Chapter 6

Wishing Star

As you fumble with your keys, making you flustered enough that a blush begins forming on your face, you wonder how Chanyeol managed to convince you to begin tutoring him the same day. Finally managing to open the door, you step inside, inviting Chanyeol to follow. He gasps and his jaw practically hits the floor in awe at the size of your lonely mansion.

"Eun! It's huge! I could totally get lost in here!"

You laugh and rub the back of your neck awkwardly, "You're free to try! But careful, some rooms have been unoccupied for so long.. there are probably.. spiders. And such. Anyway..." You stop talking.

You step further inside the entrance, Chanyeol's head still, literally, spinning, as he tries to take in the entire space presented to him. You ignore him and walk into the hallway leading to your kitchen. You poke your head from behind an archway, "Hey, oppa, you want any food? Or something to drink?" He doesn't look at you right away, but eventually faces you and nods. You slink back into the kitchen and the sound of footsteps behind you get louder and Chanyeol follows suit.

When he finally arrives, you hear him gasp again. You laugh softly, finding it a little cute. He's awe-struck again as you open your refrigerator, "Something to drink?"

"Yah! This is awesome! Thanks Eun!" He exclaims as he grabs some Italian soda out and you make your way over to your walk-in pantry. Once again, you gesture to him to follow and he does so happily. When he sees the inside, he gapes. "Eun! All of this food! This is great!" 

You smile at how easy to please he was, "I'm glad you like it! Take as much of anything as you want!" He doesn't waste a second and grabs a bag of chips. "I love this stuff!" He says, turning back to face you. You smile even more brightly when you see the expression on his face. Like a little kid on Christmas. 

When he seemed pleased with his snack choices, you lead him to the living room, where he continued to gush over your house. "Yah! It's massive!" He shouts. "Are you still getting like this? I thought you would just assume everything was by now." You say, not being able to hold in a giggle. "I'm just not used to places like this! My house is nowhere near this size! My house fits into your kitchen and living room. And you still have another floor."

As you two sit down, you pull out a few textbooks. "Uh, I'm not sure what you needed help with, but I'm sure I can at least help with anything, so, whatever you need...?" You trail off, waiting for him to answer.

As he puts his soda down, he points at the Advanced Algebra textbook and you nod. "Okay, that's our first period class then. Did you fail the last test?" You immediately wish you hadn't asked, worrying he'd get offended. Fortunately, he didn't seem to mind at all, "Ya, I got a D-. I need to work on Matrix Multiplication. Is that okay?"

You nod and open the textbook and begin explaining what you knew. Internally, you were thrilled to be helping him. Mostly because you were finally free to. No one was around to glare at you for just talking to him and you could finally just be casual. You were finally completely at ease with Chanyeol and no one was there to stop you from doing so.


"Ahaha! Oh my god, oppa! My lungs are going to explode!" You were clutching your sides with laughter.

Chanyeol was laughing just as hard, clapping occasionally, something you noticed he did often when he laughed. You wiped a tear from your eye as you began to settle down. Looking at your clock you notice it's already getting late.

"Hey, oppa, it's already 8 o'clock. Do you need to be home soon?" You say, hiding your disappointment. He looks too after catching his breath, "Uh, ya! Thanks for reminding me!" He sprang up and ran over to where he put his bag. You follow behind him, walking him out the door.

He paused and looked around, "Hey, I just noticed something. Where are your parents? Are they not home yet? I didn't see them..." He stops when he sees your face tense up.

His sudden inquiry takes you by surprise and you find yourself thinking a mile-a-minute, trying to figure out what to tell him. Chanyeol recognizes your hesitation and drops it, "Yah, nevermind. Not like it matters."

You look up at him, sadly. It's not like you wanted to hide things from him, you just felt like it was necessary. "I-' You start, trying to explain yourself. He stops you, letting you know he doesn't want you to say it if you don't want to. "Ah, it's okay, Eun. I shouldn't have asked." He says so with a smile.

You hang your head a little, feeling guilty that you don't just tell him the truth. But, he reassures you once again by changing the subject.

"Anyway!" He chimes, trying to lighten the mood a little, "I'm glad we got to hang out like this! It was pretty cool to not have everyone else ruining it." He said so with his usual smile, making you truly feel better. Something that only he could have done so easily.

You nod back, "Ya, I'm glad. You're fun to hang out with, oppa."

He chuckles, "Ya, I'm a really cool guy." You roll your eyes but you can't help and chuckle along with him.

"Hey," his tone changes into a more gentle one, "Thanks for this. For tutoring me and everything. Really, thanks..."

"Ah, you're welco-!" You're cut off by his arms wrapping around you, completely enveloping you. His tall stature over-shadowing your small frame. His hug throws you off and right red creeps onto your cheeks as you wrap your arms around his back too, returning the gesture. Your heartbeat quickens.

The warmth and comfort you felt in that exact moment was surreal to someone such as yourself. You felt completely safe and carefree for the first time in a long while.

But, it's over before you know it, and you immediately find yourself yearning for that feeling once again.

He waves to you, and says a short goodbye, before closing the door behind him.

You just stand there.


Why did your heart feel so sad when it was over?

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Chapter 3: If I was her, I would punch than ____ in the Face! God! Eun is so Weak! Fight back Girl!
meymey1 #3
interesting , im waiting for your update