Chapter 1

Sweet Scent


I breathed in the scent of coffee beans as I took a sip of my vanilla coffee.

I felt my body relax as I enjoyed the atmosphere in the café, at the far end of the room.

The perfect time of the year, it was too. Spring, sweet spring, birds were chirping trees growing and happiness shown at each and every face.

I took another sip of my coffee as I flipped the page of the book I was currently reading.

It was called ‘Black swan’ and was the most read book in Seoul, making it unique since it was written in English but even the Korean people were reading it.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I immediately pulled it out and swiped my finger across the screen to unlock it.

‘’Hello?’’ I heard Jongin speak through the phone.

Jongin is my best friend. We do everything together. But the bad thing about him, is that he’s the biggest player I’ve ever known. Actually, he’s the only player I’ve known.

But he treasures the people who mean a lot to him, like family and friends. So he’s not exactly a bad person, but not really a really good person either.

‘’Yes?’’ I replied.

‘’Dude where are you? I’ve been waiting for at least half an hour!’’

I furrowed my brows and removed the phone from my ear to look at the time. My eyes widened and I replied him quickly-

‘’Sorry, Jongin, I lost track of time. I’ll be there in a while’’

‘’God, you’re damn forgetful! It’s really starting to annoy me’’ I could feel him glare at me through the phone.

But knowing Jongin for a while, I knew he would forget that he had ever said anything to me.

‘’And I told you to call me Kai. Not Jongin, Kai.’’ He chuckled

‘’Mh, bye’’ I hang up before he could stop me.

Packing up my stuff quickly, I bumped into the unfinished cup of coffee, and made it spill, but not that much because of my fast reflexes.

‘’’’ I cursed under my breath as I got some serviettes and wiped the table.

I walked out of the cafè and inhaled the sweet scent of  spring, then smiled to myself.

But it doesn’t smell as sweet as..

I shook my head at my thoughts and closed my eyes before walking towards Jongin’s house.




I plopped myself down at Jongin’s sofa, yeah, I had the keys to his house.

I tapped my feet at the soft carpet and waited for the usual scene that would happen every day the same time.

The door to Jongin's bedroom clicked open, and a shirtless Jongin stepped out, with a girl trailing behind him.

He sat down beside of me and smirked, as I rolled my eyes and put on my purple headset and played some music on my iPod.

‘’KAI YOU PIG! I HATE YOU!’’ And a loud slap was heard, before the girl ran out of Jongin’s apartment in tears.

‘’Doesn’t it hurt?’’ I took off my head phones and turned to Jongin.

‘’Not after experiencing the same thing hundreds of times’’ He rubbed his now red cheek.

‘’But this girl hit me really hard’’ He furrowed his brows and bit his lower lip.

‘’You should try i-‘’

‘’No way’’ I waved my hands in front of his face.

‘’No way.’’ I repeated.

‘’So why did you want me here again?’’ I asked and rubbed the back of my neck.

‘’Why do you have to be so god damn forgetful? It’s getting on my nerves!’’



Thank you for reading the first chapter of my fanfic. I'll try to not make you regret any second of it!

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So nice! Good job!