i'm out of touch, i'm out of love

lego house


“Mhng,” Luhan sighed into her neck, “If I have to stand up from here, I’ll die,”
“Stay here,” She whispered, tangling her fingers in his hair and scratching softly. Luhan purred and buried his head more into her neck, making her giggle.
It was a cold December afternoon and neither of them wanted to do anything but stay in bed. Luhan had arrived two days ago from China. He had barged in her apartment first thing in the morning, crushing her into his arms and kissing her softly.

The next day was a lazy day; waking up, making breakfast then taking a shower (Just her, though, Luhan waited until it was time for lunch. No matter how much she whined at him about how “disgusting” he smelled) and settling in the couch to watch some ty movie and eventually end up making out or just talking about how ty the movie.
Now they were just curled up in the bed, listening to the rain pour loudly, content with being in each other’s arms.

She places her hand in his neck and smiles at the ceiling. She remembers, a little vaguely, how they met. Luhan had been rushing to get to class and she had been a clumsy girl, balancing too many things in her arms. He crashed into her, she spilled everything, he helped her and invited her for a coffee to make up for it. Looking back, everything was so cliché it was ridiculous.

She feels Luhan shift and drag her impossibly closer. He kisses her jaw gently, moving up to her ear while she shivers. “A penny for your thoughts,” he mutters, kissing her earlobe and going back to nuzzling her neck. She hums, not wanting to talk and moves until she’s face to face with him, ignoring Luhan’s quiet whines.
She kisses his nose and he wrinkles it adorably. She grins and pushes his bangs away from his forehead. She thinks he’s beautiful but she doesn’t dare say it out loud because boys and manly prides.

He goes back to burying his head on her neck, now, kissing softly. She remembers being ticklish in that spot in her neck, but Luhan had a habit of always wanting to kiss her there. She feels him starting to trace patterns along her back and she murmurs something under her breath, closing her eyes. Luhan pulls back from her neck and stares.

He thinks everything about her is beautiful. From her short hair that ends at her nape,  to that little mole she has on her lips. She’s always been beautiful, he thinks, even now; with her hair sticking up everywhere and her face with no makeup. He’s pretty lucky of having her.

Their relationship was always really odd, he remembers.
Their first kiss wasn’t romantic. Luhan pulled her to the rooftop of the university and started confessing when he got a frantic call of Sehun. Apparently, Zitao and Yixing were fighting and the only one that could stop everything was Luhan because Wu Fan wasn’t near. Luhan finished his sentence with a rushed, “So, I like you,” and went in for a quick kiss before running off to the dorms.
A week later they sat in the grass at the local park, hands interlocked and talking about nonsense.

At the beginning, she was closed and insecure, putting up walls and boundaries between them. Luhan noticed after some time.
He took the chance to ask her one cold night when they were watching the stars at a deserted park. And she had told him everything, curling a shaking hand around his wrists and crying silent tears. She told him about all those s, all the sleepless nights and tears wasted away. Luhan held her through all of it, kissing her forehead and whispering things to calm her down.

Luhan remembers being lonely, even though he had his load of friends, he felt as if something was missing. And he’s so so glad he found her because the feeling disappeared completely.
 Luhan was always an easy going person, but when it came to her, he wasn’t that calm. He turned into this possessive alter ego and no one even dared to touch her. Every time she would just brush it off and pepper him with kisses.

And it was all alright, they’ve been together for 2 years now. They were a normal couple, though; they had fights weekly if not daily stuff, over simple stuff. Like, that one time Luhan yelled at her for eating all the ramen or that one time she got mad at him for letting the sit of the bathroom up. But Luhan loved her even though she was complicated and she loved him even though he was a big drama queen.

And so, now, they just lay in silence, content. Because it was cold and nothing felt like home like being next to each other.




*wow this turned out extremely cheesy and short ugh  /hides in corner
*I hate using '(you)' or '____' so i just used 'she' a hundred times 
*Val, if you don't like this I will stab you until you do (✿◠‿◠) i love you bb just wanted to thank you for being awesome and stuff.
Run on sentences and I need to stop writing in past plus some tenses are just a mess and just, my writing is a mess. Critiques would be really ing great. I need to improve.
*hope you enjoyed ;3

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good job, author-nim! ^^d kkkk love it! <3
Chapter 1: Waaaa this is sooo awesome~
I like your writing style, author-ssi :333
<3 <3 I loveeee thiiissssssssss <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: Well written ^^ love how he just kept nuzzling her neck
Chapter 1: This... I like... so freaking much!, Thank you author-nim ♥

I love how Luhan is a drama queen because SO AM I Alskf <33
Chapter 1: Aww, cute~
Chapter 1: Short and sweet:) I like the ending!