as the [C 0 0 K i E] crumbles...


Four friends

-excuse me!- 

one city

-hey you!-

... what?

-why don't you let me do this?-

Who are you and why would I let you do this?

-I'm me and because your writing is kinda dry!-


-needs milk.-


-don't you dot dot dot at me, narrator!-

Aaaalright then.

-I don't like the tone of your voice. Now am-scray!  This is the story about me and four friends and a cookie-

What cookie?!

-didn't I tell you to !? Now, back to the description: it's the cookie called our life.  It might crumble, it might need a little milk sometimes... but it's our life and we love it.-


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oh wow, you´re being like super tough with the new story app =_=<br />
I don´t even know if I can manage till friday because of work ...<br />
so yeah...I´d love to apply...just so you know but time may not be on my side :/
x3 the latter LOL
go? lol like what site? here of course. Go as in the direction the plot will take? I've got an inkling lol
wants to apply again!^^<br />
do you have an idea where the new story will go? :)
Okie dokie ^.^ That was fast kim lol I barely clicked away