O5 - "I Nearly Made Out With One of The Strippers, Heechul."

"She Stole My Kill!"

[to Friend] angelteuk: where hav u been hun!

[to Friend] Bada_: oh, you know. new semester, new classes, more work :(


Donghae sat on his bed, a small white pup on his lap sleeping peacefully on his lap. He patted it’s soft fur lightly as his other hand typed a reply to Jungsoo. They were at Leafre, sitting on their extravagant chairs away from the other players. Donghae decided to play on his Mercedes, and went invisible to get some privacy. Only the people in his friends list could see and talk to him, which made it easier for him to communicate with Jungsoo without being interrupted.


Jungsoo’s character’s class was Angelic Buster. Her outfit was casual, which was a bit weird since most players would dress up their characters in fantasy-like armour and weapons. She, however, had a greyish-blue female Kaiser hairstyle, angel wings headbands, black-framed glasses covering her typical Angelic Buster piercing-blue eyes and a shimmering-blue ribbon wrapped around his back that resembled Donghae’s Angelic Buster’s.


[to Friend] Bada_: how’s heechul and his bf?

[to Friend] angelteuk: idk he told me he wants to see us

[to Friend] angelteuk: said it was super important

[to Friend] Bada_: what could be so important he couldn’t tell you directly

[to Friend] angelteuk: *shrugs


The boy had known Jungsoo since forever. He met the elder on his first day of Maplestory, when he was a Fire Mage at level 30. Jungsoo was an Evan, on a quest at the Cygnus island. He helped Donghae through his journey as a noob, and Donghae couldn’t thank him enough. Since then, they were inseparable.


kimHEEnim is online


A small chat bubble appeared to alert the message at the bottom of the screen. Donghae suspected Jungsoo already knew, so he kept quiet until Heechul’s peachy-red hair became visible in their map. The female character’s bow shone brightly in her grip, and the huge sword that glowed in fiery-red strapped itself to her back. Her white floor-length dress and flowy hair contradicted the skull-shaped eyepatch and black chain bracelet she had on. 


Heechul was a walking tornado. He was actually a man, who preferred his characters to be female because of their adorable appearance. They had met because during a party quest when his Mercedes was still at it’s early stages, arguing with his Chinese boyfriend who was a Mechanic. Heechul had immediately grew fond of the boy from then on. 


Donghae didn’t actually have a large group of friends on Maplestory. He preferred to do his quests by himself, and if he was forced to join a party quest, he’d stay quiet unless interacted to. His buddy list consisted of less than a dozen of players, since he was wary of adding anyone who’d take advantage of his character’s skills and high-status. 


An invitation to join Heechul’s party quest appeared on his screen right when the Wild Hunter sat down next to the youngest of the three. Donghae accepted, along with Jungsoo.



[to Party] angelteuk: hello hee c:

[to Party] Bada_: heechul! :D

[to Party] kimHEEnim: yo teukie
[to Party] kimHEEnim: HAE MY BB IVE MISSED YOU 

[to Party] Bada_: i would come sooner but ;A; school’s a bother

[to Party] angelteuk: i’m glad i finished mine

[to Party] kimHEEnim: aight guys i hav smth to tell y'all


The puppy on his lap whined softly. It opened it’s doe-like eyes before yawning. Donghae giggled as the pup stretched it’s small body before it looked at it’s master blearily.


“Bada-yah, you slept for so long,” the boy cooed at his pet. “Are you hungry?”


The white puppy named Bada lolled it’s tongue out at the mention of food. It yipped excitedly before it hopped off Donghae and onto the bedroom floor. The puppy wagged it’s short tail as it waited for its master to get off the bed. The two made their way into the kitchen, where they saw Donghwa casually stirring a pot on the stove with a spoon. He looked up when the boy and his pet trotted in.


“Dongsaeng, hungry?” Donghwa said as the younger headed into the pantry. “I’m making ramen.”


Donghae came out with the packet of dog treats. “Where’s Umma?” He asked as he fetched a tasty biscuit and hovered it over the puppy.


It barked happily and stood on it’s hind legs. Bada whined when it couldn’t reach the treat. It’s owner chuckled as he crouched down to let the puppy take the biscuit from his fingers. Donghae rubbed under Bada’s left ear as it munched on the treat happily.


“She went out to get groceries,” Donghwa replied.


Donghae stored the packet back into the pantry and got a bottle of water out of the fridge. “When is she coming back?” 


His brother shrugged. “She just left. Probably in a couple of hours.”


The younger nodded, and retreated back into his room with the water bottle. He drank as he sat back on his bed, tapping the space key on his keyboard to wake the laptop from sleep. Donghae was not prepared for what assaulted him on his Maplestory chatbox.


[to Party] angelteuk: DONGHAE WER TF R U
[to Party] kimHEEnim: teukie calm down

[to Party] angelteuk: R U SRS THO
[to Party] angelteuk: U KNO U CANT BACK OUT FROM THIS

[to Party] angelteuk: DAMMIT CHULLIE 


Donghae knew that must’ve happened to make his sophisticated and mature friend Jungsoo to start typing that way. He grabbed the laptop and placed it on his lap.


[to Party] Bada_: sorry guys
[to Party] Bada_: my pup wanted food

[to Party] angelteuk: HAE
[to Party] angelteuk: HAE

[to Party] angelteuk: HAE

[to Party] Bada_: yes yes dear lord teukie what is it
[to Party] kimHEEnim: im engaged ;)


Donghae nearly choked while gulping down the rest of the water at the statement. 


[to Party] Bada_: WHAT

[to Party] Bada_: HOW WHEN WITH WHO

[to Party] kimHEEnim: with hankyung duh

[to Party] angelteuk: are you sure about this though chullie
[to Party] angeteuk: marriage acquires a lot of responsibility and trust

[to Party] Bada_: yeah it’s different than coupling

[to Party] kimHEEnim: im very sure

[to Party] kimHEEnim: ters no 1 else id rather be with <3


The relationship Heechul and his long-time boyfriend, Hankyung, had was what one would define as wild. They argued over trivial things often, threatened to break up at least once a week, and talked about each other behind their backs. But, Donghae had never seen a connection as strong as theirs. In-game, they were unbeatable. Heechul was a whirlwind of destruction as he defeated enemies left and right on his jaguar with his fiery bow. Hankyung’s character would be right behind him, armed and ready with missiles and bullets to take down all the monsters that had escaped his boyfriend’s wrath. Even though they have been together for years (ten to be exact), it was still a surprise for Donghae and Jungsoo that they got engaged. Heechul didn’t seem the type to settle down and build a family.



[to Party] angelteuk: how about we meet up to celebrate?
[to Party] kimHEEnim: YES PLS
[to Party] Bada_: i’ll have to ask umma, but i think she’ll let me
[to Party] kimHEEnim: GREAT 

[to Party] kimHEEnim: i kno a gr8 plc 

[to Party] angelteuk: that’s what you said about the last place we hung out to
[to Party] kimHEEnim: o u kno it was amazing
[to Party] Bada_: i nearly made out with one of the strippers, heechul.
[to Party] kimHEEnim: details details
[to Party] angelteuk: i’ll pick the place. how about that mall that just opened in the itaewon area?
[to Party] kimHEEnim: kk
[to Party] Bada_: sure c:


After deciding on the time, date and what café to meet at specifically, they said their goodbyes. Heechul went to help his level 195 fiancé on his quests while Jungsoo worked on his own. The eldest of the three had only two levels to achieve until he reached level 200, and the man was very excited to finally finish his Angelic Buster’s journey. Donghae logged off his Maplestory and gently closed his laptop. 




The next morning was uneventful. Donghae met up with Sungmin and Ryeowook in front of school and they walked to their lockers to get their books. Donghae easily breezed through English, Math and Korean classes, and was on his way to the cafeteria for lunch. He was stopped by a hand on his shoulder, and he quickly turned around to see who it was.


“Hey, Donghae!” Hyukjae greeted him with the smile that had the ability to melt the love-struck idiot.


Donghae gulped. “H-Hi, Hyukjae. What d-do you need?” The boy mentally slapped himself for stuttering like a fool.


“Wanted to talk to you about the Science project,” Hyukjae replied as he started walking to the cafeteria, Donghae in tow. “I was thinking of meeting up after school to work on it.”


The younger widened in his eyes in surprise. ‘Hyukjae wants to work on the project after school? With me? Alone?! Donghae’s mind screamed as the words processed into his head. “Uh… s-sure. Where do you w-wanna m-meet?”


“Can we do it at yours? Sora, my sister, would probably appreciate it if we don’t interrupt her while she’s studying for her finals.”


“Oh, oh! Sure, of course we can,” Donghae replied.


Hyukjae smiled even wider. “Great! See you after school then!” With that, the elder waved a goodbye and went over to sit with his group of geeky friends. 


Donghae was rooted to his place. He was going to have the crush of his life in his house in a few hours. Alone. Together. In his bedroom.


When he realised what that meant, he quickly rushed off towards the darkest corner of the cafeteria to tell his friends. He planted his onto the bench next to Sungmin’s and squeezed the life out of the poor boy. Ryeowook flinched as Donghae let out a high-pitched squeal.


“Jesus christ, Donghae! What the hell?!” Sungmin cursed as he shoved the younger away to rub his abused ears. 


Ryeowook warily abandoned his lunch to examine his freaked-out friend. “You okay, Hae?”


Donghae looked at both of them with a wide grin.


“I’m getting some tonight, es!”


And the plot begins c:

See you for the next chapter!

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STMK: chapter 7 is up! the plot thickenssss


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Chapter 7: Can't believe I found a fic related to Maple Story, it used to be my favourite online game, until I grew up and had no time to play anymore...ahh, good memories indeed! I really wonder what's gonna happen when Hyukjae finds out that Donghae is the one who stole his kill XD
29548E #2
hey yr fic brought me back to the old days when i played maple story ard 2005 -2007... :)
Chapter 7: omg! i love it! this story is so cool and Donghae is adorable (~'')~
dsolya #4
Chapter 7: I starting read the story today. and i love it. can't wait the next chapter
mysterycodes #5
Chapter 7: Donghae is so cute.
Chapter 3: AHHAHAHA I love the maplestory reference
mysterycodes #7
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update.
Omg! I thought no one knows maplestory here!! But i found this hahaha. Gonna read soon >///<
Ps: do u play maple? Which world? Kkkk. Im in windia
mysterycodes #9
Chapter 5: I like this story a lot.Please update soon. :)
Just found this!
I Love, Love, Looove Maplestory!
This is a plus in my book! XD