Tae Joon is in the house!

From Womanizer to Babysitter!


„Am I really the only one to you?“

“Yes! You totally are. Don´t you believe me?” Zelo said while leaning to the girl, brushing her hair out of her face.

“But don´t you have a girl on each of your finger?” The girl asked, blushing about the sudden skinship. Zelo just shook his head.

“No! Where did you hear that? You´re really the only one for me.” Zelo grinned and leaned more and more to the girl till their lips were only and inch apart from each other. Zelo was just moving his lips on her, when someone grabbed his shirt and threw him away from the girl.

“Don´t flirt and around again, Choi Junhhong!” His teacher yelled at him and glared to the girl, who slowly walked away.

“seonsaeng-nim! How can you say something like that to me?” Zelo pouted offended. Therefor he got smacked by his teacher and he walked back in his class mumbling something to himself. As he touched his forehead he felt how a bump had formed there. He sighed and entered his class. His friends all ran to him and bombard him with questions.

“Yah, Zelo. What happened?” Jongup, his best friend asked.

“Wow. That´s a big egg you have there on your forehead.” Minah said, trying to touch his forehead.

“Yah. How dare you to touch this.” Zelo yelled and chipped of her hand.

“Meanie.” She meronged to him and Zelo just looked annoyed away.

“Hey, Ji Hye. Why do you pack your things together? Don´t you feel well?” Minah asked her best friend and Ji Hye nodded. Zelo´s attention now was by the 2 girls, who walked to the door. He noticed that Ji Hye looked to him for a short moment and he waved at her and gave her his sweetest smile.

“Pabo.” She mouthed to him and walked annoyed out of the class room. After she left, Zelo turned to his friends.

“Sometimes I asked myself seriously, if Ji Hye likes me.” He said and looked like he was in deep thoughts, but his friends all burst out into laughter.

“Never ever is Ji Hye liking you.” Youngjae, another friend, patted his shoulder.

“You´re only annoying her.” Minah smirked. Zelo wanted to say something to her, but the teacher came in and so the lesson started again.


Zelo walked together with Jongup to his locker to get his things. Suddenly someone jumped on his back and hugged him.

“Zelooooo.” A girl cooed in his ear.

“School ended for you?” Another girl right next to him asked.

“Yes. I´m a free man now.” He answered and winked whereupon the girls blushed and giggled girly.

“Then walk home with us, okay?” The girl next to him asked him with puppy eyes. As Zelo wanted to answer, his phone rang. He mouthed to the girls he will be back soon and picked up the call.


“YOU ING BASTARD OF A LITTLE BROTHER! MOVE YOUR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AT HOME. IF YOU DON´T COME, YOU WON´T SEE THIS WORLD ANYMORE!” A voice yelled in his ear and Zelo had to hold the phone away from his ear. As the voice hung up, he walked back to the girls and sighed.

“Sry girls. But I have to go.” He said and the faces of the girls dropped.

“Why?” They both whined and clinged on him.

“Sorry. My Hyung wants me at home.” He waved at them and started his way home. Some minutes later he arrived there and as he opened the door, he fell back on his , his eyes opened in surprise. In front of him, stood a little boy, maybe around 5, and hold a small teddy bear in his hand. With his big eyes, he stared at Zelo.

“H-hyung?” Zelo asked confused.

“No. Tae Joon.” The little boy answered.

“What? Tae Joon?” Zelo got more and more confused. Then his real hyung stood in front of him and got hit by him.

“Ouch! Yongguk hyung! Why did you do this to me?” Zelo whined and rubbed his forehead.

“As if I would shrink in the little time you were in school! Come. We have something to discuss.” Yongguk hissed and walked to the dining room. But at the door frame he turned around again and kneeled down.

“Tae Joonie. If you want, you can go to the living room and watch TV.” Yongguk said caring and Zelo was amazed that his hyung could sound like that. Tae Joon nodded and walked away direction to the living room. Yongguk stood up again and Zelo followed him. In the dining room, his whole family sat around the table and stared at it. The whole atmosphere was oppressive.

“Woah. It´s like a TV-drama.” Zelo said and got hit by Yongguk.

“Junhong! This a serious situation. Please sit down.” His mother said and pointed to the seat across from hers. Zelo gulped and sat down. No one spoke at the first minutes, but his mother slowly raised her head and looked deep into his eyes.

“Junhong, you know my little sister, Taeyeon, right? Her husband passed away 2 months. She couldn´t care about Tae Joon, your cousin, anymore and left him here with us.” She explained the whole situation, not breaking the eye contact with her son.

“Oh, that´s bad. Who´ll take care of that little boy?” Zelo asked curious as he looked around and imagined every person, how they looked like when they took care of the boy. Everyone, but not him.

“Zelo! You´ll take care of him!” Yongguk answered his question harsh and pointed at him.

“What?” Every colour from Zelo´s face excaped. He? Taking care of a boy? He even couldn´t take care of himself. How should he managed to take care of a little boy and him? He didn´t notice, that Tae Joon stood at the door frame.

“Ehm… I need to pee.” Tae Joon said embarrassed.

“I´ll go with you Tae Joonie. Oh and that boy over there will take care of you from now on.” Yongguk said lovely as he walked over to Tae Joon, who looked with sparkling eyes to Zelo. And Zelo just smiled awkwardly. Then Tae Joon and Yongguk disappeared into the bath room.


Zelo was reading his playboy magazine, when someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.” He yelled and the door opened. Tae Joon stood there, unsure if he should walk to Zelo.

“Tae Joon-ah. What do you want?” Zelo asked as he sat up and laid his magazine away.

“I-I wanted to ask, i-if I can sleep here tonight. Together with you in your bed.” Tae Joon asked stuttering as he looked down and let his feet move around.

“Uhm… I guess so.” Zelo agreed, but still confused about the situation he was in. But as he saw Tae Joons bright smile, he couldn´t regret it. It was just too adorable. Tae Joon jumped into his lap and hugged him tightly. As a reflex Zelo hugged him back. Then Tae Joon noticed the playboy magazine on his bed.

“Hyung, what´s this? A comic?” He asked innocently and flicked through the pages. Zelo had to hold back his laughter at this innocent behavior.

“No, Tae Joon-Ah. That´s something only people at my age and older are allowed to read.” He explained and took it away from Tae Joon, laying it on top of his warderobe, so Tae Joon couldn´t get it so easily anymore. As he walked back to his bed, Tae Joon yawned and nearly couldn´t open his eyes anymore.

“Tae Joon-ah, should we go to bed? You really look tired.” Zelo suggested worried and Tae Joon nodded. They both cuddled under the blanket and right after some minutes, you could hear their sleeping sounds.


The next day


Zelo slowly woke up because he felt something ticklish at his nose. He opened the eyes and noticed that the ticklish thing was hair, but definitely not his. He rised his eyes up and as the other person turned his face to him, he screamed silently and jumped fast out of his bed near his door.

“Who´s this guy?” Zelo asked himself as he tried to remember him. And slowly he remembered everything about yesterday.

“JUNHONG! WAKE TAE JOON UP! AND HURRY UP! YOU HAVE TO BRING HIM TO THE KINDERGARTEN!” Yongguk yelled from downstairs and Zelo rubbed his neck while he walked back to his bed. He slowly shook Tae Joon and whispered to him, he should wake up. Tae Joon slowly sat up and tiredly rubbed his eyes.

“Good morning, Hyung.” He smiled sleepy.

“Morning. Tae Joon. Put your clothes on. I have to bring you to kindergarten.” Zelo said and wanted to leave the room, but Tae Joon hold him on his wrist. He looked back and saw Tae Joon biting his lips cutely.

“Hyung…Can you help me to put on my clothes?” Tae Joon asked, pouting cutely and with puppy eyes. Zelo sighed and rubbed his neck as he nodded. Tae Joon´s pouting turned into a bright smile and fast he got his clothes and pressed it into Zelo´s hands. Zelo kneeled down and Tae Joon his hands upwards so Zelo could take of his pajama. Zelo then wanted to put on Tae Joon´s shirt, but…

“Junhong Hyung! What about the undershirt?” Zelo looked confused up to Tae Joon, who looked innocent in his eyes.


“Hyung! Don´t say you don´t wear an undershirt? It´s this.” Tae Joon took a white undershirt in his hands and showed it to Zelo. Zelo took in his hands and observed it. Indeed he never wore something like this, so he didn´t know at first what it was. And actually the whole clothes of Tae Joon looked complicated. Tae Joon ordered him around and all and after 15 minutes Tae Joon was finished. Zelo looked down on his watch and got shocked. Only 20 minutes left for school. He grabbed Tae Joon and threw him over his shoulder, leaving the house and started running.

“Hyuuuung! I don´t have something for lunch!” Tae Joon yelled while they were running and Zelo stopped abrupt, nearly dropping Tae Joon.

“What? Something for lunch… Mhm… Let me look around.” Zelo set him down and looked around if he could find a bakery or a supermarket. He then discovered a little convenience store. After a while they stepped out with sweet bread and now Zelo didn´t care anymore if he was too late. He wouldn´t arrived punctual anymore.

At the kindergarten they rebuked him, he should make something for the lunch and not buy just some sweet breads. He apologized and promised that it wouldn´t happen anymore. Exhausted he walked to his school and in his class room, he just let him fall himself on the floor.

“Zelo! What happened?” Jongup asked as he looked down to his best friend.

“I don´t wanna have children. Never ever in my life.” He mumbled to himself, still lying on the floor.

“Seonsaeng-nim! Zelo mumbled something about he doesn´t want children! It looks like he is finally father!” Minah yelled to the teacher.

“Please! I´m not interested in it!” The teacher said calm and wrote down again on the board.


At the kindergarten


It was lunch time and Tae Joon took his sweet breads out of his little bag. He stared at them for a while till a girl came and sat right next to him.

“My mum did my lunch. Say Tae Joon. Why doesn´t your mum do your lunch?” The little girl, named Hyori, asked.

“Oh, Hyori, please stop it!” An educator whispered to her and she looked only confused.

“It´s okay. I like sweet breads.” Tae Joon said smiling. The educator just walked away head shaking.


At school


The school bell rang and school was over. As Zelo wanted to walk out. His teacher stopped him.

“Choi Junhong. You´ll stay for remedial today.” His teacher ordered and Zelo´s face dropped.

“Oh Seonsaeng-nim! I can´t. I have to pick up someone from the kindergarten.” Zelo tried to explain.


“Oh my god! No! Do I look like I could have already children?”


“You´re mean, Seonsaeng-nim!”


At the kindergarten


“Tae Joon. Someone will pick you up soon.” One of the educators said and Tae Joon nodded. She walked out and sneaked after her. She was whispering with another educator, but Tae Joon could understand everything, what they were saying.

“Say, isn´t Tae Joon the boy, who his mother left, right?”

“Yes. And the father died.”


30 minutes later, Zelo finally arrived. He panted hard. As he saw an educator, he walked to her and leaned her at the wall.

“Where is Tae Joon?” He asked with a husky voice and the educator blushed.

“T-TAE JOON DISAPPEARED!” An educator yelled and Zelo´s jaw dropped. The started to search him everywhere.

*! Where is he? If I don´t find him, Yongguk hyung will kill me.* He thought as he ran past a playground, but then he noticed a little boy sitting on the swing.

*Wait! That´s him.* Zelo ran to Tae Joon and stopped in front of him.

“Hey! Why did you run away?” Zelo asked worried and a little bit angry.

“I´m sorry.” Tae Joon said as he looked down.

“Whatever. I found you. So let´s go home.” Zelo sighed and looked at the little boy.

“Home? I can go home?” Tae Joon asked hopefully. Zelo didn´t get what he meant, but he got it!

“Oh…I mean with home my home.” He said as if it was the most normal thing on the world. He looked for a moment away and turned back again. Tae Joon was a little bit away and kneeled down.

“Hey. Are you angry, that I was too late? I promise that I´ll be punctual next time.” Zelo apologized and felt sorry for Tae Joon.

“I… miss mum´s lunch. I never could eat all of it and that´s why she didn´t love me anymore. But from now on I´ll be a good boy. Please bring me back to my mum! I really do love my mum so much.” Tae Joon cried. His eyes already puffy from the crying. Zelo just looked shocked to the little boy. He thought about things he could say, but nothing came in his mind. So he just hugged him tight. Zelo felt how his shirt got wetter and wetter, but Tae Joon only sobbed.

“Tae Joon-ah. Everyone loves you very much.” Zelo whispered and patted his back. Tae Joon calmed down a bit. But he still buried his face into Zelo´s chest.

“I will make your lunch ok?” Zelo suggested and Tae Joon immediately raised his head, looking to him with sparkling eyes.

“Really?” Tae Joon asked excited.

“Yeah. What do you want?” Zelo smiled and ruffled the little boy´s hair.

“Sweet bread!” Tae Joon grinned and Zelo had to chuckle.


From far away Ji Hye observed of them. Then she walked back home.


At Zelo´s home.


Zelo sat on his bed, reading again his playboy magazine as someone knocked again on his door. The door opened and Tae Joon walked in already in his pajamas. Zelo hid his magazine fast while Tae Joon walked to him and jumped into his lap and hugged him.

“Tae Joon-ah. Something happened?” Zelo asked worried as he replied the hug.

“Hyung. Can I sleep again in your bed? It´s so comfy.” Tae Joon pleaded pouting with his puppy eyes. Zelo couldn´t stand and he nodded. They cuddled with each other under the blanket. Suddenly a bamm was heard on Zelo´s door and both of them sat up shocked. Zelo stood up and opened the door. There Yongguk stood with a hammer and with nails.

“Hyung. What the hell are you doing here?” Zelo asked annoyed.

“Oh, I just made a shield for you two and now I´ll hang it up on your door. Don´t you see that?” Yongguk explained and showed him a shield, which looked like a house and on the shield there stood: “Here are living Choi Junhong and Choi Tae Joon.”

“Isn´t it cute?” Yongguk grinned goofy. Zelo just rolled his eyes annoyed and shut the door loudly. He went back into his bed, where Tae Joon was waiting for him.

“What did he do?” Tae Joon asked sleepy and rubbed his eyes.

“He just annoys us.” Zelo explained and cuddled under the blanket. Tae Joon right next to him yawned and then leaned over to Zelo, giving him a peck on his cheek. Zelo smiled and ruffled his hair.

“Good night, Tae Joon-ah.”

“Good night, Hyung.”

Both fell asleep and dreamt sweet dreams.

finally, finally i could write the first chapter! and i even have to admit, that i kinda like the chapter xD Tae Joon is cute isn´t he? :3 i really love the little boy xD 

i hope i didn´t disapoint you :) and thx to my 3 subbies^^ you´re great and pls don´t leave me xD

comments are really loved <3

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will post the 1st chapter next week. look forward it :D


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Chapter 1: That's so cuteeeeee. Zelo and Tae Joon ;w; I can imagine this lol