
I will come to visit you , just wait..

I was on the station. My form and me waited for the train. We were on the road to the sea for our last school trip. We would stay there for a week.
My best friend David hugged me back "What are you doing next vacation ? My mother asked me if you want to travel with us to Italy."
I smiled "No I can't , I go to Korea again."
David let me go "Serena... don't go to him. I guess you aren't important for him. If you would be important he would visit you also."
I looked down "I am important for him. But he doesn't have any time to come to Europe. He has a lot of work with BTOB."
David ignored me and I hit his arm "Don't ignore me... he is my boyfriend."
David came really near to my face and whispered "What about me? Didn't I told you I love you? Didn't you wanted tell me after Korea what you feel for me? No you came back knocked on my door and said I met a wonderfull guy in Seoul. We are in a relationship, I'm so happy David. What did you this summer?"
I looked down "David..."
But he went away and Kevin came and put his arm around me "He is okay. In the train he will laugh again."
I looked to him up and smiled.
Kevin asked "When we can see Minhyuk or which his name is? Everyone of us wanna see him. The most can't imagine it."
I smiled sad "I don't know.."

The train entered the station and we went into.
Next to me sat David, infront of me Kevin and on his right Marco.
We laughed a lot and I got a call. "Pshh... he calls me."
David looked outside and the other curious to me.

Short information. Now the talk is switiching between English and Korean. The Korean phrases are in the color blue.

I smiled "Annyeong-hasseo Oppa. How are you?"
Minhyuk was on phone "I'm fine, how about you? By the way bogoshipo.. Jeongmal, I miss you a lot."
I smirked "Come to me. Just visit me one time... I miss you a lot..."
Kevin shouted "Min... we wanna see you."
Minhyuk was confused
"Who was is?"
I smirked "Are you jealous?"
Minhyuk sounded offended
"Aniii... I'm not. So... when do you come back to Korea? Can't you stay here? I mean... here are schools also, and your family.. you can take them with you."
I looked down "I asked you when do you come to visit me, and you start I shall move to you ? You can move to me, or are BTOB this important? "
In his background were some girls which spoke to Minhyuk and I started again "Who are the girls , which with you?"
Minhyuk laughed
"This are just some Trainees and my Noona spoke to me and the other from BTOB. We have a stage soon. But who is the boy ? "
I said cold "Minhyuk... I hate your Noona. I hate her. And I told you I have a school trip to the sea. We are in the train. I wanna see you."
Minhuyk just said "I love you, Serena. But I have to hang off. I have to go. Noona want to eat with us."

I shouted "DON'T GO."
But he hang off.
David asked me "What happened?"
I looked down "He is with his Noona right now. They take a meal."
David put his arm around me. But I pushed him away "I wanna go to the toilet. Does someone know where is it?"
A tear came out of my left eye.
David just said "Serena... don't cry."
I wiped my tear away "I'm not crying."
And Marco pointed on the way "There is the toilett."
I stood up and walked away.
I heard that Kevin said "Don't follow her. She wants to be alone."
I turned and saw David. He stood at the corridor.
I ignored him.
On the toilet came more tears but I wiped them away.
After a while I got a second call from Minhyuk.
But I ignored it, I didn't want to talk.
I went back to the boys, but in the farness I saw someone was sitting on my place.
I became angry and went there. I shouted "Go away, this is my place."
But then I realized who it is.
I whispered "Minhyuk..."
He smiled and stood up "Serena... I told you , I will come to visit you one day."
But I slapped his cheek.
He became angry "What did I do?"
I said cold "You made me jealous and you didn't told be you would come."
But he kissed me.
I smiled "You are it really."
He nodded.
"Jeongmal Saranghae, Serena."
The others looked confused and David was angry.
I grabbed his hand and we sat on a double.
I smiled
"You came really."
He nodded and kissed me.
I heard some familar voices
I stood up and hugged the other members of BTOB.
I really like Ilhoon and Sungjae
And I asked
"What are you doing here?"
Eunkwang said proud "We have our first Europe tour. And Minhyuk wanted to see you first."
I turned and smirked "You wanted see me first?"
Minhyuk looked angry to Eunkwang but then smiled to me "Of course."
I smiled again.


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