

He let out a sigh and hung his head before peering up at you through his eyelashes.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," you whispered with an apologetic smile, "And your expression was so funny!"

"Oh, I'm sure it was," he rolled his eyes and gave you a gentle smile, "But you know there is only one way to make it up to me."

"And what would that be?" you asked, a little nervous.

You could feel your heartbeat start to pick up when Myungsoo started to lean his face down towards yours.

"If you let me…"

You held your breath when his lips were less than an inch from yours.

"Tickle you!" he exclaimed and started to run his fingers over your waist, knowing that being ticklish was your ultimate weakness.

"No! Stop!" you yelled between fits of laughter, "Okay! Okay! I'll say it! Kim Myungsoo, you are the Laser Tag King. I can only dream of being as awesome at laser tag as you are!"

You let out a sigh in relief when Myungsoo stopped poking your sides and looked up into you boyfriend's eyes, still a little breathless from all the tickling.

"That's more like it," he gave you a smile and leaned down to place a sweet kiss on your lips.

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Chapter 1: Laser tag + Myungsoo = <3
Chapter 1: Laser tag with Myungsoo hahaha aw it was so funny and...adorable :))) good job, authornim!
NatashaWu #3
Chapter 1: at first I thought the setting would be in a castle. hahaha. but I like it author-nim. so cute. ;D
Chapter 1: aww~ this was cute! I love how it was all dramatic at first. lol
Chapter 1: Good story~ it would've been cute for him to say that he was the King and she was the Queen :)