
Forever & Always
(3rd P.O.V)
At the same time Taemin was running through the woods, Onew, Jonghyun, Key, and Minho were looking through the town for Sunmi, Yeonhee, and Kyuhyun. They all split up, but no matter how hard they looked, it seemed like they couldn’t find them. Minho called Sunmi.
“Yoboseyo?” she answered.
“Sunmi-yah! Where are you, I can’t find you anywhere!”
“Oh I’m at the mall with Yeonhee. What’s wrong oppa? You sound scared.” (Which is hard to imagine since its Minho lol)
“Kyuyeon-ah’s missing and we need help finding her.”
“Unnie’s missing?!”
“Deh. Come to Key’s house as soon as you can and bring Yeonhee.”
Minho hung up and continued looking for Kyuhyun. Key ran to Kyuhyun’s house and rapped on his door. Mrs. Cho answered the door.
“Oh Key! It’s nice to see you again. Are you here for Kyuhyun?” she asked.
Key nodded.
“He’s in his room. Go right ahead.”
Key bowed in thanks and ran up to Kyuhyun’s room. Key threw the door open, which surprised Kyuhyun, causing him to fall off his bed.
“Dude seriously?” Kyuhyun asked getting up.
“No time to explain, come with me,” Key said.
“I don’t go ANYWHERE unless I have a reason.”
Key grabbed Kyuhyun’s shirt and pulled him to his face.
“Here’s a reason. My sister’s missing and we need help finding her!”
“Kyuyeon’s missing?! Why didn’t you say that in the first place?” Kyuhyun exclaimed running out his room door.
Key followed behind. The two quickly arrived at Key’s house to see the others waiting for them.
“Are we ready?” Key urgently asked.
Onew nodded.
“You think Taemin-ah found Kyuyeon-ah yet?” Jonghyun asked.
“I doubt it, but he could’ve,” Minho said truthfully.
*With Taemin*
As Taemin ran deeper into the woods, Kyuyeon and Taehyun’s scent got stronger. Taemin quickened his pace.
‘Don’t worry Kyuyeon-ah, I’ll be there soon,’ Taemin thought.
Taehyun, having many vampire abilities and able to read minds, smirked.
“He’s finally here,” he said.
Taehyun walked to the room where Kyuyeon was staying in. He walked in and maids were still cleaning Kyuyeon’s wounds.
“Have you done what I asked?” Taehyun asked.
“Yes sir,” one of the maids answered.
“Good, now leave,” Taehyun commanded.
Afraid, the maids bowed and scurried out the door. Taehyun walked over to Kyuyeon, who was put into a coma by Luna, and picked her up bridal style.
“It’s only a matter of time until he shows up,” Taehyun said walking to a hidden room under the mansion.
‘He’s walking right into my trap,’ Taehyun thought smirking.
Taehyun looked down at Kyuyeon.
“It’s a shame really. As pretty as you are, I’m gonna have to kill you…all for the sake of revenge.”
As Taehyun was walking down the stairs, Luna came walking up from the room. Taehyun glared at her.
“What were you doing down there?” he demanded.
“I was just making it nice for you,” Luna smiled.
Taehyun smirked.
“Komawo, but the thing is…I don’t need you anymore,” he said.
Luna looked at him strangely.
“What do you mean oppa?” she asked confused.
Taehyun set Kyuyeon down and approached Luna.
“I mean that you are unless to me now,” Taehyun said grabbing Luna’s throat.
Luna, who was choking, tried to get out of Taehyun’s grip, but he was too strong. Taehyun squeezed Luna’s throat till her neck broke in half, killing her. Taehyun smirked and called a maid.
“Y-yes master Taehyun?” the maid asked.
Taehyun showed the maid Luna’s body.
“Get rid of this for me,” he said.
The maid, not wanting to disobey her master, took Luna’s body from Taehyun and took her upstairs to be burned. Taehyun picked Kyuyeon up again and continued down the stairs. He soon arrived at the hidden room. Taehyun opened the door and walked inside ( (Only it’s more depressing and has surveillance stuff on the other side of the sliding door). Taehyun set Kyuyeon on the bed and walked into his surveillance room. Taehyun closed the door and put a strong barrier around the room Kyuyeon was in.
“Let’s see how long it will take him before he finds me,” Taehyun said sitting down and turning on the monitors.
*With Taemin*
Taemin kept running until he came to a small clearing in the woods. He stopped and looked at the house in front of him. Taemin noticed several maids running around trying to do chores.
“We have to hurry or master Taehyun will be angry,” one of them said.
Taemin’s fist balled at the name and snuck over to a maid who was hanging up laundry. Taemin quickly and quietly pulled her into the bush he was hiding behind and covered .
“Tell me where Kim Kyuyeon is. NOW,” Taemin growled baring his fangs.
The maid, who was scared out of her mind, shrunk back in fear.
“M-m-master T-T-Taehyun took her d-down to h-his r-room,” she stuttered.
Taemin hid his fangs.
“Thank you,” he said before knocking out the maid.
Taemin looked around to see if he was noticed and looked up to see an open window on the 2nd floor. Taemin silently and discreetly jumped into the window. Only to be noticed by Taehyun’s surveillance cameras. Taehyun smirked.
“Faster than I thought,” he stated.
Taemin searched for Kyuyeon’s scent only to be met with an awful smell. Taemin cringed.
‘Taehyun must’ve killed someone,’ Taemin thought angrily.
Taemin exited the room, which was the room Kyuyeon was previously in, and tried to find Kyuyeon’s scent again. He found and followed it. It lead him to a door. He stood in front of the door and was about to open it, when a trapdoor opened under Taemin and he fell in. Taemin yelped in surprise and landed on his feet when he hit the ground. Taemin looked around to find that he was in Taehyun’s surveillance room. Taemin looked behind him to see Kyuyeon unconscious in the next room. Taemin tried to go to her, but the barrier wouldn’t allow it. Taemin cursed under his breath then heard slow clapping behind him.
“My my, you’ve gotten faster since the last time I saw you. 4 hours, 36 minutes and 10 seconds, impressive.” (That’s because he didn’t come home until a few hours after Kyuyeon was kidnapped)
Taemin turned around and glared at Taehyun, who was leaning against a wall and smirking.
“So what’s up brother? Haven’t seen you in 2 years,” Taehyun said pushing himself off the wall.
“Cut the crap, what the hell do you want with Kyuyeon?” Taemin asked glaring at Taehyun.
“My my Taemin-ah, cursing. Is that what our parents taught us to do?”
“Shikuro! Let Kyuyeon go right now!”
“Sorry, but that won’t happen. See this little remote?”
Taehyun held up a small remote and showed it to Taemin. Taemin narrowed his eyes.
“What about it?” Taemin asked ticked off.
“You see, if I press this little button here…let’s just say something bad will happen to Kyuyeon over there,” Taehyun said smirking (Coward. Lol)
“You bastard! Let Kyuyeon-ah go! She has nothing to do with this!”
“Oh you should know that she has EVERYTHING to do with this. She’s your lover, am I right?”
Taemin froze and Taehyun smirked again as he pressed the button. Screaming could be heard Kyuyeon in the other room. Taemin spun around to see Kyuyeon screaming and electric waves around her body (you know like when you get struck by lightning, it leaves little electric waves behind).
“Kyuyeon-ah!” Taemin shouted surprised.
Taemin tried to break the barrier again, but it was no use. Taehyun just laughed at his brother’s failed attempt.
“There’s no point. Just give up and I might spare her life,” he said over Kyuyeon’s screaming.
Taemin looked at Taehyun angrily and bared his fangs.
“If I ever gave up, Kyuyeon-ah would kill me,” Taemin smirked running towards Taehyun full speed.
Taemin raised his fist and punched Taehyun, but he missed. Taehyun dodged and kicked Taemin in the stomach, flinging him across the room (note: it’s a big room so it’s big enough to fight in). Taemin slammed against the wall and fell. But he quickly got up and charged at Taehyun again. Taehyun dodged as Taemin threw several punches and kicks. Taehyun kicked Taemin again and punched him, sending Taemin into the wall again. Kyuyeon’s screaming started to die down. Taehyun smirked.
“Hear that? She’ll be dead in a matter of minutes,” he said.
Taemin clenched his fist in anger and punched Taehyun when he wasn’t looking. Surprised, Taehyun stumbled back. Taemin threw a round house kick at Taehyun and hit him directly. Taemin grabbed Taehyun’s throat and shoved him against the wall. Taehyun chuckled and Taemin glared at him.
“Why do you care so much for her? She’s a worthless HUMAN,” Taehyun hissed.
Taemin tightened his grip, choking Taehyun.
“Why did you care about Yaejin? SHE was human!” Taemin shouted.
“She was until you killed her!” Taehyun spat.
Taemin tightened his grip more.
“I didn’t kill her! She committed suicide!” Taemin shouted.
Then a hand came out and stopped Taemin before he could punch Taehyun. Taemin glared at the person.
“Why the hell did you stop me?!” he exclaimed.
Key looked at the angry Taemin then glared at Taehyun.
“Kyuyeon-ah wouldn’t want you to kill anyone. Let me kill him,” Key growled, “Go help Sunmi, she’s breaking down the barrier as we speak and Kyuyeon-ah’s still screaming from something.”
Taemin’s eyes widened as he remembered the remote in Taehyun’s hand. Then Taemin broke the remote, breaking Taehyun’s hand in the process (haha that’s what you get Taehyun! XP). Kyuyeon stopped screaming, which surprised the others (others as in SHINee, Sunmi, Yeonhee, and Kyuhyun). Sunmi completely broke down the barrier (if you’re wondering, breaking down barriers is Sunmi’s vampire ability.) and Taemin rushed over to Kyuyeon’s side. Sunmi and Yeonhee followed behind while the rest of SHINee and Kyuhyun followed Key. Taemin held Kyuyeon and looked at her. Her wounds had reopened and her face was 10 times paler than his. Kyuyeon’s lips lost their color and her body lay limp. Taemin shook Kyuyeon.
“Kyuyeon-ah? Please…wake up. I’m wearing the bracelet you made me see? Please open your eyes,” Taemin said starting to cry.
“Taemin-oppa! Unnie’s heartbeat!” Sunmi exclaimed.
Taemin listened for Kyuyeon’s heart and sure enough, it was beating. It was weak, but nonetheless beating.
“We have to get her to the hospital now!” Taemin exclaimed picking Kyuyeon up.
Sunmi and Yeonhee, not wanting to lose their best friend, nodded and followed Taemin as he ran out.
*At the hospital*
Taemin paced back and forth as he anxiously waited for the red light above the ER door to turn off. Sunmi and Yeonhee were sitting on a bench near the door, watching Taemin. Yeonhee finally got annoyed and grabbed Taemin’s arm.
“Oppa, I’m sure unnie’s alright. She’s strong, she’ll fight,” she assured.
“I hope so,” Taemin said looking down.
Sunmi and Yeonhee looked at each other.
Taemin, Sunmi, and Yeonhee turned around to see Onew, Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Kyuhyun running towards them.
“Is she alright?” Minho asked Sunmi.
“We don’t know yet, she’s still in the ER,” Sunmi responded.
Minho nodded, sat down next to Sunmi, and hugged her in comfort. Key sat down next to Yeonhee and put his head in his hands.
“I KNEW I shouldn’t have left her at home alone,” Key scolded himself.
Yeonhee patted his back.
“It’s not your fault oppa, you didn’t know this would happen,” she assured.
Key hugged Yeonhee.
“I hope she’s alright,” he said.
Yeonhee rubbed his back in comfort and Taemin looked at the couples in envy. Then Onew patted his back. Taemin looked at him.
“She’ll be alright,” Onew said.
Taemin nodded and looked at the floor.
2 hours later, the red light turned off and a doctor came out of the ER. Taemin was the first to get up.
“How is she appa?” Taemin asked (haha Taemin’s dad)
“I need to speak with a family member Taemin-ah,” Mr. Lee said.
“But I’m her boyfriend!” Taemin exclaimed outraged.
Then Key walked over.
“You can talk to me, I’m her brother,” he said.
“Very well. Kyuyeon will live, but it seems that her body was heavily injured and her heart has taken some serious damage,” Mr. Lee said.
“How serious? How much time does she have left?”
“Telling from the damage done to it…I’d say about 3 months, maybe sooner.”
Everyone was shocked, even Sunmi, Yeonhee, and Kyuhyun, who already knew about Kyuyeon’s condition. Taemin collapsed to his knees, his eyes wide.
“Please tell me you’re lying appa,” he whispered.
“I’m sorry Taemin-ah. It’s the truth,” Mr. Lee said.
“Can we see her?” Sunmi asked trying not to cry.
Mr. Lee nodded and told them the room number where Kyuyeon was being held. They thanked him and walked over to Taemin, who was still on the floor. Key crouched down in front of him.
“Yah Taemin-ah, pull yourself together. Let’s go see Kyuyeon-ah,” Key said softly.
Taemin slowly looked up at Key with tears filled eyes. Key put his hand on Taemin’s shoulder.
“Use the time wisely,” Key said.
Since today is my birthday, I decided to post the next chapter up. Mianhe if you didn’t like the fight scene, but like I said, I’m not good with writing fight scenes. =) I also apologize cuz the chapter was short. It also seems like the end of the story is coming soon =(.
Look forward to the next chapter!
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Chapter 13: Was nice story!!!
Kpoplover9419 #2
Hmm... May I know where the sequel for this ? I can't aren't to find it>.<
Btw nice story ^^ - thUmbs up -
I read this and loved it. Hope a good future with the sequel~
Very interesting story. They were so sweet together. :)
Michellesofjan #5
i really do love your vampire story..
it's unique.. kekeke
eMDee18 #6
love your fic :3 .... make another one
minionsbanana #7
kyaa~~i loved it!:D
new reader here!~<br />
just finish reading your story!:)<br />
one of the best stories ever read!<br />
Taemin && Kyuyeon!<3<br />
i loved the part where they were at the beach:)
Sorry But TEAM LUNA!!!!!!