Two Fools in a Pool

Two Fools in a Pool

            “Why are you mad at me?” Minho asked in a low, soft voice. He looked at the brunette-haired boy who had his faced turned away who had a crease between his brows. “Did I do something wrong?”

            Taemin didn’t utter a word yet so all Minho could hear was the waterfall splashing lightly into the aqua-colored pool right beside them from their right.

            “You need to tell me what’s wrong, Taeminnie…” Minho sighed, looking down. He could see his reflection on the water’s surface. “Are you still mad about me going to that blind group date with my friends? I only went to make you jealous, since you seem like you don’t even care about me… But I really did nothing there, why would I when I already have you?”

            “Hmph, whatever,” Taemin scoffed, rolling his eyes. He knew he probably hurt his lover countless of times with his cold attitude towards him.

            Things have been a little rocky between Minho and Taemin because the “man of the pants” in the relationship is a bit upset about how the maknae is coldly treating him. Every day, Minho would openly express his love for Taemin but what does he get in return? Either a punch in the guts or a cold shoulder.

            Little does poor Minho know… Taemin has never been good at expressing his true feelings in the love criteria. In fact, he’s pretty new to being in a relationship, so all of Minho’s affections really just embarrass him to the point he doesn’t know how to react. It’s not like the little brunette-haired boy intended to hurt his lover’s feelings but he’ll never admit that he’s in love with this fool because that’s just how Taemin is—a tsundere.

            “Don’t you love me? Sometimes, it feels like it’s all one-sided, you know…” Minho pouted, holding up Taemin’s chin to make him face him. Minho then began explain all the reasons why he felt like that, one of them was because Taemin never wants to hold his hand out in public, or hug in public, or say cheesy things to each other in public, and even in private Taemin still acts stubborn and cold towards him. “It’s hard to tell if you like me or not with the way you act and all. So why did you tell me to go with my friends and yet get mad at me?”

            Taemin could feel his face heating up with the color pink, as if he’d ever admit why he insisted Minho to go on that group date with his friends! He jerked his head sideways and he averted his attention to the small, colorful waterfall that is decorated on the side of the pool. How is it emitting such pretty colors?

            “See? You’re not even paying attention to me…” Minho let out a long, deep sigh—splashing the surface of the water lightly out of frustration. “You didn’t even want to go to the beach with me earlier either because you said that eating desserts was better than spending time with me…” Minho was approaching Taemin’s body even closer; it was starting to make him feel nervous so he backed away. The cool, blue water brushed against their bare stomachs as they both moved. When all of a sudden, Taemin’s shoulder touched the falling rainbow water and the colors began to change into different colors, it turned into a vivid image. The waterfall was like a projector with an image of Minho, which left Minho and Taemin dumbstruck and confused.

            The waterfall’s colors began moving around; it showed Taemin sitting around while concentrating on the black screen of his cell phone… It was the day that Minho went on the blind group date. Taemin eyes grew with fear as he saw this because he was definitely confused and embarrassed since this was from his memory. Minho stared blankly at the video-like waterfall and looked back to his lover.

            “C-could it be?” Minho titled his head as he watched Taemin cover half of his face since he was getting red in the face. “You actually didn’t want me to go? Were you hoping I’d leave?”

            “Uh… I…” Taemin meekly said as he hesitated. There was no use lying, what the screen was showing was his true feelings but he just didn’t understand how?! The waterfall began to change its colors again, showing another feeling of Taemin’s…

            While Minho left for the beach alone and depressed since his lover harshly rejected his offer to go see the sea together because Taemin said he rather eat desserts… It showed that the reason why Taemin wanted to stay in the hotel room for desserts, it was so they could eat it together. He was kind of hoping that Minho would feed him some strawberries and whatnot.

            “Oh… Oh, my gosh?!” Taemin exclaimed, he flailed his arms, splashing the waterfall to get rid of the image that was oddly there. “D-don’t look, Minho!”

            Minho’s face flushed furiously with what he just saw, he felt a wave of happiness overwhelming inside of him. He grabbed the younger one’s arms to stop him, as soon as he touched the waterfall; it began to change colors again. Both of their hands went down into the pool as they watched the images of Taemin.

            “Whoa,” Minho whispered in awe. “It really does portray what we’re thinking…” The falling water began to illustrate another thought of Minho’s… It his thought at the very moment, it was the image of him wanting to kiss Taemin.

            After they saw that, they both looked at each other simultaneously with red, embarrassed cheeks. “Uhh… Well, that’s because I finally got to know what you were thinking…” Minho began to ramble nervously. “And I thought it was just too cute… A-and I’m glad that my feelings aren’t one-sided after all… I-is it okay?”

            Taemin has been thinking about it lately, about how he has never really told Minho that he liked him also when Minho always assuring him every day that he loves him. The younger boy extended his arm to touch the mysterious falling water and within a blink of an eye it began painting another image of his thoughts—his true thoughts and feelings.

            It showed that Taemin also wanted to kiss Minho but he also wanted more than that… Minho tore his eyes from the image and looked at his lover with a bewildered expression.

            “R-really?!” Minho asked, astounded. “I-it’s okay?” Minho drew closer to Taemin’s body, to which he replied by hitting his chest.

            “I-idiot…” He whispered loudly, burying his head between the older male’s exposed chest, feeling extremely embarrassed that he had to admit all of this. “Do you have to ask?!”

            With that, Minho picked his lover up and threw him over his shoulder as he made his way to the ledge of the pool and placed him there. His lips found Taemin’s as he felt the smaller boy’s wet hands on his neck. Even though Taemin was just in a cool pool of water, his body began to heat up as the very touch of Minho’s hands that were traveling around his wet back. As Minho the bottom of his neck, trailing to the tip of his chin, he shuddered at the heat of his tongue that burned.

            “What should I do next, hmm?” Minho whispered teasingly, as he smirked. He began rubbing his lover’s pink s. “Tell me, Taem. You’re always too stubborn to tell me what you want, or should I just look and see myself?”

            Taemin grabbed the sides of Minho’s head, forcing him to not look at the waterfall. “I said... Don’t look over there…” He managed to utter out as he shivered, his top teeth grinded against his bottom lips. “It’s too embarrassing… So, just… Touch me there already…”


            After they showered in their hotel room, Taemin was sitting on Minho’s laps. “Strawberry.” The younger boy demanded in a strict tone.

            “Can’t you say it a sweeter tone of voice? Like earlier in the pool,” Minho asked as he stuck out his lips into a pout. Taemin flicked his forehead. “Ouch!”

            “D-don’t remind me of such embarrassing things, idiot!”

            “Hehe, I guess you still need some time to warm-up to me~ Oh yeah, we need to thank that weird grey-hooded stranger for giving us these free tickets to come to this seaside resort!”

            “Stupid, we don’t even know who he is. You know, his hair was colorful… Just like that weird waterfall…”

            “Hmm… That is true… Oh well, Taeminnie, say aaahn~”

            Taemin flushed and slightly opened his mouth—suddenly Minho took a bite of the strawberry and collided his lips into Taemin’s, transferring the piece of strawberry to his mouth.


            Earlier, the two couple didn’t realize that there was someone at the pool area the whole time, an older male who was secretly chilling on the beach chair that was facing away from the pool by the tables. The mysterious figure pulled down his grey hood to reveal his face. He crossed his legs and placed his hands behind in his head as he looked up towards the sky. “Man, Kim Kibum, you are SOO good! You once again helped a foolish couple in love understand each other a little more.” He smiled triumphantly at himself. “Wonder which couple should come here next~”

A/N: Gross, I literally wrote this at the very last minute, I’ll go back whenever I feel like it and edit it… Maybe, if I don’t feel lazy… I call them fools because Minho is a cute fool who's madly in love yet can't read his lover's actions & Taemin is a cute fool for being in love but is not able to express his love so openly. Hehe. :)

Definition of Tsundere (for those who do not know~): a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time.

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XxCutenessOverdoX #1
how cute! ^^
SHINee4ever5 #2
Nawww it's adorable >///< I totally agree with --Aznchika, about the key and Jonghyun thing ^^ I love it <3
“Stupid, we don’t even know who he is. You know, his hair was colorful… Just like that weird waterfall…” < ----- I immediately knew that was Key xD But shouldn't he be with Jonghyun? - wink wink nudge nudge -
NappeunYeoja #4
Its soooooo good. *applause
Thanks for all the comments! :) ♥
carrotcake #6
i loved it! really! i was laughing like a fool the whole time! it was so sweet. :"> <3<br />
<br />
awesome job! ^_^V
chuuki #7
Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww <br />
It was good !!!!!!!!!!! <br />
really gooooooooooooood !!!!!!!!<br />
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <br />
I loved it *O* *O*
zeewah #8
zeewah #9