BONUS: Epilogue

This Christmas


[Krystal’s POV]


This Christmas



December 25, 2012| 12:30 PM [New York City]


He’s late again.


It’s Christmas and he’s late.



My best friend Sulli called me from my work saying we should meet up at the bar near my apartment. She said it was urgent so I found myself haling a cab as fast as I can after I left from my overtime shift.


I even bumped into someone.




“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”


I was too caught up in what Sulli texted me. She said that some of our friends saw Julien, my fiancé frequenting in this bar with a girl he shouldn’t be with.


She should’ve said that earlier so I could’ve confronted him, but maybe seeing it myself was better. I mean, who knows, maybe they were just misinterpreting things.


 Music was all I heard when I entered the bar. My attention went straight through the band playing. How ironic. They were playing sad Christmas songs. 


I saw Sulli with two of our friends. They were hanging out at the bar.


“Hey guys.”, I said as I was still trying to calm myself from running. Or maybe because I knew something bad was about to happen?


“Krys.. I’m so sorry..”, Sulli hugged me as she noticed me tensing up.


“So where are they?”


“Th-they’re not here yet, but-”, Sulli answered but I cut her off. I was a bit pissed.


“Maybe you guys were wrong. C’mon Sul, Julien’s a busy guy. I don’t think he even has the time to go to places like this.”, I said to all of them.


“Krys.. Ji and I saw him. He was with this girl...”, Sohyun one of our friends commented.


“Yeah and.. they were.. they were too comfortable-”, my friend Jiyoung was about to add, when Sulli reacted out of nowhere.


“Oh my God. There he is!”


‘This isn’t good.’, I said to myself.




Sulli got up from her seat so I could replace her. I scanned the bar; my eyes stopped at the corner table.


There he is.


He was sitting next to this red-head. From the looks of her uniform, I think she works as a waitress here.


I wanted to look away from the moment I saw them kissing. But my eyes stayed on them until I saw them leaving together.


I got up to fix myself when I felt that I was already tearing. I went to the ladies’ room but as I passed the door that looks like the janitor’s closet, I heard noises.


I heard sounds that I wished I didn’t hear. But sometimes fate was that cruel.


I heard his name being moaned by that waitress.


 [end of FLASHBACK]


I looked at my watch to find out that I’ve been waiting for him for over half an hour now.


When I looked up, I saw that waitress. Turns out she wasn’t really a waitress at the bar, but a waitress at this cafe.


“H-hey babe.”, he went in for a kiss but I turned my head away. I know he would’ve gotten mad, but he was way too distracted to react.


“Babe, why do we have to eat here? We could’ve eaten in one of your favourites. Lets’ go eat someplace else.”


“But, I wanna eat here. Sulli said their pan-seared pork-chop was the best.”


“It’s Christmas. Let’s eat at someplace more... more.. high-class.”, I can tell he was nervous from the sound of his voice. But what he said was insulting.


I slammed the menu saying, “You’re being unreasonable. You haven’t even tried any of their dishes and yet you’re already degrading this place.”


“I’ve been here!”, he accidentally raised his voice before he continued with his voice softer, but the tone still the same. “I’ve been here a lot of times, b-because.. because.. this is where.. this is where some of our clients.. yeah, this is where some of our clients like to meet up. You know, somewhere low key.”


I think he was silently praising himself for coming up with a quick excuse.


“Well, then that’s even better. If you’ve been here before, then you could tell me their best dishes.”, I replied still scanning the small menu.


“Krys, don’t be so difficult. Let’s just go eat someplace else.”, he said standing up. But just as he thought I was standing up with him, I went over the counter to make my order. He quickly pulled me away just as I was about to talk.


“Julien you’re hurting me!”, I snapped back at him quietly so only the two of us can hear.


“’Cause you’re being irrational!”, he whispered to me.


“Look who’s talking! You’re the one being irrational!”


“I am, not.”, he spoke firmly.


“Why the hell do you wanna leave this place so badly?”


“Krystal.”, he was giving me his glare, but I wasn’t going to give up the fight.


“Can I help you?”


We both faced the person who stopped us from further arguing.




“I’m sorry.. M-mister. But, we would really appreciate it if you stayed out from our business.”, Julien looked very well mannered but his tone was far from it. I know he was really losing his cool.


“I would, but since you guys were already making a fuss..” she was right, we failed to notice everyone’s eyes were already on us.


“.. your business just became mine.”


“Who are you?”, Julien asked him.


“I’m the manager of this cafe.”, Amber spoke with the same firm voice. I couldn’t tell if she was challenging him or if she was just really serious.


Julien suddenly let out a sarcastic laugh before he spoke, “I’m very sorry. But next time, you should wear a pin or something. I could’ve sworn you were just some guy who had nothing better to do with his life than to meddle with others.”


Amber gave him a sarcastic smile in return, it was sort of funny, “Pssh.. It’s no problem. But for the record... I’m a girl.. And you should treat your girl better if you don’t want ‘SOME GUY’ to steal her away from you.”


It was funny because Amber ended with a wink towards me. Even with everything that’s happened, I found myself giggling.


“Augh. Let’s go Krys-”, just as Julien turned around he bumped into this girl which turned out to be the red-head waitress. Every dish that was on the tray she was carrying stumbled onto him.


“Julien?”, she said looking up.


That was the break I needed.


I saw how his eyes turned from irritated to panic-stricken.


He didn’t waste a moment to leave. I ended up helping the girl along with Amber because it was the right thing to do.


Amber was about to speak up, when I quickly bid her my goodbye. I told her I’ll explain everything later, but right now I still needed to finish something.



“Julien!”, I screamed at him right before he was about to enter his car.


“How the hell did she knew your name?”, I asked him sternly.


“I-I-I told you I frequently eat there.”


“So you knew the name of that waitress but all this time you had no clue who the manager was?!”, I was getting angry.


How can he still lie to my face when he’s clearly caught?


“I.. I-“


“You what?“, he was speechless so I went on.


“How WELL do you know her huh?”




“Answer me.” He wasn’t doing anything. He wasn’t looking at me nor was he speaking.


Say anything Julien.


“You’re a lawyer for God sake’s! You defend for a living. So why can’t you do that now?”


“She’s just a waitress.. who.. who I just happen to know the name... It’s... it’s nothing Krys...”


“Oh my God..”, I placed both my hands on top of my head, this was seriously giving me a headache. I thought I was over it. I know I am, but it still hurts when someone you’ve loved or when someone you’ve trusted covers up their lies in front of your face.



“Krystal..”, he went over his car and walked in front of me to hug me. But I instantly backed away.


“Stop it Julien.. Stop.. Ss-just stop!”


“I know okay?! I know..”


I tried my hardest not to show any emotion towards him, but it was harder than I expected.


“Just tell me... All I want from you was the truth...”


“Krys.. I’m sorry... I’m-”


“You know what, save it...”, I turned my back on him before I faced him again.


“You know... Honestly... I could’ve forgiven you... I could’ve... We could’ve even remained friends, if you were just... if you were just honest with me... God Julien.. how hard was it to tell the truth?”


“Now, [Sarcastic laugh] I don’t even want anything to do with you anymore... ”


I tried to stop myself from speaking, but a part of me still wanted to let everything out.


“How hard was it d*mmit! How hard was it to tell me that you don’t love me anymore! God... You had to go behind my back and make me look stupid in front of my friends...”


I took a deep breath before I ended, “Goodbye Julien...”


I stopped myself from looking back but he never looked at me, he didn’t try to explain himself and most of all, he didn’t try to stop me.


I didn’t expect it to hurt. I thought I was completely okay with everything. But I’d only be lying to myself.

It’s like I never mattered to him... Our relationship, not even... our friendship... my feelings...


[Sigh] I guess this just makes things easier.


Was fate giving me a push to let go? Or was fate helping me move on?




I wanted to look back, but my feet held me in place. I couldn’t move, but somehow, I was able to just when she was inches away from me.


Don’t let go Amber. Don’t let go, okay?


“Shh... I’m here...”, she whispered like she just heard what I thought.



“Krys, you okay?”, Sulli asked me when I came back.


“I’m fine.”, the moment I let those two words escape my mouth, I made sure it was an absolute truth; that I promised myself. I was fine, and I will be.


“Hey, just think about the bright side. Now you can join our girl’s-night-out again!”, Jiyoung said enthusiastically. These are the times that I’m thankful for my friends being the happy-go-lucky type. They were always so positive, while I was always the pessimistic one.


“Yeah! We really missed you Krys. Julien was so strict with you! And you get enough of that from your work as it is.”, Sohyun stated some facts.


“Yeah.. Time to look at the other fishies in the sea..”, Sulli said as she was rubbing my back.


“You mean fishes!”, Jiyoung corrected her.


“The bartender’s pretty cute.”, Sohyun gushed.


“He’s alright, but look at the drummer. He’s so hot!”, Jiyoung said which made me shift my attention to the band that’s playing.


I tried giving them a small smile before I focused my attention in front.


“The guitar player’s cute...”, I heard one of them say. I was already looking at him though.


He looked intriguing... I feel like he’s... like he’s down or something.


‘Come on Krys... It’s not the end of the world... You can’t let this break you.’


‘Besides, some people have it worse than you...’


[Sigh] I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to be alone. So I bid my friends goodbye and went outside as fast as I can but when I got there, my feet stayed on the ground.


I started snowing so I opened my umbrella. And just like that, my tears gave way.


After a few minutes, I felt someone bumping onto me. For the first time, I didn’t care I was too immersed in my agony of feeling betrayed and broken that I just didn’t give a d*mn.


The next thing I knew, a hand was in front of me. I looked at the person offering me the hanky and it turned out to be the guitar player. I said my thanks before I used his hanky.


Somehow, it made me feel a bit better that there was still a few good people like him out there.


A different FLASHBACK:

After my shift, somehow, my feet led me to that bar once again.


Since I wasn’t able to drink yesterday, I figured why not? It was nearing Christmas and I was alone. A few drinks wouldn’t hurt.


“Excuse me. Can I have one Manhattan?”, I asked the bartender.


“Here you go Miss.”


Just when I was about to get drowned in my own thoughts, I heard “Yo Bartender!”


“Dude, we have all night. Take it easy. That’s already your 4th.” The bartender warned him.


“I’m young and I’m fit. So don’t lecture me on my drinking habits.. Besides, it’s the holidays remember? ‘Time for joy and giving’! So GIVE me my beer.” It finally sank in my mind that I was sitting beside the guitar player.


“I hate you.”, the bartender retorted.


“Hey, it was you... Thank you.. for... yesterday...”, I needed to thank him.


“[Drinks] No problem.” He said. Gosh. He was more handsome than I thought.


“You okay?”, he asked me.


“I’m.. I’m fine.” I said it out loud, but deep down I was still forcing myself to believe it.


[end of FLASHBACK]


You can’t let this break you.


You’re fine... You’re going to be fine.


She broke our hug before she helped me with me tears, “I know it’s stupid to ask you this question right now, but.. are you okay?”, she let out a smile.


“I’m sorry.”, I said while returning hers.


“What’s there to be sorry for?”, she snorted while she poked my nose.


“You’re only human. It’s okay that you feel hurt... You bleed, you get angry, you even get constipated.”, she continued, but it ended up with the both of us laughing.


“Sorry.. I was just trying to make you laugh.”, she said as I felt her thumb against my cheek.




“My pleasure.”


She let go of me but not completely because only moved her right hand to hold mine.


“So I’m guessing you’re hungry?”


“Starving.” I said to her as I moved my hand from holding hers to her hip.


“How’s about I cook for you?”, she turned to me.


“That’s sounds great.”


We went over to her place and she cooked us lunch. Much to my surprise, Amber was a really great cook. I ended up staying at her place for a while until her friends and step-sister joined us for dinner. It was really fun getting to know her. They kept teasing her about being a Grinch which made it even fun because now I get to too. But she surprised us all when, she made a surprising comment which made me feel embarrassed.


We were all teasing her about her Christmas phobia and how much she hated the holidays when she said, “...Fine, fine. Call me the Grinch, call me whatever ‘cause I admit, I do hate Christmas. But that was before... Now, I think...I think, it’s not so bad.”


It was fine, but I think my face gave it away because Key caught me. They said that I was blushing. Well, I wouldn’t be if Amber wasn’t staring at me the whole time she admitted she was okay we Christmas.


That llama.. What a sweet-talker.



December 25, 2012| 11:40 PM [New York City]


This year’s Christmas might’ve have been one of the bests for me.


I was supposed to spend it alone, but I ended up meeting her and spending it with new friends. I should be feeling really broken and betrayed, because I just ended my engagement and broke up with my cheating fiancé, but what I feel right now was far from that.


And it’s all thanks to her.


“You’ve been awfully quiet princess.” She looked back at me.


I impulsively gave her a kiss on the cheek, which made her turn her head away from me.


“Thanks Amber... for everything.”


“[Coughs] Like I said... It was nothing...  and it was my pleasure... ”


We stopped talking for a while before it ended up snowing again. We were silent, but it wasn’t awkward, it was.. it was calming.


“You know it’s amazing how all this time, you only lived a few blocks away from me.”


“[Sigh] I know.”


“Well, I guess fate does have its way.”, I added as she placed me down when we arrived in front of me and my sister’s apartment.


I didn’t realize that I’d been staring at her when she looked way to gaze at the falling snow.


“You know they say you’ll end up with the person your with during the first snowfall. But who ever said that was full of crap. I think it’s always the snowfall that comes after that counts...”, I said catching her attention.


I saw her carefully taking her breath before she slowly pulled me in for a kiss. It wasn’t sudden because she did it gently, but why do I feel like my breath’s been stolen from me?


She kissed me again before we stopped and she gave her reply, “You wanna know something ironic? We’ve been standing under a mistletoe the whole time.”


We both looked up and saw it. Again our heads moved in chorus, when we faced each other at the same time.


This time, it was my turn to kiss her.


“No regrets, right? I promise you won’t ever have to hurt like that again.”, she said to me after we stopped.


“I promise YOU won’t ever have to hurt like that again too...”





PS, I wanna apologize in advance if somehow I screwed up in posting this fic. I'm being honest when I tell you that I'm feeling really tipsy right now.

Blame my Dad, my brother and my d*mn cousins who forced me to drink. I was fine with settling for wine because I knew I had to post this today. But no, they just had to make me drink shot after shot of Soju and some Sake though I already agreed in drinking some Baileys. From my guess, I think I was able to finish half a bottle of Soju, a few shots of Sake, and half a glass of Baileys. Some of you might think it wasn't that much but I've really low alcohol tolerance. :p

So forgive me if I effed this up.


Happy New Year. :)


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unknown_kx #1
Chapter 2: Awww that ending
Congrats ;)
Congrats on the feature!! I love Amber!
Omg I love your stories..
I read the "Having my EX as a Roommate". It was so good! And here I am. Lurking around on your every stoy.
This one is totally a breath taken.
I love the desperation at the beginning then how Kryber so hooked up with each other.
And hell the twist, I though the EX was Krystal from the beginning.
It's good that you revealed Suzy's name at the last part.
Ohhhh but I love it.

Looking forward for your another story author.. And please update your another story too ^^
TheonLaertes #5
Chapter 2: search for krysber ff n got this story.. sweet.. this story is beautiful.. thank u author-ssi
future_mrs_liu #6
Chapter 2: its okay author! just a few spelling mistakes. hope your hangover didnt , because mine did. lol.
future_mrs_liu #7
Chapter 1: my inernet connection got cut off just when i was about to read yours! lol. i must say its worth the wait and once again your music themes to your story was there. you really hate music dont you? lol. story about strangers falling in love. its not everyday, or should i say its not every xmas that happens. good job author. :) btw, i thought krystal was the EX amber was talking about at first. lol. PS! i noticed a mistake: "I laughed at her gesture as I stood up to take my outer coat. “Thanks for the gesture. But I don’t want you getting a cold. So take this.” I finished as I offered her my cold."-> you meant coat right?
laperlateehee2 #8
Chapter 2: "Wonderful" is all i can say right now.
Thanks for this great story.
hanber17 #9
Chapter 2: Nice Story!! I really loved it. Hwaiting!! and Happy New Year! :))
hanber17 #10
Chapter 2: Nice Story!! I really loved it. Hwaiting!! and Happy New Year! :))