
Long time no see my friend ^^


"What ? You're going to Australia ? What about me ? , " Luhan stood up from his bed , not believing what his mother had just said. His mother came beside him , placing her hands on his shoulder and looking at him in the eyes. 
"You're staying with our neighbour okay , don't worry , ill be back soon," she caressed his cheeks while he look at her with a confused look.
Luhan's POV 
What ? Im going to our neighbour's house ? That means … Xiumin's house . Wait a minute . Xiumin's house ? We haven't met for a long time , like , seriously long time. But he's still my best friend. But would he still remember me ? Wait , wait . What if he's changed ? Who cares ? Its not like I'm not usual to him anyway. Ha , Ha . 
End of Luhan's POV
The next morning , the only thing that Luhan knew was he and his mother was ringing Xiumin's doorbell. Luhan was so sleepy that he leans against the gate while his eyes were slowly shutting off to his dreamland. 
" Luhan-ah ! Don't sleep !! Xiumin's mother is coming , aishhh ," his mother pinched Luhan's cheeks a few times, shooting him up from his beautiful dreamland. He opened his eyes back slowly and then he blinked his eyes a few times in shock looking at the person beside a woman flipping his hair , which was Xiumin. Luhan felt so lazy to entertain anyone because its about 6.00 a.m by now and it was supposed to be his sweet dream time. He pulled up his head but maintained with the sleepy face. When both of them were there , Luhan weren't paying any attention to what they're talking about as he hung his head low or he'll keep on looking other places than watching both of them in front of him. 
" I am so thankful to have a great neighbour like you. I don't know how to repay you. Aishh , Luhan-ah , Im going now . Make sure you don't do bad things . Ahaha , goodbye ," Luhan's mother laughed and kissed his cheeks as farewell and he watched his mother walk towards her car and eventually drove away . 
" Xiumin-ah , bring your friend inside. Im going to work in an hour , okay ? Please come in , make yourself at home ," she smiled at Luhan and she tapped Xiumin's shoulder before she walks into the house. Xiumin smile back at his mother and turned his head towards Luhan again , his smile didn't leave his face yet. 
" Hey , its been--," Luhan was talking when suddenly Xiumin puled him into a big hug.
" Where in world have you been man? I've been waiting for this like ever !! I can't remember our last sleepover but it was quite some time. I missed you sooo much and I can't wait to show you my Gundam collection. Ive been collecting them since you said they were so cool with their --" he pulled from the hug while talking about his robot collections and he clasp his hands into Luhan's ,pulling him towards his room. Luhan went to his room and surprisingly , his robot collection was a lot like a heap of them and each of them were arranged properly on the shelves against the wall. It took nearly a whole wall of his room for his robot collection. 
" Wow , Xiumin , this is really … a lot .. ," Luhan look up at some of the tiny robots and were about to touch them when Xiumin immediately went in front of Luhan , standing in front of the shelves. 
" No touching !! ,' he said but still with the smile on his face.. Luhan startled a bit as his face were inches from Xiumin's and he can feel Xiumin's hot breath on the tip of his nose as Xiumin's eyes blinked a few times ; his smile slowly fading replaced by a redden face .Luhan turned away from him , hiding the fact that he's also blushing. 
" Ehemm , so , where am i going to sleep ? Im still sleepy though ," Luhan glanced at the small robot clock on Xiumin's study desk. He wandered around the room then turned towards Xiumin who was scratching his head awkwardly .
" You're going to sleep on my brother's bed. You know , he's not staying with us anymore since he's studying out of the country. So , anything else ? ," he put on his friendly smile again as he walks towards Luhan. 
" Nothing , thanks and I think I'm going to sleep for a while now , " Luhan laughed at the fact that it was already morning but he still wanted to sleep. Xiumin lead him to the bed which was just beside 5 foot beside his. Luhan's surprised that the fact both of their bed were quite close but he wiped the thoughts away and climbed onto the bed , catching his forty winks.
" Yahhh , give me the remote!! I want to watch my show now!!," Luhan chases Xiumin around the living room. He glared at Luhan naughtily and he  laughed while running away. He's small so he's quite fast with his legs. Luhan's so tired and he hid behind a wall carefully , avoiding from Xiumin. Xiumin slowed down knowing that Luhan's nowhere to be found. He walked pass by the sofas , tables , his eyes wandering everywhere . Luhan were getting ready to approach him when Xiumin called Luhan's name and was walking towards the wall that Luhan's hiding. When Luhan sensed him nearer he got out of his hiding place and jumped onto him.
" GYAHH !! ," both of them shouted when suddenly Luhan fall on top of Xiumin's with his head on Xiumin's chest. Luhan slowly pulls up from Xiumin's chest , shaking off his dizzy head. He looked up ,found that Xiumin's eyes staring at him. Luhan doesn't know what to do now and the only thing that he can hear was Xiumin's rapid heartbeat.  Luhan blinked his eyes a few times before his face burning with Xiumin's stunning pink lips which was slightly opened. Luhan got up awkwardly and snatched the remote from his hand casually as if nothing had happened. 
" I win ," Luhan smirked at Xiumin.
" Cut it out carefully , Luhan-ah," Xiumin said as he shifts beside Luhan, observing him on constructing a robot. Luhan have been doing that like half an hour but he only cut out like 5 parts of a robot hand. Luhan furrowed his eyebrows trying to concentrate but now that Xiumin's beside him , he felt a little awkward and Luhan began to make mistakes and always missed out his aim. 
" Do it like this ," he chuckled as one of his hand crawled from Luhan's back onto Luhan's left hand while his right hand on Luhan's right hand and Luhan was in fact in his embrace. He went closer and their cheeks touched. He instructed the correct way to do it . During that time , sometimes Luhan will glanced at him and he will just smile but Luhan can't control his gaze as it kept fall onto Xiumin's pink and lush lips. Xiumin saw that and he accidentally grazed Luhan's index finger.
" Ahh , Sorry , sorry ,"he immediately rise up and ran out to get the first aid kit. 
" Yah , Xiumin , what are you doing ?," Luhan yelled at him as he walked down the pathway of his house towards the front yard of the house. He turned his head and put on his gorgeous friendly smile.
"Im practicing my martial arts skill . I've got a tournament next month ," he said as he came towards Luhan too , beads of perspiration coating his forehead and half of his hair were soaked with sweats. He panted a little bit and he placed his hand on his waist , head hanging low. 
" Today's hot huh ??," he nodded weakly ; tilting his head aside , revealing his beautiful jawline. 
" Yeahh , so hot that I want to strip off right now," he laughed. Luhan widen his eyes and after a while he snapped his finger and back away from Xiumin, running towards somewhere Xiumin can't predict. Xiumin was left there alone with the hot sunlight glowing on his skin. Then he felt something hit him and it felt so cold ; water . He can't barely open his eyes due to a lot of water showering him. He laughed and he walked away from there , brushing off the water left on his eyes , watching Luhan at the end of the yard , holding a hose and actually laughing. His smile couldn't get wider as he ran towards Luhan and he shoots the water on him again but Xiumin caught the hose and he shoot them at Luhan back sending an absolute coldness on his skin. Both of them were laughing and demanding for the water hose. After half an hour running around and playing , Luhan stopped to catch a breath.
" Xiumin-ah!! I just got my shower !,"Luhan screamed at him and eventually he lie down on the green grass, breathing heavily. Xiumin turned off the tap and ran quickly before he lie down next to Luhan, staring at the blue sky with white fluffy clouds hanging there. Luhan heard something ruffling and he turned his head towards Xiumin who was actually staring at him.
" What ? ,"
" Nothing . You just… .. … … looked .. .. .. beautiful , " he stuttered.
"You're coming now ? ," Luhan asked his mother on the phone while Xiumin look at him with a worried face. Luhan walked away from Xiumin , avoiding his face and Xiumin glanced at everywhere in the room except at Luhan.  
" So , you're leaving now ? ," he asked when suddenly Luhan began to pack up his things. He smiled widely and looked at Xiumin excitedly.
"Yahh !!! My mother is back from Australia !! I can't wait to meet her !!!, " Luhan shook Xiumin's shoulder and went to other places in the room, picking up his things and stuff them in his bag. 
" I don't want you to leave now. It would be boring without you in this house , can't you just spend another week here ? ," 
" Why ? , " Luhan said as he tilt his head a little bit. Xiumin wanted to smile but he just can't . He wanted to spend more time with Luhan. He still got a lot of things to do with Luhan. He don't want Luhan leave him. Not now. Not ever because--
" Im starting to like you , " he turned away from Luhan's eyes with his face reddening .  He mentally can't accept the fact that he had confessed to Luhan because all these days had been hard for him to get through with Luhan's presence in his life after Luhan had gone for so long and then he came back. He tried to hide his feelings from Luhan but now he just can't. He can't bear to keep all of this to himself anymore. 
Luhan froze there . Like something had struck him and he blinked his eyes slowly before he answered him back. Luhan have never liked him more than friends before this but since he had a sleepover at his house , everything was so different from what Luhan had imagined. He imagined a serious Xiumin doing his work so he can do his own stuff until his mother comes back from Australia and brings him back home . But it was different . Xiumin was still the same, like before. The same type of Xiumin that Luhan personally like. Luhan wanted to answer him when something even more shocking happened. Xiumin kissed Luhan. He just did a quick kiss ; not to upset Luhan or something and when he pulled back , Luhan's face was the one to blush, not his. 
" I .. I like you too. ,"
At last , i've finished it.!!!!! THIS FEEEELLSSS SOOO GGRREEEAATTTAAHHH !! :D
Today's the last day for 2012 right ? wohooo , everyone , for 2013 , i wish you will live a happy , good and healthy life !! May God bless all of you .  
So , do comment and please reminds me if anything's wrong with my sentences . English is not my first language and i dont really care about my past or present tenses , ahaha :D
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Chapter 1: Its so flufffyyy
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Chapter 1: So effing fluffy ! Ugh love you !!
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Chapter 1: omg so cute and fluffy askdjada
Chapter 1: what a shweeeeet XiuHan evarr! i can`t stop myself from widely grinning all over this fic. this is so good ;D