This is just the start.

Last Year Of High School

You both became friends, at first thinking that this would not happen but it happened in the end so you were excited to meet him the next day. You got his number this afternoon and you decided to text him. 

"Hi, Ha Young here. Are you Myung Soo? I just want to be confirm^^"

He replied in less than a minute, " Yup."

It was awkward as you had nothing to say so you decided to ask him about school. " Are you nervous for the end of the year examination?" 

"Yeah.. I bet everybody is haha"

"True. It's a little late I got to go to sleep soon good night^^"


-Alarms rings-

You rubbed your eye and checked your phone. You saw no messages you were a little disappointed but you thinked that there was no reasons for him to text you so you decided to just let it go and go prepare for school. When you reached school you saw Eun Ji and you ran towards her and just nice Myung Soo and Hoya was beside her. You greeted the boys with a awkward smile. Eun Ji whispered into your ears telling you Hoya talked to her and they became friends too.

-Bell rings-

"Good morning class! Today for music you guys have to go to groups of 4. Please go to your choice of groups now.I will give you your group number as soon as you get into your groups please remember this number as it will be with you for the whole year."

"Bora, Hyorin.... Hoya, Myung Soo, Ha Young and Eunji group 2..."

As this group would be with you for the whole year, you, Myung Soo and Eunji were happy about it. You all were excited to work together as a group. You and Myung Soo were looking at each other the whole music lesson sometimes your eyes meet and both of you would turn your head awkwardly.

-Bell ring for the end of class-

"Alright class for the homework for this week is to create a small song with your group mates."

"Let's do it after school tomorrow!" You said with excitement. The other three nodded with agreement. Hoya put his arm over you and said "Ha Young, so how's yesterday after that short conversation that made you both friends?" You replied "Nothing much" and blushed. You ran towards Eun Ji And pulled her to meet Hoya and you walked away. Eunji started the conversation by greeting, " Hi, My name is EunJi." 

"I'm Hoya" He gave a friendly smile. It was very awkward between them so you walked in and said, "Guys!! Wanna go have lunch together?" "Why Not? I shall bring Myung Soo along too" Hoya replied. "I don't mind if you guys dont mind me.." Eun Ji repied and blushed a little. "Haha~ thanks Hoya." 

On your way to lunch, you met your mother and your mother offered the others for lunch at your house and they all agreed. As your mum was holding bags of groceries which seemed heavy Myung Soo decided to ask your mum whether she needs help. As he asked your heart beat went faster and started to blush a little. You decided to help too. While walking home, you accidently tripped over a little rock and Myung Soo was beside you at that time. He managed to hold you and made sure you were okay. You immediately thank him and he scratched his head and blushed a little thn he said, "Welcome, glad you are not injured" and he smiled. Hoya winked towards you trying to say nice one. You shake your head wanting to say you didn't do it on purpose and wanted him to not be so obvious... He nodded and smirked. 

On the way home, Hoya decided to talk to Eunji as she seemed a little left out they were talking to each other and you, Myung Soo and your mother were having a nice chat about school.

-to be continued-


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Chapter 2: MyungYoung and HoJi is so cute
My HoJi is the best hehe~
I'm waiting for the next chapter
Chapter 1: omo myungsoo talking with Hayoung!!!!
I hope HoJi will be couple soon...
Yay, I can't wait for this.
I also ship the MyungYoung pairing.
-natsukim #4
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