The End

♡The Contract♡

Dara's POV

I left Ji's house.

I need to go tell Bommie this in person.

When I got to Bommie's house,I found the key and opened it.

Once the door opened.

"KYAAAHHH. Dara I'm gonna kill you!" Bom shouted and shook me.

I scream.

"Dont kill the baby inside meee!!!!!" 

She stopped.

And fell to the floor.

"D-d-did you say....b-b-baby?" She asked.

"......ermmm......."I nodded.


"Hey....I'm also getting married." I said really quiet.

"....MARRIED.....?" She asked.

Then her eye went real big.

"Thats means im the brides maid?" She asked.

"Yea." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Is there gonna be corn at the wedding?" She asked.

"I'll order some." I replied.

"Who you marrying?" She asked.

"Kwon Ji Yong.."I replied.

Then I covered my ears.

"That rich goo looking guy with lots of money and did I mention he good looking? And hes rich and I bet he can buy lots of corn for me." She babbled.

"Yea. Him." I replied.

Whats with these questions?

"Is it a boy or a girl?" She asked.

"I dont know." I replied.

Then I remembered something.

"Nigga you owe me money." I said.

"What are you talking about dear dara?" She asked batting her eyelashes innocently.

"The contract. The pay up!" I said.

"Dude, your marrying a billionaire....are you really asking me, a humble poor girl to pay you?" She asked.

I thought for a second.

"Fine..." I said and sighed.

"Anyway I just want to tell you that my wedding date is 2 months from now." I said.

" Why so early? Don't you need to time to plan and invites to give out?" She asked.

"Yeah I know. I just want to walk down that aisle with a big bump." I said.

"oh..." She said.

We sat in silence for a while.

"Ohhh can i help plan the wedding?" She asked all excited.

"Yea sure." I answered.

"Wait...are you gonna invite all your bosses from your previous work places?" She asked.

"Hell to the no. That would be too much." I said.

Of course you know my work place. I've probably hhad thousands over the passed 2 years.

"Okay." Bommie said.

Then she hugged me and started to cry.

Ohhh no.

"Bommie. Your gonna be an aunty a year from now." I said.

"Yay!" She said through sniffles.

I reached for my phone.

I called a number.

"Hello?" the voice said.

"omma....?" I asked.

"Dara!" my mom said.

"Omma I miss you and appa and Sang-hyun so much." I cried.

"Dara how are you. Are you doing well? Is Bom taking good care of you?" She asked.

I heard some back noises.

"Yea appa and Sanghyun there?" I asked.

"Yea." She answered.

"Can you put the phone on speaker?" I asked.

Omma put the phone on speaker.

Bommie smiled to me from the side.

"Dara!" I heard my brother and appa call.

"I miss you guys so much...and I have something really important to ask you guys..."I said.

"Dara do you need money? Are you homeless?" Sanghyun asked.

"No." I replied.

Remind me to rip off his head later.

"Dara what is it? What ever you need you can tell us. We're here for you." Appa said into the phone.

"I need you guys to come to my wedding." I said in a breathe.


Then I hear cheering and whooping...and crying.

"Omma...are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea...aigoo my Dara's all grown up..." She said.

"Who is the lucky guy sis?" Sanghyun asked.

"Search him up on google. His name is Kwon Ji Yong." I said.

"He's famous!" Sanghyun cried.

"Ommo I know him..." Omma said.

"Sister's marrying a billionaire...woooo we are rich!" I heard Sanghyun shout.

I laughed.

"Omma...Im alos the wedding is gonna be in july, 2 months from now. I'll have Ji send 3 tickets for you guys to come to Soeul ...okay?" I asked.

"Omo.....Dara-ah..your preganant?..How many months?" She asked.

"....umm...2 days omma..." I said.

"Omo omo omo...Dara be careful even if its only 2 days. When are we gonna get to Soeul?" Omma asked.

" I told Ji to send the tickets tomorrow. So you'll get here tommorrow night." I said.

"Then we have to go pack." I hear appa say.

"Okay...Dara...see you tomorrow then....becareful.." Omma said.

"I know." I said.

All three said bye and then we hung up.

I hugged Bommie and cried.

I miss omma appa and even Sanghyun so much.

I'll be seeing them tommorrow.


2 months later, on the day of the wedding.

Dara's POV



This the wedding dress that im wearing.


I think its beautiful.

I asked Bommie to get me a picture of everyone thats waiting outside.

And theres a hell lot of people.

I got Bom to help me into the dress.

We waited by the door till my cue.

OMG Im so nervouse...what if I trip and fall?

Then my come the bride plays on the piano...and the door opens.

I looked directly at Ji.

I walked a bride should and I was so happy I made it to Ji without tripping.

We said our vows and the kissed sealed it all.

I Sandara Park married the best guy in the world.

Hanging in our bedroom was this picture:

photo edited for free at


                      THE END





Im so sad ending this.

But hey its a happy ending right?

The wedding picture,I edited myself.

Hope you guys enjoyed this FF.

Thank you all supporters that helped me throught this FF.

I cant thank you guys enough.

Suscribers,you guys rock!

Commenters you guys rock!

Continues supporting me through my other FF.

See you again 








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cessietsikx #1
Chapter 19: i effin laugh when she said she's pregnant for 2days hahaha.loling much
Chapter 18: OMO i think I just died *O*
Chapter 12: what a SNEAKY mother ^O^ but so exciting *O*
Chapter 19: Aww..they got married in the end..kyaa.. but i was hoping there would be a wedding scene and can you please do a sequel.. author-nim hwaiting.. ^-^
Chapter 14: LOL!! She thinks we think that she watches ..well I guess she
kpopavid17 #6
Chapter 18: They had one night and got pregnant the next day???? That's impossible
Lyca_Myx #7
Chapter 19: OMO!!! NO ITS NOT DONE!!!! NO!!!! Wat am i to do w my life now
Lyca_Myx #8
Chapter 17: baby...tch...hahahahahhaah
Lyca_Myx #9
Chapter 7: So the omma was faking..A
So the omma was faking..... AWESOME!!!
Lyca_Myx #10
Chapter 5: Kwon JiYOUNG!!!!!!!