A hit-man and his prey

A hit-man and his prey

A knock came from Minseok’s door, as he lifted himself out of bed. Grunting when he opened the door, Sehun stood in front of him. Minseok knew very well why Sehun was at his door. He reached for his coat and shut his door tightly. No words were even said between them as they got into the pitch-black car. To Minseok, he didn’t like Sehun much. There was a special reason why he didn’t like him but for now we must continue with the story. They arrived at a certain house as Sehun leaded the way to the courtyard.




Minseok looked at his child-hood friend who was apparently charging at him. He tried to escape but the arms already wrapped around him. He looked back at his childhood friend and pushed him away.


“Luhan what do you want?” Minseok said, crossing his arms together.


That smile on Luhan’s face turned serious as he looked at Sehun. Minseok could feel his jealousy rise violently as Luhan whispered something in Sehun’s ear. What you are thinking maybe that Minseok liked Luhan. The answer is yes. Minseok loved Luhan ever since childhood. That’s one of the reasons why he joined the mafia, to be closer to the one he love. But sadly Luhan was only interested into Sehun. Minseok hated Sehun after he found out the Luhan had feeling for that guy.


“Baozi come here” Luhan finally said, holding a yellow envelop.


Minseok made his way to Luhan, and he took the envelop.


“another mission huh?”


“yes. I’m sure this should be easy for you” Luhan said with a smirk playing on his lips.


Without replying, Minseok left. He couldn’t stand seeing Sehun so close to his Luhan. Walking into the streets, he grabbed a bite to eat. Going into a shop, he came out with baozi buns in a paper bag. Ever since he was small, he loved eating baozi buns. Which he earned the nickname baozi by Luhan. Walking into his house, he opened his closet. Inside there was every single gun that was ever created. Being in the mafia meant having good weapons.


“how should I kill my next prey?” Minseok asked himself.


He opened the yellow envelop containing the information. Minseok pinned the photo of his next victim onto the wall. Grabbing his sniper, he started to wipe it clean. His next victim was a person named Kim Jongdae, a director of a large company. He started to wonder why Luhan wanted him dead but pushed that though away. Changing his clothes into darker clothing, he strapped the sniper onto his back.


“maybe I should take some pistols”


Grabbing a few, he also took some knives. Turning off the lights in his home, he started to go after this Jongdae. Looking over his schedule, Minseok figured out to kill him in his house. It didn’t look like he had planned anything tonight, which made Minseok’s job more easily. Going onto the rooftop, he had a clear view of Jongdae’s luxury penthouse. Setting up his sniper, he looked into the scope. Jongdae had just returned home. A grin formed onto Minseok’s mouth as his fingers were ready to pull onto the trigger. But something made Minseok stop as Jongdae looked directly at him. Jongdae mouthed some words as Minseok heard a noise from behind him.


!” Minseok though as he turned over quickly.


Instantly stabbing the unknown person, he quickly escaped. Running to the exit, the door flung open with men flooding in. He had to admit it but for the first time he was trapped. He would either surrender to Jongdae or jump off the roof. Thinking quickly, Minseok started charging towards the edge. He couldn’t believe that he let his guard down. He was close to the edge when something poked him on the back. He collapsed onto the floor, taking out the darts in his back.


“Tranquilizers?” Minseok spattered out.


He looked towards Jongdae, and started to think about the word his mouthed.







Minseok’s eye fluttered opened as he noticed he was tied to the bed. He tried struggling out but stopped once the door opened. Jongdae was right before him, alive.


“I should have killed you” Minseok said, sending glares.


“don’t be like that. you’re alive right?”


“I rather be dead”


It was true. Minseok had failed Luhan, and he would rather be dead right now.


“breakfast would be severed in a few minutes. If you want you could join me or escape. Do what ever you like” Jongdae said, cutting the ropes that tied Minseok to the bed.


Rubbing his aching wrist, he looked back at Jongdae. Many questions traveled inside Minseok’s head as his legs followed Jongdae. Taking a seat in the dining room, Minseok quickly grabbed the butter knife and hid it under the table. The food was brought to them by maids, as they uncovered the streaming, hot food.


“so what are you going to do now? Stab me with that pitiful knife?” Jongdae asked, taking a sip from his tea.


Minseok dropped the butter knife on accident, and tried to reach for it.


“you really are pitiful”


His eyes traveled back to Jongdae’s, his fingers leaving the cold silverware.


“who are you?” Minseok asked him.


“what do you mean?”


“how can somebody like you find me so quickly? How can you feel so calm around me? And more importantly where am I?”


Minseok laid back in his chair, demanding answers from the monster sitting across from him.


“first. You are at my villa. Second. Because I’m used to having hit-mans hunting me down. And lastly its easy to sniff out a dog like you” Jongdae smiled as he now chuckled at the trembling figure.


Minseok wanted to speak but no words or sounds came out. He was left with eating the food that was perfectly prepared. Taking glances at Minseok, Jongdae lowered his cup of tea down.


“what is your name?”




Jongdae laughed to himself as he knew that Minseok was lying. He already researched Minseok. He knew where he lived, who he worked for, and other personal information.


“just to let you know I won’t let you go now that you’re dining with me”


“huh? So now I’m your prisoner?”


That grin played on Jongdae’s lips as he took another sip of tea. Minseok slammed his hands on the table, throwing a fork at Jongdae. Unfortunately, the fork missed his head, stabbing his hair to the chair. Grunting a bit, Minseok sat right back down onto his own chair. He regretted not leaving but it would have been a trap. There might be people outside, waiting for him to come out then killing him. Gripping the table cloth, Minseok continued to eat. Jongdae called upon his maid, letting them clear out the table once Minseok was done eating. 


“come with me”


Minseok didn’t have a choice so he forced his legs to move. While walking, Minseok admired the glass-stained windows, and the large pantings in the hallways. Most of the paintings being a portrait of Jongdae. Arriving at a bedroom, Jongdae turned back towards Minseok.


“starting today we’ll be sleeping together in this room. You can roam around the house if you like but if you try to escape my workers wouldn’t hesitate to bring you down”


Minseok could feel himself getting Goosebumps as Jongdae’s phone started to ring. Talking for a few minutes, Jongdae faced Minseok once again.


“sorry but I have to be at a meeting”


“like I care” Minseok said, looking away from Jongdae.


“then I’m off hyung


Minseok’s body instantly started to shiver as Jongdae left his side. Shrugging his shoulder, Minseok started to explore the house even more. He found the study room, and the courtyard to be his favorite places.  Sneaking into Jongdae’s office, Minseok searched around the room. Hacking into his computer, he didn’t find anything weird. Grabbing the letter opener, he slipped it into his sleeve, Minseok didn’t trust this man that is keeping him alive, which meant that he was probably his play-toy. Once again Minseok checked the room one last time before heading out.




At the meeting, Jongdae could only think of Minseok. Those adorable cheeks, and those eyes. He could feel him self into deep though before he forced himself to considerate on the meeting. He could already tell that Minseok was probably snooping around in his office. Chuckling, he started to doodle on his paper. One thing was true to Jongdae….he fell in love with Minseok at first sight. He planned that by the end of the week, Minseok would have the same feeling for him.


“that’s just my fantasy” Jongdae said under his breath.


After the meeting, Jongdae went to pick up some sweets like chocolate for Minseok. He didn’t know what Minseok liked so he just picked out some random sweets and snacks. Lastly, he bought some baozi buns, wondering if Minseok would like that too.


“I’m home!” Jongdae called out.


Walking into his study room, he instantly found Minseok sleeping on the couch. As the door creaked shut, Minseok started to wake up. He rubbed his still sleepy eyes and smelled the scent of baozi buns.


“I bought you these sweets and-”


“are those baozi buns?” Minseok asked, eyeing the container that held them.


“y-yes. You can have them if you want”


Minseok reached out for them and started to stuff his face. The now laughing Jongdae handed Minseok a handkerchief, basically telling him to clean off his face. Minseok didn’t pay attention to Jongdae as he was savoring the taste of the buns. That’s when Minseok started to notice that Jongdae was talking to him.


“I’m sorry I wasn’t attention. What did you say?”


“if you’re tired please sleep in our room okay”


“you aren’t going to sleep?”


“I have a presentation to work on. I think I’m going to do an all-nighter”


A pout formed on Minseok’s lips as he quickly covered it. Jongdae looked in shock as he didn’t know that Minseok could even pout. Quickly getting embarrassed, Minseok rushed to their room. Quickly going under the covers, he started to question himself. Why was he acting as if nothing happened? Why was he acting normal towards Jongdae? Why did he pout when he learned that Jongdae wont be sleeping with him? Rolling like crazy over the bed, Minseok stopped when the door opened. Jongdae went up to Minseok, sitting my his side.


“sorry that I can’t sleep with you right now” he apologized to his cute hyung.


Minseok didn’t know why but he tugged on Jongdae’s sleeve, looking at him.


“d-don’t leave me. Stay with me until I fall asleep.”


Minseok himself didn’t know what he was saying, but he had a feeling if Jongdae left he would feel lonely. To Minseok this was the only time that he ever felt lonely. Just by having someone by his side, made him at ease as he fell asleep. Once Jongdae noticed that Minseok had fallen asleep, he panted a kiss on his forehead.


“good night hyung” Jongdae whispered before closing the door.




The first thing Minseok saw in the morning was Jongdae’s sleeping face. He started to poke Jongdae’s cheeks, absorbing the person in front of him. For the first time in his life, Minseok wanted this person to stay by his side like this. He wanted his prey- no…Jongdae to stay by him. Getting a little cold, Minseok snuggled close to Jongdae.


“good morning”


Minseok started to blushed rapidly as he scooted away from Jongdae. Chuckling a bit, Jongdae got out of bed. He looked inside his closet and handed Minseok some of his clothes. Knowing the size was a bit big on Minseok, Jongdae just wanted to see Minseok in sagging clothes.


“we’re going shopping for your new clothes”


“what? Can’t I just go back home and get some clothes from there”


“you now belong to me. I can’t have you escaping”


“I won’t-”


Minseok’s voice started to die out as he grew silent. shouldn’t he be escaping this person? shouldn’t he return to Luhan’s side.


“what’s wrong?” Jongdae asked when he couldn’t stand the silence between them.


“oh….uh its nothing”


Grinding his teeth together, he followed Jongdae to the car. Jongdae took the wheel, and Minseok just staried outside. He didn’t know why he was still with this man. He should be by Luhan, he should go to Luhan. Once they go to the mall he would run away. Minseok glanced at Jongdae, blushing a bit when Jongdae smiled towards him. Turning his head instantly, Minseok tried to hide his redden cheeks.


“okay we’re here” Jongdae announced, getting out of the car.


Minseok rolled his eyes as we unbuckled his seat belt. Walking into the mall with Jongdae by his side made Minseok feel quiet embarrassed. Jongdae went into a clothes store and dragged Minseok with him. Fine elegant clothing filled Minseok’s eyes as he refused any clothes that Jongdae told him to try on. Fine silk shirts, and expensive suits.


“why are you buying such clothes for me when I could get clothes from my own closet?!”


Jongdae started to burst into laughter as he handed clothes to Minseok and pointed at the changing rooms. Rolling his eyes, Minseok went inside the rooms. The curtains separated Minseok and Jongdae’s bodies away from each other. Putting on the clothes quickly, Minseok poked his head out the curtains. Jongdae was waiting but that wasn’t what he was looking at. Minseok spotted Luhan with Sehun. They looked like they were having fun, flirting with each other. Jongdae peeked at what Minseok was so focused on and grabbed Minseok’s hands. Jongdae rushed into the changing room, closing the curtains.


“you okay Xiumin?”


“o-of course I am pabo!”


“then tell me…why are you crying?”


Minseok touched his wet cheeks as this was the very first time he had cried. The only time he cried was when he was born and the only time he cried. This thing called love, Minseok never knew it hurt so much. He went into Jongdae’s arms, crying his eyes out. Seeing Luhan and Sehun together made the pain in his heart grow. A stabbing sensation filled his body as Jongdae lifted his chin.


“this is the first time I ever cried so much in my life” Minseok started to sob.


Jongdae embraced Minseok close to him, feeling the figure in his arms trembling.






Minseok brought his head up to only feel Jongdae’s lips on his own. They parted only to connect again. Minseok didn’t fight back nor resist, this felt like the right thing to do.


“this time…please let me love you” Jongdae breathed, tightening his grip on Minseok.


The tears in Minseok’s eyes stopped instantly as he brought his lips to Jongdae’s.


“don’t make me regret this choice” Minseok muttered under his breath as he laid in Jongdae’s arms.




For the past few days, Jongdae treated Minseok like something valuable. And yes Minseok was valuable to Jongdae. He wanted to cherish him forever, and give him the love and happiness he needs. Of course Minseok wasn’t used to things like going to a fancy restaurant when he goes to a family restaurant. He wasn’t used to going to balls and big parties or wearing elegant clothing. He wanted to return to his old life but he wanted to stay by Jongdae’s side forever.


“hey Minseok do you want to go to this party?” Jongdae asked his lover who was currently resting on the bed.


“sure” Minseok yawned, walking to his own closet.


Jongdae chuckled a bit as he watched the now puzzled Minseok pick out an outfit.


“Jongdae help me pick an outfit to wear” the hyung begged to his lover.


A smile crept onto Jongdae’s face as he reached for a outfit for his begging hyung. Before giving it to him, Jongdae quickly peaked him on the lips.


“I’ll take that as a reward for me picking out your outfit for the party” Jongdae smiled, ruffling his lovers brown locks.




And with those words Minseok rushed to the bathroom to change. Jongdae gave off a slight laughter and grabbed his watch. Looking at he time, he knocked on th bathroom door.


“Minseok we have to leave soon” he called out.


The door opened and Minseok want to grab his coat from the closet. Minseok looked at the time and reached out his hand towards Jongdae. Breathing out a chuckle, Jongdae accepted the offer. Riding in Jongdae’s red sports car, Minseok had this weird feeling. Clenching his stomach, he felt like puking but held it in. Just arriving at the party, Minseok excused himself to the bathroom.


“Minseok want me to come with you?” Jongdae asked in concern.


“that’s alright babe”


Opening the door, he quickly looked at himself in the mirror. Just a few days ago, he was sent to kill Jongdae…why the hell was he with his prey? This feeling that Minseok had when he was near Jongdae was indescribably. Washing his face with cold water, he wiped it dry. Heading back to the party, he instantly spotted Jongdae. Going to his side, Minseok caught a glimpse of someone he recognized. Shaking his head, he looked up at Jongdae.


“Minseok are you sure you’re alright?” Jongdae asked, placing his hand over Minseok’s forehead.


“I’m alright” Minseok assured to his worried lover.


Going to get a drink, Minseok felt someone touch his shoulder. Instantly turning his head, his eyes widen.






Minseok instantly ran away, finding Jongdae in the crowd. If Sehun was here that means that Luhan was also attending this party. Grabbing firmly on Jongdae’s arm, Minseok quickly headed out the party. He was scared to face Luhan, and even more scared that Luhan would kill Jongdae. He didn’t want that to happen, not to the one he loved.


“Minseok hold on”


“I can’t”


Jongdae pinned Minseok onto the wall and looked deeply into the frighten eyes starting right back at him.


“what’s wrong? You’ve bee acting weird recently”


“you know how I was sent to kill you?”




“I just saw my boss’s companion and he may be here at this party”


“does that make you feel uncomfortable?” Jongdae asked, Minseok’s cheeks.


“I-I just don’t want you to get killed b-because I really like you and-”


“you finally said it”




“you finally say some sort of affection for me”


“now is not the time to be saying things like that-”


“say it for me”




“say that you like me again”


Minseok looked at his pleading lover and breathed out a deep sigh. He grabbed Jongdae’s shirt and pulled him into a heated kiss. Once their mouths parted, Minseok once again caught Jongdae’s gaze.




Jongdae captured Minseok’s lips, wrapped his arms around his waist. Throwing Minseok over his shoulders, he marched towards his car. Minseok, who was apparently struggling under Jongdae’s grip, looked up into a window. His eyes witnessed Luhan’s smirk, that smirk made Minseok shiver. Getting pushed into the car, Jongdae quickly left the party. Minseok was scared even more now that he seen Luhan was at the party. Biting his finger nail, the still shivering Minseok tried to calm himself down. He felt Jongdae place his hands on top of his.


“don’t worry Minseok. I won’t die”


Heading inside the villa, Minseok flopped down onto the bed. Jongdae started to take off his clothes, changing into another suit. Minseok peeked at his lover’s body, quickly looking away embarrassed. Jongdae noticed Minseok and walked up to him. Lifting his head up , he crashed their lips together.


“w-what are you doing?” Minseok asked in a embarrassed voice.


“will you marry me?” Jongdae asked, showing Minseok a ring.


A gasp escaped Minseok’s mouth as he wrapped his arm around Jongdae’s body. He let those warm droplets fall onto the bed sheets as Jongdae put on the ring on Minseok’s finger.


“Jongdae its beautiful” Minseok said, touching the perfectly cut diamond.


“yes I know. Now get some sleep”


Minseok pulled the covers over his body as he wrapped arms around Jongdae. His heart only belong to this man. For the first time he felt true happiness, he felt like his un-completed life was now full. Jongdae was all Minseok needed.




Late at night, Minseok felt Jongdae get out of bed. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he quickly followed Jongdae. Something wasn’t right. Jongdae wouldn’t be going somewhere in the middle of the night. Minseok grew even more curious as Jongdae was walking along the streets. Jongdae didn’t want to take his vehicle or the noise would probably wake Minseok up. What he didn’t know was that Minseok was following him. Going into a abandon apartment complex, Jongdae looked up at the stair case. Somebody was waiting for him at the top as he made his way to that person.


“nice of you to come Kim Jongdae”


“you know damn straight why I came here tonight Luhan”


“don’t be like that old partner” Luhan chucked.


Jongdae now stood in front of him, faces inches away from each other.


“I want you to hand Minseok over to me”


The smirk on Luhan’s face widen as he wiped his lips.


“why would I give you my childhood friend?”


Minseok was walking into the empty hallways of the apartment but heard noises coming from the main floor. Quietly making his way over there, he noticed two people on the top of the staircase. Since his eyes were still adjusting to the darkness, all her could hear was their voices.


“because I have fallen in love with him”


“I love him too”


“yea right? didn’t you know…for all those years all you did was hurt him”


Minseok could tell that one of the voices was Jongdae but the other sounded so familiar. He accidentally stepped on something, making a small noise. Praying that none of them heard, he tried to be a little closer.


“don’t be so mean Jongdae. I have to admit I never was interested into him but when I found out that you captured him I desperately wanted him back”


“too bad. Minseok now belongs to me Luhan


That name shocked Minseok so much that he came out of his hiding place. Luhan noticed and called Minseok’s name. Jongdae turned his head around, but Luhan captured his body. Minseok started to go up the stairs but backed away when Luhan pulled out a gun. Tossing the gun towards Minseok, he grabbed it.


“choose Minseok. Jongdae or me?


Minseok started to aim the gun towards Luhan but stopped when Luhan pulled a knife to Jongdae’s neck. His fingers started to tremble on the trigger. Luhan was his friend and Jongdae was he lover. If he pull the trigger, Luhan could easily slid Jongdae’s throat. But if he killed Jongdae then he couldn’t bare to live anymore. Go back to Luhan and be under him again or be with Jongdae and marry. Minseok always thought of escaping and going back to Luhan. Pressing the trigger, the bullet missed Luhan and shattered the window behind him.  That’s when Minseok noticed that the gun in his hands only had one bullet and he missed.


“you never miss Minseok” Luhan said, looking down at Minseok.


Minseok threw the gun at Luhan, hitting him on the shoulder. Luhan yelped in pain as he griped Jongdae tighter to him.


“big mistake” he muttered.


Before Minseok could move his legs, Luhan moved the knife in his hands. Blood started to splatter as Jongdae’s body started to tumble down the stairs. Minseok’s body trembled as he made his away to Jongdae. Turning him over, blood started to soak in Minseok’s clothes. Regret took over Minseok’s body as he shook Jongdae’s body. Earning no response form him, Minseok could already feel the tears coming.


“you can’t die Jongdae. We’re suppose to get married. Wake up. don’t…leave me…please”


Don’t go away, don’t leave me
Look into my eyes that loved you crazily
Baby don’t let me cry, please don’t make me cry




Luhan started to walk down the stairs, covering his ears once Minseok started to scream Jongdae’s name.


“JONGDAE COME BACK TO ME! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME” Minseok begged, trying to find anyway to get Jongdae back to him.


Luhan pulled out his gun and placed in on Minseok’s forehead. The crying hunter was mourning over his dead prey. To Luhan that showed a sign of weakness. How could one of his best hit-mans, become so weak over the past six days. He didn’t know but seeing the sight in front of him, made him disgusted.


“will you come back to me Minseok?”


“I hate you”


“ouch. That hurts you now”


“I’ll get you back Luhan”


“good luck


A gunshot echoed through the room as Minseok’s dead body slumped down besides Jongdae. Luhan envied them, dying next to each other. That made me almost laugh as he started to make his way outside. Sehun was waiting for him, standing next to the car. Luhan gave off a smile as he kissed Sehun.


“you go start the car. I’m going to have a smoke” Luhan said.


He was happy that Sehun followed him as he tried to light his cigarette. Grabbing his lighter, he gave it one stoke. The light glowed but a loud explosion was heard from behind him. Luhan looked in horror as the car was in flames.


Minseok’s wish came true.




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Chapter 1: i.... wasn't expecting that at all omg!! author-nim you completly got me!!
torihuang #2
Chapter 1: T_T oh my goodness why? lol but good job on the story
BlackBrownPearl #3
Chapter 1: (/ ; A ; )/ WOW amazing story *^* but I'm kinda confused with ending ! Does that mean that Xiumin had planned to kill sehun ?
Chapter 1: Luhan you *******!!!!! Nice story though!!
Chapter 1: Ok. I didn't expect that to happen.. Luhan ____ deserved it.. Killing my baozi and his lover.. Tch Even though I love Luhanie he deserved it!!~
Chapter 1: oooh Q.Q I wish xiuchan wouldn't had died Q_____Q
But at least Xiumin got back at Luhan. <3