Illuminate Me



First love.


Everyone has, or will have, a first love they will remember for eternity.

Remember their favorite food, their loving smile that you’ve committed to memory, and their name. Remember them as you are getting married, getting a job, as you are bowing after your first debut stage. Remember them in a fit of nostalgy.

The first one that moved your heart, perhaps broke it, or maybe kept it for a lifetime. I’m Bang Yongguk, and this is my story, how I came to know and love Jung Bo Ra.





Hello! The main reason I wanted to write this so quickly is ...well... I think I dissapointed you guys. My last fic was kinda twisty bendy and wrong in many ways. I would delete it but it's my first fic so...I'd like to keep it for memories sake. Anyway, before I start ranting...

This is a fic about our dear Bangyongguk hehe. I was really curious as to his first love. Like how she's like, if she liked peanut butter, or cats....  I was just sitting by a tree one day. and BAM! This is what I THINK would be Gukkie's first girl. This is going to be fairly short, and I'm thinking to make it a one shot, but...oh well. My brain just can't think of this first. Haha...

I hope you guys will like this. I'm really gonna try my best. Promise. ;__; please, if you think something's off or anything, fire away at the comment box for some free karma points. Beforehand though, thanks so much for even clicking on this story. Happy reading!


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