Fashion love? Real Love?!??

The cat girl and the fashion student

The day of the Fashion High Fashion contest had arrived.

all the contestants had to wait backstage, this being designers and models, once the two of you arrived in the waiting area however you noticed that what you were wearing....really stood out.

Backstage you could see that the models were all wearing somewhat conservative and sometimes plain clothes....some looked elegant but some just looked downright ugly and both you and Key would look at each other as if saying" What the freaking hell was the designer thinking" 

Not that that couldn't be said about the design you were wearing, it was a rainbow colored kimono top, with bells on ribbons hanging from the obi on all sides followed by a miniskirt that looked like cherry blossom petals and some black footless tights followed by some colorfull sneakers.

Key had put your hair up in a way that your bun looked like firework that had exploded in the shape of a Fleur de lis" You look great _______" He smiled seeing you were slightly nervous and probably regretting that you choose to be his model, but knowing there was no way back and no way that you would back out after all that work the two of you put in it.

" Alright!! Are you all ready for the fashion showwwww?!?" The MC said,receiving a loud cheering as his response" Alright then lets get this show on the rode! Remember the designer and model pair that win the first prize will win cafeteria coupons for the rest of their time on this school AND a coupon to go shopping at any boutique in town worth quite a bit of moneyyyyy!!" 

So the fashion show started,you two werent up yet since you registered pretty late you were to be 11th of the 15 contestants so you sat backstage holding Key's hand until it was time, Designer and Model had to walk on seperately, Model first with the design on and then the designer , they would pose together once and then go backstage..that was how it was explained to you.

" And now for the Kibum you Pair! with the design called Firework Dreams!"  people started booing the moment they heard key's name,much to your annoyance.

" You can do it!" Key whispered to you as you let go of his hand and walked onto the stage with his design on, as you walked the crowd fell silent for a moment, that moment only the bells on your outfit could be heard only to burst into cheering the very next moment  finally  realizing that the creation you were wearing was nothing but pure art.

as Key watched you show of his creation he felt his heart accelerate thinking you looked beautiful ....but that wasn't the design's doing.

As you stood on the stage Key walked up to receive applause for the design then joined you for a quick pose before walking off the stage.

Once backstage you couldn't help but hug Key and then join him in his happy jumping up and down" they actually liked it!" Key said as the applause he was just given was still sinking in.

" LIKED IT?!? Key! They loved it! I told you they would love it!" You smiled and quickly pecked him on the cheek before walking to the refreshment table to get drinks, not seeing that his face turned as red as a tomato.

"what is this I'm feeling.....for her? it beating for her?" He blinked as he looked at you chatting with another designer as the designer complimented the clothes, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

The rest of the time you two spent backstage watching the others walk on..not that the applause was ever that loud since you two came on....and finally the announcement of the first place winners..wouldn't you know it you won..cause yes thats what kinda fic this is.

One of the judges was one of the youngest fashion designers in the world at the time and had disguised himself as a teacher, he walked over to the two of you as you stood on the stage and revealed his true self" Anyone who didn't see the brilliance in that design of yours a madman.." He smiled seeing some of the teachers who claimed to be know it alls in fashion hide themselves in embaressment" Congrats" He shook both of your hands before leaving, knowing it would be impossible to escape once the students got wind of who he was.

And so the fashion contest ended...Key had finally gotten recognition for his designs and as you saw him being surrounded by people who came to tell him how good it was or to started to feel there was less and less space for you in his world, it made you feel kind of sad.

You walked off to where his bag was, left a message on his phone and headed home, you had accomplished what you wanted, you had helped him get recognition.

" Not that I did much.." You said to yourself" I only gave him a tiny push....he did all the work" You smiled.

Once home you took the design off making sure to wash it before hanging it to dry, you removed the pins and let your hair loose, removed all the make up and got into a pair of comfy sweatpants and a loose fitting shirt, sure you liked fashion but that didn't mean you had to look fashionable all the time.

" Well it was good right.." You mumbled to yourself as you held a cup of hot chocolate in your hands" Key's gotten what he one will bully him again.." 

Little did you know Key had followed you the moment he saw you left and was now standing at your door, when he saw you leave he made his way through the crowd of new fans and walked over to his bag to get his phone out to see that you had written this: It was fun, I'm glad to see you're happy now, I'll return your design after I washed it, be well , much love you" He grabbed his bag and ran after you

He knocked on your door and walked in, once again holding a bouquet of flowers, this time of roses.
How he got in? You had given him the key since during the two weeks you practised and worked together there would be occasions that he would be at your house earlier then you would so to prevent that he had to wait in the rain or anything you gave him a duplicate key.

" Knock knock.." He joked and walked over to you" You got out of that pretty didn't like it?" 

You looked up a bit sleepy" I like it..but there are times that I just feel comfy in this.." 

He got on one knee with a smile "You look beautiful like this too......_you?....will you be my girlfriend?" He asked holding the bouquet out to you.

You took the bouquet, looked at it quickly before turning your eyes to him" You sure you want me? You'll get a whiny attentioncraving cat aswell.." 

"Wouldn't want anyone else.."He smiled and hugged you.



A/N; Don't shoot me pls and it would be nice if you would place your reviews even if its squealing XD

I might make a sequel..might.

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SugoiAnnika #1
Chapter 3: First I died of pre-feels when you said you would make a KeyxReader fic. When I read it, I was dieing of feels. And now I'm done, I'm suffering from after-feels ; A ; What are you doing to me? T.T