Chapter Thirty Five

The Mysterious Play [Discontinued]
The wind was blowing, softly caressing her cheek. The sound of waves embracing the beach and birds singing in the air filled her ears. She opened her eyes. She was lying on a warm bed of sand and the sun was blurring her vision.
“Am I dead again?” she whispered to herself,
Slowly she felt the pain and the exhaustion. Nope, she was not dead yet. As she tried to sit up straight, she looked around her. She was on an island. What happened? Last think she remembered was that they were on their way to the east. Then suddenly they got into a strange storm and they had to fight. The boys were protecting her and… The boys…
“Guys!” Jieun panicked as she remembered. She looked around her again, searching for them. They were all here, lying next to her unconscious, drenched in water. The girl quickly got on her feet even if she couldn’t really walk straight and kneeled next to Baekhyun who was the closest to her. “Baekhyun… Baekhyun wake up!”
The boy frowned, his head hurt and Jieun’s shaking didn’t help, “Jieun not so loud,” he whined,
“Baekhyun please wake up… We… We made it! We’re on the island!” she said out of breath,
“The island?” he slowly opened his eyes to scan the place, remembering what happened too, “R… Right… We made it… We did… We… Jieun your plan worked!”
Jieun smiled happily. Her plan worked! She managed to save everyone. For once, she felt strong, useful. And the most important was that Kai did it.
“Kai!” she beamed as she turned around to find the boy, “Kai! You’re the best!” she stood up, “Kai!” she called again,
“Jieun stop yelling please…” Chanyeol groaned as he massaged the bridge of his nose,
“Kai?” the girl kept calling. She looked around again and again. Something was wrong. Everyone was here. Everyone, except Kai. He wasn’t lying there next to them. “Kai is not here…” she felt her heart burst out of her chest,
“What?” Chanyeol and Baekhyun asked,
“W…Where is he?” she asked with a trembling voice, “Where is Kai?”
Panic and fear her, as the warrior was nowhere to be seen. Why isn’t he here with everyone? Why is he the only one missing? Her heart started to race dangerously to the thought that he might be in the bottom of the sea, unable to escape.
“Please no…” she fell onto her knees, her hands on , ready to sob,
“Hey, hey Jieun. Calm down,” Baekhyun put his hand on her shoulder, “Don’t jump into conclusion so fast okay? Maybe he is somewhere else on the island. You know it was the first time he used his power that way so he might have been teleported farther than us. We’re going to look for him okay? Don’t worry he’ll be find. He is an EXO warrior after all,” the boy smiled to her reassuringly,
Jieun listened to him and nodded quietly.
“Let wake up the others and we’ll take a look around the place okay?” he smiled again and stood up, helping her in the process.
The three of them started to wake the other members one by one until Lay stopped near Suho, “We should let him rest… He is in bad shape,” he said worriedly,
Jieun came closer to the leader who was lying on his back, so pale that she thought he could become transparent. “Suho…” she whispered, taking the other’s hand in hers.
The older boy smiled and softly said, “I’m fine Jieun. I just need some rest,” he gently squeezed her hand, if not weakly, too tired to open his eyes,
“Lay, Jieun. You guys stay next to Suho to make sure he gets better. The boys and I are going to look for Kai and a place to spend the night okay?” Kris said,
“I want to come with you,” Jieun stood up,
“Jieun, we don’t know what’s out there. It’s too dangerous. You’re not safe,” Tao said,
“Kai is missing because of me. I’m the one who forced him to use his power even if he never teleported to a place he doesn’t know. It’s my fault. I have to find him,”
“But…” Tao started but Kris put his hand in front of the youngest,
“It’s okay Tao. You know her, she won’t change her mind,”
“Thank you Kris,” she smiled,
“But I have some conditions,” the king said, “You stay close to us ALL THE TIME. Don’t try to go anywhere without telling us. Don’t go faster than us. Don’t panic. And if something happens, please don’t get involved. You might get hurt again,” he said severely but his voice softened at his last request, as if he was begging her to stay safe,
Jieun opened , ready to protest, but eventually she shut it and nodded obediently, “Fine…”
Kris smiled and ruffled her hair, then he turned to the healer, “Lay, please take care of my brother,”
“I will,” the boy nodded,
“Take this,” Kris handed him a sword, “Just in case,”
Lay carefully took it, “I hope I won’t have to use it,”
“I hope so too,” Jieun said,
“Okay. We’ll separate into two groups. Chanyeol, Tao, you guys go east, Jieun, Baekhyun and I will go west. We meet right here before sunset. Understood?”
They separated into groups as commanded by Kris and started their spotting mission on the island. As they walked deeper into the jungle, Jieun couldn’t stop thinking about Kai, wondering if he still alive, if he is okay.
“Will we find him?” she finally asked after being silent the whole time,
Baekhyun looked at her and took her hand, “Don’t worry. We’ll find him,” he smiled,
Jieun’s heart felt a little relieved at the boy’s reassuring moves. But it wasn’t enough to make her worries disappear.
She looked at the sky. The sun was already turning orange. They didn’t have much time left. But they had to find Kai. They had to make sure he was safe. And she was determined to turn the island upside down to find him.
“We’re going to find you Kai.”

Hey guys I'm baaaaaack!! Finally my exams are done! I'm freeeeee! But unfortunatly just for a few weeks because I still have some oral exams to do in June and July. But I still wanted to post a chapter for you guys. I have to sincerely thank you all for the support you gave me even if I was in hiatus for so long. You are now 225 subscribers and you guys cannot imagine how much it means to me. I felt like crying when I saw all your lovely comments. 

I'm sorry. Nothing much happens in this chapter and it is pretty short. But I wanted to take the time to write a decent action scene for the next chapter so I thought it'd be better this way. The next chapter might get a little more time to be written because I want it to be perfect! Please be patient and stay tuned! I will do my best to keep this story insterresting! 

Anyways. Thank you guys so much for still being here! Don't forget to leave a comment! I read ad reply to all of them! Subcribe if you haven't already! And I'll see you at the next one! 


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nitaluviu #1
pls update soon
Lilyxxi #2
Chapter 40: Iam reading this fic one day all along in my holiday, this is a nice story, i'm so sad you cant continue this fic. But glad i read the summary if you make this summary long chaps it'll turn out so well i thought hehe, yey goodluck for everything you do, im sorry for bad english, this isnt my native language soo ppyong~
MeloveKpop91 #3
Chapter 40: So... I've read the summary of what's gonna happen, but, you've never mention what happened to Jieun's brother (forgot his name)
Adh_IU #4
Chapter 40: why u no continue the story? T.T Seriously, it's really sad that you choose to discontinue this awesome story. And yeah I'd been waiting for a long time to read it. I'm so excited whenever you update the next chpater, but I rarely comment :' I know it was my fault. But I know I can't force you.. I just hope the best for you ^^ Thanks for telling the whole story, Keep Spirit! ^^
Chapter 40: So yeah it's really sad that you choose to discontinue this great story of you, actually this story was one of my favorite. :( but it's okay! We can't force you to continue this story as well. Just hope you will come back someday and write another exo with iu story ^^ and thankyou for telling how supposed this story happend and ending ♥♥
Chapter 40: I would love to know what was gonna happen! I'm also sorry that you are discontinuing this story, but if you feel like it, we can't change your mind :) thank you for writing it so far ♡ But please tell us the end ☆
Chapter 39: Well, from the tornado I suggest one of them is my precious Sehunnie ^^ If they are brothers, then maybe one of the others is Luhan... And I still believe that Chen did the storm, so ^^ That is my opinion, of course. I liked the chapter. The only thing I don't like is that you always seems to make EXO weaker then LOEN. Like seriosuly... 6 against 2 and couldn't do a damn thing? And Jieun was studying so hard how to fight and etc., how she couldn't even try to do something? Whenever LOEN shows up, it's like EXO's powers die :D But, do whatever you like, i still like the story and i'll still keep reading it ^^ Now i'm really intrigued to who might those strangers be :D
Chapter 38: Omg, how could Yongguk teleported too?? Is he got Kai, and do something n got his ability? Pls noooo
Chapter 38: Oh my?!! Where's kai actualy? I hope he's okay... :(
Chapter 38: As usual, this story makes me forget about all my exams I have tomorrow xD
You're daebak author-nim! Keep up the good work^^