
A Deal Striked with the Devil

The silence of the ward was punctuated by the voice of a weak woman. There, on the ground - in the dark, eerie hospital ward, sat a mother. Whom was weak from crying, who had no energy left in her. She was mourning for the loss of the new born infant – lying motionless in her arms.


She only had her left; her husband had left her when she was pregnant with the child. Now even the child is gone she had no one else to be with.


A shadow casted over the lady who was basked in the moonlight. She looked up from the sudden darkness and stared at the most angelic man she had set her eyes upon. Yet, there was something about his face that spelt trouble.


“I’m here to take this child away,” he announced and appeared beside her in seconds. Hands around the baby, ready to snatch it away.


She jumped from his swiftness. Hugging the infant tighter, “No, she’s not going with you,” she cried.


“She’s dead, she ought to be brought down with me,” his red eyes narrowed, as if telling her not to fool around anymore.


“Who are you exactly,” she stared back with the exact same hostility he given, probably even more.


“I’m the devil that is here to take her to hell.”


She bit her lips and swallowed the saliva that had accumulated in before replying, “How about I strike a deal with you, let her live and you state your side of the deal.”


His lips twitched and grew into a smirk. With eyebrows raised, “That’s interesting…” his rubbed his chin as though in deep thought. “Alright, I accept the deal.”


More than 10 years had passed since that night.


The very two persons that had made the deal with one another had disappeared.


The devil disappeared that night, after handing the baby back to the mother.


He took her away, the body icy cold, and returned with her body being warm. Only difference is, a huge tattoo had appeared around the baby’s neck, trailing along her collarbone in a beautiful floral design.


It appears that, this tattoo is what indicates that the baby is living on with a devil’s heart. As each year passes, the tattoo will lengthen. On the day that the heart is supposed to be returned, the tattoo will turn blood red in colour.


Hayoon stared at her body in the mirror after her bath, the tattoo was definitely lengthening day by day this year. Even by a single inch, Hayoon would know the difference. Every time the tattoo lengthens, her body would feel a prick of pain, just like how an injection hurts like.


“Must you really remind me when I’m dying?” Hayoon cursed under her breath, the words meant for the devil to hear.


Outside, one person heard her very words, and smirked, “It can’t be helped now, ain’t under my control,” he shrugged and disappeared from the room.




Hayoon trudged home from work, it was all dark outside now, of course it would be, it was nearing midnight. Boy was she tired. She actually worked full shift today, well, it was worth it, and at least she got double her usual pay.


Shuffling of feet could be heard from behind her, she snapped her head back and looked, only to see no one. That was weird…she sworn she heard something.


She shrugged the uneasy feeling off and quickened her steps home.


“That was her right?” a croaky voice asked in the shadows.


“Yes,” the owner of the voice, turned around to face his ally, “and if we get her heart-“he stopped and his beady red eyes widened as he saw who was behind his ally.


“Hey, conti-“ his throat was grabbed, blood was trickling down from his neck.


“You can attain immortality..” the voice whispered into the ear of the man in his grip. He looked up, his long fringe covering his eyes, an evil aura was emitting from him. He tightened his grip, and immediately the man disintegrated into ashes.


“Next, would be your turn," his lifted his head, face fully visible now, his eyes were in the shade of red as well.

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